4th Workshop on Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (WMAN 2007) in conjunction with the 15th bi-annual Conference on Communication in Distributed Systems (KiVS) (German: ITG/GI - Fachtagung "Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS)")
February 26 - March 02, 2007, Bern, Switzerland http://kivs07.unibe.ch/
URL: http://wman2007.cs.bonn.edu/
General information:
Welcome to the Workshop on Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks! Based on the success of the preceding WMAN workshops of 2005, 2004 and 2002, the workshop will also be held in 2007. For the upcoming workshop, we are very happy to introduce WMAN 2007 as an event moved to an international scenery (taking place in Bern, Switzerland) and being hosted in the context of the 15th ITG/GI conference on communication in distributed systems (German: ITG/GI - Fachtagung "Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen") - see http://kivs07.unibe.ch/
Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks today are among the most active research topics in the area of mobile and wireless communication. Technical issues having sound solutions in the area of fixed networks might not be applicable to ad hoc networks. Thus, new solutions have to be found or existing ones have to be adapted to their use in ad-hoc networks. Although, the area of addressing and routing has been discussed for some time, several new solutions are being proposed. However, the issue of security in ad hoc networks is among the younger topics.
Workshop paper topics include, but are not limited to:
* Base technologies and applicability in ad-hoc networks (e.g. IEEE 802.11q/WAVE, ZigBee, ...) * Routing in ad-hoc networks * Quality-of-Service (QoS) * Automatic address configuration, access to the Internet * Security, privacy and encryption * Energy management * Localisation in ad-hoc networks * Applications and application architectures (e.g. P2P) * Software platforms/frameworks (Middleware) for mobile ad-hoc applications * Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) * Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) * Ad-hoc networks in Ubiquitous Computing Systems * Authentication, Authorization, Accounting (AAA) * Operation and managment of ad-hoc networks * Methodologies, models, and tools for analysis in ad-hoc network design * Scalability and simulation * Architectures and protocols for large ad-hoc networks * Experiences with ad-hoc networks in "real life"
Addressees of the workshop:
Goal of the WMAN workshop is to enable an effective interchange of results and ideas among researchers, users, and product developers on an international level - under the umbrella of research topics on wireless mobile ad-hoc networks.
We encourage you to submit original papers describing research results or practical solutions, as well as ongoing work or challenging new research issues in the area of ad-hoc networks.
Important dates: 15.10.2006 Submission of workshop papers (for review process) 30.11.2006 Notification of acceptance 29.12.2006 Camera ready version of accepted papers 26.02. - 02.03.2007 Conference KiVS - the exact date of the WMAN workshop is not yet fixed!
Submission of papers:
We encourage you to submit papers in english language of up to 12 pages. The papers will have to be submitted in electronic form (PDF) at latest at 15. October 2006. The workshop and all presentations will be held in English language. Authors are required to submit their papers through the EDAS web site (http://www.edas.info/) in three steps:
* Creation of a personal account on EDAS (if you are new to EDAS) * Registration of the paper (requiring a short abstract of up to 150 * words) * Upload of the paper, in PDF format only
Further details will soon be provided on the webpage.
Authors can always re-upload their manuscripts before the deadline. The new uploaded manuscript will overwrite the existing one. For help with EDAS please contact the EDAS Administrator (edas-help@edas.info).
Paper formatting information:
The workshop papers will be published in proceedings of the VDE publisher (same formatting rules as Springer in the series "Informatik aktuell").
Additional help and stylesheets can be found on the webpage.
Workshop Organisation (Points of contact):
Matthias Frank (University of Bonn, Germany) Frank Kargl (University of Ulm, Germany) Burkhard Stiller (University of Zürich and ETH Zürich, Switzerland) (E-Mail: wman2007@cs.bonn.edu)
Program Committee:
Matthias Frank (Universität Bonn) - Co-Chair Frank Kargl (Universität Ulm) - Co-Chair Burkhard Stiller (Universität Zürich und ETH Zürich) - Co-Chair
Marc Bechler (BMW Group) Torsten Braun (University of Bern) Georg Carle (University of Tübingen) Vasilios Dalargiannis (EPFL) Stefan Fischer (University of Lübeck) Hannes Hartenstein (University of Karlsruhe) Matthias Hollick (TU Darmstadt) Andreas J. Kassler (University of Karlstad) Tim Leinmüller (DaimlerChrysler) Pascal Lorenz (University of Haute Alsace) Peter Martini (University of Bonn) Martin Mauve (University of Düsseldorf) Michael Menth (University of Würzburg) Jochen Schiller (FU Berlin) Ralf Steinmetz (TU Darmstadt) Ralf Tönjes (FH Osnabrück) Kurt Tutschku (University of Würzburg) Michael Weber (University of Ulm)
participants (1)
Lars Wolf