Fwd: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] Call for Papers: The First IEEE Internet-of-Things Symposium, Netherlands, Oct 8-9, 2015

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] Call for Papers: The First IEEE Internet-of-Things Symposium, Netherlands, Oct 8-9, 2015 Datum: Wed, 8 Apr 2015 09:36:03 -0400 Von: Habib Ammari hammari@UMICH.EDU Antwort an: Habib Ammari hammari@UMICH.EDU An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
Call for papers
The First IEEE Internet-of-Things Symposium ( IoT ) ================================================== Oct 8-9, 2015, Netherlands The IEEE IoT Symposium is organized as a part of the Embedded Systems Week 2015
The Internet of Things (IoT) promises to revolutionize fields ranging from health care to manufacturing to personal living by connecting the Internet to physical things. Embedded computing and VLSI are central to the achievement of the IoT vision - advanced computation and communication must be delivered at extremely low energy levels and manufacturing costs. The IoT Symposium is devoted to research on advanced IoT systems.
The IoT symposium will be a part of Embedded System week, and will provide a forum for researchers, from academia and industry, to present and discuss innovative ideas and solutions related to all facets of internet-of-things.
Topics of interest at IoT Symposium include but not limited to:
- VLSI Systems Track: ultra low energy systems, integrated sensors, 3D, platform architectures. - Networking and Communications Track: Physical layer, protocols, network management. - Algorithms and Infrastructures Track: Distributed and cloud computing, big data methods, heterogeneous sensors, sensor fusion, standards, design methodologies. - Security and Privacy Track: Low-energy encryption, authentication, hardware security, privacy management. - Applications Track: Industrial control, logistics, smart homes, smart cities, office management, smart vehicles and fleets. - Ultra-low Energy System Track: Energy harvesting, hybrid energy systems, storage-less energy systems *Organization: **Program Chairs:*
Marilyn Wolf (Georgia Tech), Jason Xue (City University of Hong Kong)
*Track Chairs: *- VLSI Systems Track Chair: Yuan Xie, UCSB - Security and Privacy: Dimitrios Serpanos, Qatar Institute - Ultra-Low Energy Systems: Hyung Guy Lee, Daegu University - Networking and Communications: Jiang Xu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - Algorithms and Infrastructures: Vijay Raghunathan, Purdue University - Applications: Li Shang, University of Colorado
*Publicity Chairs:*
Habib M. Ammari, University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA
Dip Goswami, Eindhoven University of Technology
Yongpan Liu, Tsinghua University *Submission Information: * - Papers must represent original work, not published or submitted for publication in other forums. - A double-blind review process will be enforced. Authors must not reveal their identity directly or indirectly. - Papers must be in PDF format, not exceeding 6 pages in ACM two-column format (9pt on 8.5"x11" letter size paper). For formatting instructions and templates, visit the ACM web site. Of note, 10 pages is an upper limit. Authors are encouraged to submit shorter papers if this better fits the nature and content of the paper. - Formal proceedings will be published in the symposium electronic proceedings and included in the IEEE Digital Library. Any questions regarding the submission process may be directed to the TPC Co-Chairs. *Important Dates: * Jun 29, 2015: Abstract deadline Aug 3, 2015: Acceptance notification Sep 1, 2015: Final version due Oct 8-9: Symposium
Best Regards,
Habib M. Ammari
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Habib M. Ammari, Associate Professor Office: 129 CIS Building Founding Director, WiSeMAN Research Lab WiSeMAN: 132 CIS Building Department of Computer and Information Science Phone: (313) 593-5239 College of Engineering and Computer Science Fax: (313) 593-4256 University of Michigan-Dearborn Email: hammari@umd.umich.edu Dearborn, Michigan 48128 Home page: http://www-personal.engin.umd.umich.edu/~hammari/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/
participants (1)
Lars Wolf