[MMTC 8/28/2009] ICC 2010 MMTC Symp
CfP: IEEE ICC 2010 - Multimedia Services, Communication Software and Services Symposium
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Dear Colleagues:
You are cordially invited to submit your research work to IEEE ICC 2010's Symposium on
Multimedia Services, Communication Software and Service
Symposium Co-Chairs
Prof. Mohammed Atiquzzaman University of Oklahoma atiq@ou.edumailto:atiq@ou.edu
Prof. Zhu Li Hong Kong Polytechnic University zhu.lihttp://zhu.li@ieee.orghttp://ieee.org
Dr. Marcus Brunner Network Laboratories brunner@nw.neclab.eumailto:brunner@nw.neclab.eu
Scope and Motivation
Advances in computing and communication technology, rapid growth in communication infrastructure and proliferation of multimedia capable computing devices, have opened up unprecedented opportunities in the application space. In recently years, Mobile TV, IPTV, Peer to Peer Video (e.g. PPLive, PPStream), online video repositories (e.g, Youtube, Tudou), social network applications (e.g, MySpace, Mixi), and online gaming and virtual reality (e.g. 2nd Life) are becoming popular. Multimedia and especially video is becoming the dominating traffic over the network. These applications present new challenges to multimedia network architecture, management and operations, especially the resource management, mobility, and content intelligence issues. New enabling technologies and solutions are being investigated and developed in both academia and industry.
This symposium solicits relevant recent contributions with topics including but are not limited to:
1. Web Services and distributed SW technology 2. Distributed systems and applications, incl. Grid Services 3. Home Network Service Platform 4. Mobile Services and Service Platforms 5. Service Creation, Delivery, Management 6. Context Awareness and Personalization 7. Modelling and Learning in Social Networks 8. Mobile Video Service and Mobile TV 9. IPTV, Peer to Peer Content Delivery System 10. Source-Channel Coding in Multimedia Transmission 11. Multimedia Adaptation and Error Resilience 12. Network Coding and Applications in Content Delivery 13. Online Game, Internet Virtual Reality 14. Data Center Architecture and Solutions 15. Network and Service Management 16. Charging, pricing, business models
The paper submission is now open at EDAS: http://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=7587&track=7011
Zhu Li
Symposium Co-Chair IEEE ICC 2010 Symp. on Multimedia Services, Communication Software and Service
participants (1)