Fwd: [Ifip_nm] CFP: Self-Managed Systems and Services

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From: "J.P. Martin-Flatin" jp.martin-flatin@ieee.org Date: 28. Januar 2005 11:12:41 MEZ To: ifip_nm@bbcr.uwaterloo.ca Subject: [Ifip_nm] CFP: Self-Managed Systems and Services Reply-To: "J.P. Martin-Flatin" jp.martin-flatin@ieee.org
CALL FOR PAPERS ** UPDATED ** SelfMan 2005 IEEE International Workshop on Self-Managed Systems & Services Nice, France, 19 May 2005 http://madyne.loria.fr/selfman2005/ co-located with IM 2005 http://www.ieee-im.org/
As the distributed systems and services that sustain our day-to-day IT and communication infrastructures become increasingly complex, traditional solutions to manage and control them seem to have reached their limits. Researchers are thus testing alternate paradigms to organize and structure them. In recent years, self-managed systems and services have raised much interest in integrated management, distributed systems and software engineering. This interest builds on the success already encountered by self-organized and self-stabilizing systems in distributed artificial intelligence, material science, thermodynamics, etc.
During this workshop, we wish to gather people with different backgrounds to analyze and discuss the potential of self-* technologies for managing and controlling distributed systems and services. Areas of interest include self-management, self-organization, self-adaptability, self-monitoring, self-tuning, self-repair and self-configuration. For instance, workshop contributions could describe success stories in a specific field, while others could make analogies between several fields, and yet others could propose new ideas or thought-provoking solutions to old/new problems.
Topics of interest to this workshop include, but are not limited to, the following:
- self-managed distributed systems and networks
- context awareness and self-adaptation
- self-organization in P2P applications
- self-organized MANETs and sensor networks
- self-adaptive systems
- self-repairing distributed systems
- self-configured networks
- self-organized service deployment
- self-adaptive e-business services
- autonomic systems
- goals and policies for self-managed systems
- decision making in self-* systems
The structure of this workshop will encourage discussions and foster future collaborations. Attendance will be limited to 50 participants. Authors should submit 4-page position papers to jp.martin-flatin@ieee.org in PDF format. Selected papers will be available on the workshop website (no transfer of copyright). Enhanced versions of the best papers will be published in 2006 in a special issue of Communications of the ACM.
Jean-Philippe Martin-Flatin, University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada Joe Sventek, University of Glasgow, UK Kurt Geihs, University of Kassel, Germany
Program Committee:
Ozalp Babaoglu, University of Bologna, Italy Geoff Coulson, Lancaster University, UK Giovanna Di Marzo, University of Geneva, Switzerland Joe Hellerstein, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA Alexander Keller, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA Robert Laddaga, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA Gero Muehl, Technical University Berlin, Germany George Pavlou, University of Surrey, UK Jerry Rolia, HP Labs Palo Alto, USA Juergen Schoenwaelder, International University Bremen, Germany Karsten Schwan, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Morris Sloman, Imperial College Aad van Moorsel, Newcastle University, UK Robbert van Renesse, Cornell University, USA Maarten van Steen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands Ray Welland, University of Glasgow, UK
Important Dates:
Submission deadline: 15 February 2005 Notification of acceptance: 15 March 2005 Final paper due: 15 April 2005
Sponsored by:
IEEE Communications Society
In cooperation with:
Business Sponsors (Patrons):
Cisco, BT, IBM Research, HP Labs
IFIP_NM mailing list IFIP_NM@bbcr.uwaterloo.ca http://bbcr.uwaterloo.ca/mailman/listinfo/ifip_nm
participants (1)
Frank Strauß