Fwd: [Sec at car-2-car.org] Call for Papers: ACM CCS co-located Workshop on automotive security 08.11.2013 in Berlin

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Sec at car-2-car.org] Call for Papers: ACM CCS co-located Workshop on automotive security 08.11.2013 in Berlin Datum: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 21:17:14 +0200 Von: Seudie Herve (CR/AEA3) Herve.Seudie@de.bosch.com An: sec@car-2-car.org sec@car-2-car.org, LISTSERV@LIST.ETSI.ORG LISTSERV@LIST.ETSI.ORG, ITS_WG5@LIST.ETSI.ORG ITS_WG5@LIST.ETSI.ORG
Hi all,
[Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP. Please distribute the CFP to whom may be interested!]
Call for Papers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CyCAR 2013 Workshop: First International Academic Workshop on Security, Privacy and dependability for CyberVehicles
Held in conjunction with 20th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS'13)
NOVEMBER 4-8, 2013, Berlin, Germany. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * SUBMISSION DEADLINE: JULY 1, 2013* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERVIEW ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modern automotive systems integrate a multitude of embedded hard real-time control functionalities, and a host of advanced information and entertainment (infotainment) features. They are evolved to complex computer systems that are highly connected while still having to deal with automotive constraints and requirements such as safety, reliability, dependability, quality, and complex supply chain. Especially the increasing connectivity and the recent integration of smart devices (e.g., smartphones) and cloud services as well as the emerging applications give rise to new security and privacy issues. The incentive to protect the driver, the suppliers and the car manufacturers has been generally recognized. This workshop brings together researchers and practitioners in all security related to modern and next generation automotive systems.
CyCAR workshop will be colacted with ACM CCS 2013. This workshop offers an opportunity to trigger the transfer of the accumulated knowledge by the ACM CCS community to the car industry while taking into account typical automotive constraints such as interoperability, reliability, dependability, quality, resource constraints or complex supply chain. Not only this is the first time that CCS is organized in Germany (country well known for his cars), this is also the first academic conference workshop only focusing on security and dependability for cyber vehicles. The last ARO workshop (_http://www.cybervehicle.umd.edu/_ [1]) has demonstrated that there is still a lot of security/privacy and dependability issues that need to be resolved, especially with the emergence of vehicles that are fully connected to theirs surrounding objects.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together academic and automotive industry researchers to discuss, identify and address the challenges related to achieving secure, dependable and privacy-preserving cybervehicle systems. The workshop should also represent a forum for presenting innovative ideas, discussions and interactions on security and privacy aspects related to next generation vehicles and transportation systems.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPICS OF INTEREST ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We seek original, high-quality research papers, related to security and dependability of automotive systems. In particular, contributions are solicited on, but are not limited to, the following topics:
- Security engineering, life-cycle management in the automotive and transportation domain - Security management in automotive supply chain - Design methodologies, development/validation/automation tools for secure vehicle components - Secure and dependable intra- and inter-vehicle communication - Secure theft protection mechanisms for the automotive domain - Identity management in the vehicle and transportation domain - Anonymous credentials in the automotive domain - Automotive security research challenges - Dependable and secure automotive use-cases - Architecture and implementation technologies for automotive trusted platform - Limitations, alternatives and tradeoffs regarding automotive trusted computing - Secure wireless and mobile technologies in vehicles - Secure localization and location privacy - Wireless or mobile security and privacy in transport systems - Mobile (smart) device integration in vehicles and transport systems - Intrusion detection systems for the automotive domain - Secure interaction between cloud and vehicular network - Secure software update and feature activation on car components - IP protection in vehicle components - Secure remote update - Remote attestation of automotive trusted devices - Secure hardware for low cost automotive devices - Virtualization in automotive components
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAPER SUBMISSION: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The workshop solicits two types of original papers: full papers and short/work-in-progress/position-papers. Submitted papers must be in ACM double-column format with at most 12 pages (full paper) and 6 pages (short paper), including bibliography, appendix etc. A paper submitted to this workshop must not be in parallel submission to any other journal, magazine, conference or workshop with proceedings. Each submission should be anonymous. The details about the CyCAR 2013 workshop and paper submission are available at the workshop website:
_http://cycar.trust.cased.de/_ [2]
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT DATES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Manuscript submission: July 1, 2013 Acceptance notification: August 15, 2013 Final Manuscript due: August 30, 2013 Workshop: November 4-8, 2013 ---
Kind regards,
The workshop co-organizers:
Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi (Intel CRISC & TU Darmstadt, Germany) Cliff Wang (Army Research Office, USA) Hervé Seudie (Robert Bosch GmbH) Farinaz Koushanfar (Rice University, USA) Albert Held (Daimler AG, Germany)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards
*Hervé Seudié *
Robert Bosch GmbH Corporate Research - Embedded Security (CR/AEA3) Postfach 30 02 40 70442 Stuttgart GERMANY _www.bosch.com_ http://www.bosch.com
Tel. 0711/811-1276 _herve.seudie@de.bosch.com_ mailto:herve.seudie@de.bosch.com
Sitz: Stuttgart, Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart, HRB 14000; Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Hermann Scholl; Geschäftsführung: Franz Fehrenbach, Siegfried Dais; Bernd Bohr, Rudolf Colm, Volkmar Denner, Wolfgang Malchow, Peter Marks, Peter Tyroller; Stefan Asenkerschbaumer, Uwe Raschke, Wolf-Henning Scheider
participants (1)
Lars Wolf