Fwd: [IEEE MASS 2014] MASS 2014: Extended Abstract and Paper Deadlines!
-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [IEEE MASS 2014] MASS 2014: Extended Abstract and Paper Deadlines! Datum: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 06:20:35 -0400 Von: IEEE MASS 2014 ieeemass2014-chairs@edas.info An: Lars C Wolf wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
Dear Colleagues, It is my pleasure to let you know that the abstract and paper submission deadline for MASS 2014 have been extended as follows:
Abstract submission: April 25, 23:59 US Pacific Time (GMT-7) Paper submission: May 2nd, 23:59 US Pacific Time (GMT-7)
We hope that you find the new deadline more convenient and that you may be able to send your work to MASS 2014! The conference will take place October 28-30th, in Philadelphia, PA, USA.
The website: mass2014.eecs.utk.edu/ will be updated to reflect the new deadline shortly.
Thank you very much. Sincerely,
Tarek Abdelzaher Program Chair. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf