IEEE CCNC 2010 Call for Papers

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<body> IEEE CCNC 2010 Call for Papers<br /> January 9 – 12, 2010, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA<br /><br /> <br />
IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference - the 7th annual international conference - will present the latest developments and technical solutions in the areas of home networking, consumer networking, enabling technologies, and novel applications and services.<br /> <br />
Technical Program features presentations in all areas of consumer communications and networking, including <br /> <br /> - Wireless Home Communication and Networking<br /> - Smart Spaces and Personal Area Networks for CE<br /> - Multimedia Communication and Services<br /> - Content Distribution and Peer-to-Peer Networks<br /> - Security and Content Protection for CE<br /> - Pervasive and Ambient Applications<br /> <br /> Technical paper submissions due June 1, 2009. <br /> <br /> Workshops focus on today's growing population of connected individuals and the developing strong market for integrated voice, video, and computer communications that can inter-work with entertainment devices, home security/surveillance systems, games, and home appliances, all with transparent functionality to the mobile environment. Sessions are more informal that enable interaction among the workshop attendees. Proposal submissions due April 15, 2009. </li> <br /> <br /> Tutorials complement research reports of the technical sessions by providing participants with broad and comprehensive overviews of emerging fields. Proposal submissions due September 1, 2009. </li> <br /> <br /> Demonstrations provide an exciting forum of researchers, developers, and entrepreneurs to present and discuss new applications and techniques, research demonstrations, recent research/implementation results, upcoming research challenges, practical implementations, commercial developments, and future directions. Proposal submissions due September 1, 2009. <br /> <br /> Special Sessions complement the regular technical program with emerging topics of interest in consumer communications and networking. Featured sessions include Beyond GPS, Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, IPTV, and P2P Overlay. Proposal submissions due June 1, 2009. Paper submissions due July 30, 2009. <br /> <br /> Short Papers are related to any of the conference technical topics that summarize speculative breakthroughs, work-in-progress, industry featured projects, open problems, new application challenges, visionary ideas, and preliminary studies or recent achievements that are not quite for a regular full-length paper. Paper submissions due September 1, 2009. </li> <br /> <br /> Technical Panels include, but are not limited to Home Networking; WLANs; Power Line Communications; Coax Networks; UWB; Bluetooth; Home Control, AMI; IPTV and Networking; Residential Gateways; Data Broadcasting; DRM; Device Control; UPnP, Bonjour; DLNA, IGRS; Multiplayer Networked Games; Regulatory Issues; Investments; and Other Consumer Applications. Paper submissions due September 17, 2009. <br /> <br /> For a list of potential topics and submission requirements, visit<br /> <br /> To unsubscribe from this list, please click this link <br /> </body> </html>
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