Fwd: 2016 IEEE ComSoc Summer School Application Open!

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: 2016 IEEE ComSoc Summer School Application Open! Datum: Fri, 05 Feb 2016 17:02:07 -0500 Von: IEEE Communications Society CommunicationsSociety@comsoc.org An: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
2016 Summer School A unique opportunity for Ph.D. Students.
View message online - Click here http://www.mmsend10.com/link.cfm?r=248908789&sid=89678624&m=12071096&u=IEEECOMSOC&j=32234916&s=http://www.magnetmail.net/actions/email_web_version.cfm?recipient_id=248908789&message_id=12071096&user_id=IEEECOMSOC&group_id=2687678&jobid=32234916.
*2016 IEEE ComSoc Summer School *
*20-23 June 2016*
*University* * of Trento, * *Trento, Italy*
*Application deadline: 26 February 2016*
Are you an IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) member or Student Member and a current Ph.D. student in communications?
Summer will soon arrive before you know it. For an out-of-this-world experience, here's a unique opportunity for you. The 2016 IEEE ComSoc Summer School http://www.mmsend10.com/link.cfm?r=248908789&sid=89678627&m=12071096&u=IEEECOMSOC&j=32234916&s=http://www.comsoc.org/summer-school?utm_source=Real%20Magnet&utm_medium=INSERT_CHANNEL&utm_campaign=INSERT_LINK_ID will be held in beautiful Trento, Italy from 20-23 June. Applications will be accepted through 26 February 2016.
The school is designed for Ph.D. students studying communications and related areas. It consists of lectures by international experts and includes poster presentations by participating Ph.D. students. The program will cover advanced and hot topics in communications.
Support will be provided for approximately 30 students based on a selective application process. Awardees will be provided with free lodging and meals for the 4 days of the event. Selected students will be responsible for their own international and local transportation needs, as well as a registration fee of 50 Euros.
Students wishing to participate should apply via the "Student Application" http://www.mmsend10.com/link.cfm?r=248908789&sid=89678628&m=12071096&u=IEEECOMSOC&j=32234916&s=http://www.comsoc.org/summer-school/application?utm_source=Real%20Magnet&utm_medium=INSERT_CHANNEL&utm_campaign=INSERT_LINK_ID instructions. In order to attend the Summer School, you will need to be an IEEE ComSoc Member or Student Member and a Ph.D. student.
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IEEE Communications Society - 17th floor, 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016
participants (1)
Lars Wolf