[Fwd: IEEE SECON 2008: Call for Papers]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: IEEE SECON 2008: Call for Papers Datum: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 17:31:47 -0400 Von: Meetings@comsocconferences.org Antwort an: Meetings@comsocconferences.org An: Conferencesx@comsocconferences.org
*Call for Papers
*Fifth Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad hoc Communications and Networks (IEEE SECON 2008) Merged with IEEE International Workshop on Wireless Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (IWWAN) *16-20 June 2008, San Francisco, California, USA
*Important Dates*: Registration Deadline: December 4, 2007 Submission Deadline: December 11, 2007 Acceptance Notification: March 14, 2008 Camera Ready: April 4, 2008 (Midnight Eastern Standard Time)
For details and to submit a paper, visit: *http://www.ieee-secon.org
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf