[Tccc] Call for Participation, SIMUTools 2008
Dear colleagues,
Please find attached the call for participation for SIMUTools 2008. Early registration deadline is *January 31, 2008*.
My sincere apologies for cross-posting.
Thomas Watteyne.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIMUTools 2008 First International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques for Communications, Networks and Systems
March 3-7, 2008, Marseille, France http://www.simutools.org
early registration deadline is *January 31, 2008* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CALL FOR PARTICIPATION (pdf version: http://www.simutools.org/docs/CallForParticipation.pdf)
Simulation software has a prominent place in the set of tools and techniques used to study communications, networks, and systems.
The first aim of SIMUTools 2008 is to provide a meeting place for researchers and professionals who want to exchange and share their latest contributions to the design and improvement of techniques and tools in this rapidly evolving technology.
The second aim of the conference is to give a prominent place to inter-domain approaches and actively support and promote valuable contributions to the general field of Simulation Engineering.
--------------- Conference Program ---------------
The detailed technical program is available at http://www.simutools.org/. The conference features the following keynote speakers: - Thomas R. Henderson (The Boeing Company, and Electrical Engineering at the University of Washington) - Richard M. Fujimoto (Parallel and Distributed Simulation, College of Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology) - Bernard P. Zeigler (Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Arizona, Tucson, and Arizona Center for Integrative Modeling and Simulation)
--------------- Industry Track ---------------
SimulationWorks is the industry track of the conference; it promotes results that have been applied or have a potential application in an industrial field.
The industry track features a keynote presentation by Richard Black (Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK). More information can be found at http://www.simulationworks.org/.
--------------- Related Workshops ---------------
Four workshops will be held in conjunction with SIMUTools 2008: - QoSim: 1st International Workshop on the Evaluation of Quality of Service through Simulation in the Future Internet (www.qosim.org) - PNTAP: International Workshop on Petri Nets Tools and Applications (www.pntap.org) - OMNeT++: 1st International Workshop on OMNeT++ (www.omnet-workshop.org) - NCM&S: Workshop on Net-Centric Modeling & Simulation (osa.inria.fr/NCMS)
--------------- Venue and Accomodation --------------- SIMUTools 2008 will take place in the Mercure Marseille Beauvau Vieux Port Hotel. Located in the centre of Marseille, it overlooks the Canebiere and the Vieux Port. It is the oldest in Marseille, but has been completely restored keeping its old-world charm with antique furnishings and Provencal style and decor.
To register for the hotel, use the hotel registration form available on our website, with the code "ICST" when registering. Register before January 31, 2008 for the reduced Conference room price.
--------------- Registration ---------------
The early registration deadline is *January 31, 2008*. Reduced registration fees are available for students and members of ICST, CREATE-NET, ACM and INRIA. Joint registration to SIMUTOOLS and one or more related workshops is also possible for a reduced fee.
---------------------- Organization Committee ----------------------
Steering Committee Chair, Imrich Chlamtac (Create-Net, Italy) Co-Chair, John Heath (University of So Maine, USA)
General Chairs Sándor Molnár (Budapest Univ. of Technology and Economics, Hungary) John Heath (Univ. of So Maine, USA)
Technical Program Chairs Olivier Dalle (Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, CNRS & INRIA, France) Gabriel A. Wainer (Carleton Univ., Canada)
Industry Track Chairs Bozidar Radunovic (Microsoft Research Ltd., United Kingdom) Herb Schwetman (Sun Microsystems Laboratories)
Finance Chair Karen Decker (ICST)
Local Chair Claudia Frydman (LSIS - Univ. Aix-Marseille, France)
Workshops Chairs Kejie Lu (Univ. of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, Puerto Rico) Hua Zhu (San Diego Research Center, USA)
Local Workshop Chair Joanna Moulierac (Univ. de Nice Sophia Antipolis, CNRS & INRIA, France)
Publication Chair Tricha Anjali (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA)
Publicity Chair Thomas Watteyne (INRIA, France Telecom R&D, France)
Conference Organization Chair Tibor Kovács (ICST)
Technical Program Committee A. D'Ambrogio (Univ. Roma "Tor Vergata", Italy) F. Barros (Univ. of Coimbra, Portugal) J-P. Briot (LIP6, Paris, France) A. Bruzzone (Univ. of Genoa, Italy) F. Cappello (INRIA Futurs & LRI, Orsay, France) C. Casetti (Politecnico di Torino, Italy) C. Christoffersen (Lakehead Univ., Canada) M. Debbah (SUPELEC, Gif-Sur-Yvette, France) B. Espinasse (LSIS, Marseille, France) S. Floyd (ICIR, Berkeley, USA) J-M. Garcia (QoSDesign, France) N. Giambiasi (LSIS, Marseille, France) E. Gokturk (Univ. of Oslo, Norway) T. Henderson (Boeing Phantom Works & Univ. of Washington, USA) D. R.C. Hill (ISIMA, Aubière, France) D. Hong (N2NSoft, France) K. Jensen (Univ. of Aarhus, Denmark) T. Jimenez (Univ. of Avignon, France) H. Karatza (Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki, Greece) T. G. Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) E. Kofman (Univ. Nacional de Rosario, Argentina) M. Lacage (INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France) P. L'Ecuyer (Univ. of Montreal, Canada) Z. Liu (IBM Watson Research Center, USA) C-H. Lung (Carleton Univ., Canada) P. J. Mosterman (The MathWorks, Inc., Natick, USA) I. Nikolaidis (Univ. of Alberta, Canada) R. Puigjaner (Univ. de les Illes Balears, Spain) M. Quinson (Univ. Henry Poincaré & Loria, Nancy, France) G. F. Riley (Georgia Tech Institute, USA) R. Szabó (Budapest Univ. of Technology and Economics, Hungary) D. Tutsch (Technische Univ. Berlin, Germany) A. Uhrmacher (Univ. of Rostock, Germany) J. Garcia Villalba (Complutense Univ. of Madrid, Spain) J-M. Vincent (ENSIMAG, Grenoble, France) C. Williamson (Univ. of Calgary, Canada) B. P. Zeigler (Arizona Center for Integrative Modeling and Simulation, USA)
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