Fwd: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] Communications Magazine Special Issue on IoT -- Deadline Extended to 26 June 2016--

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] Communications Magazine Special Issue on IoT -- Deadline Extended to 26 June 2016-- Datum: Mon, 13 Jun 2016 09:25:22 +0200 Von: Verikoukis Christos cveri@CTTC.ES Antwort an: Verikoukis Christos cveri@CTTC.ES An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
IEEE Communications Magazine Special Issue on Internet of Things (IoT)
--- NEW Submission Deadline: June 26, 2016 ---
Internet of Things is seen as a set of vertical application domains that share a limited number of common basic functionalities (such as communications and networking protocols and operating systems APIs). In this view, consumer centric solutions, platforms, data management, and business models have to be developed and consolidated in order to deploy effective solutions in the specific fields. The availability of low cost general purpose processing and storage systems with sensing/actuation capabilities (now available also to prosumers) coupled with communication capabilities are broadening the possibilities of IoT leading to open systems that will be highly programmable, virtualized and will support large numbers of APIs. Internet of Things emerges as a set of integrated technologies new exciting solutions and services that are set to change the way people live, produce goods. Internet of Things is rewarded by many as a fruitful technological sector in order to generate revenues. IoT covers a large wealth of consumer centric technologies (from sensors to communications up to software platforms) and it is applicable to an even larger set of application domains (from manufacturing to e-health, from logistics to automotive). Innovation will be nurtured and driven by the possibilities offered by the combination of increased technological capabilities, new business models and the rise of new ecosystems. IoT will be characterized by a few enablers:
* Sensors, actuators and new consumer devices.
* New Communication capabilities (from short range to LPWAN to 4G and 5G networks, with NB-IoT). In addition, new communication protocols and the exploitation of NFV/SDN for better communications.
* Data management and Big Data analysis to deal with large data sets and streams generated by IoT systems.
* New solutions for large distributed systems (e.g., combination of Cloud, Grid and Edge/Fog Computing).
* Cognitive systems. Large IoT systems will be more and more complex, and as such they will require new cognitive techniques in order to be effective.
* Platform programmability. APIs and other means for supporting the programmability of IoT systems in order to enable the exploitation of programmable features made available.
* New Business models and ecosystems. What is the value of IoT systems, what ecosystems support it, how to monetize IoT.
* Consumer centric aspects including IoT application development, utilization of semantics and security, privacy, trust.
This proposed Feature Topic (FT) issue will gather articles from a wide range of perspectives in different industrial and research communities of IoT. The primary FT goals are to advance the understanding of the challenges faced in IoT communications, networking, distributed processing, new signal processing capabilities, software platforms and end – users devices over the next decade, and provide further awareness in the IoT research communities on these challenges, thus fostering future investigation. In addition a perspective on the business possibilities of IoT are of interest in order to enable and deploy the foreseen technical solutions. Original research papers are to be solicited in topics including, but not limited to, the following themes:
* Existing and future communication architectures and technologies for large IoT systems
* Existing and future use cases and deployment of large IoT systems
* Design and evaluation of large IoT test beds, prototypes, and platforms for consumer centric IoT application development and deployment
* Identification of viable business models and related ecosystems
* Solution and services supported by consumer devices
* Security, Privacy and interworking issues for cooperative IoT operations
* Interfaces, cross-platform communication and programmability for IoT systems
* Autonomics mechanisms for QoS and performance evaluation for IoT solutions
* Game-theoretic and control-theoretic mechanisms for IoT resource allocation and management
* Integrating 4G and 5G wireless technologies into IoT communications and Platforms
* Integration of cognitive techniques with IoT systems
* Energy-efficient communications considering opportunistic policies for large IoT systems
* Big data and data analytics solutions for IoT systems
* Comparison and improvement of IoT communication protocols
* Novel distributed techniques (e.g., Edge/Fog computing)
* New sensing and actuation capabilities and devices and their applicability
Submission Deadline: June 26, 2016
Notification Due Date: August 15, 2016
Final Version Due Date: September 15, 2016
Feature Topic Publication Date: December, 2016
Roberto Minerva
TIM Lab, Italy
Mohsen Guizani
University of Idaho, USA
Christos Verikoukis
CTTC, Spain
Hausi Muller
University of Victoria, Canada
Soumya Kanti Datta
Yen-Kuang Chen
Articles should be tutorial in nature, with the intended audience being all members of the IoT research community. They should be written in a style comprehensible to readers outside the specialty of the article. Mathematical equations should not be used (in justified cases up to three simple equations are allowed). Articles should not exceed 4500 words (from introduction through conclusions). Figures and tables should be limited to a combined total of six. The number of references is recommended not to exceed 15. In some rare cases, more mathematical equations, figures, and tables may be allowed if well-justified. In general, however, mathematics should be avoided; instead, references to papers containing the relevant mathematics should be provided. Complete guidelines for preparation of the manuscripts are posted at http://www.comsoc.org/commag/paper-submission-guidelines. Please send a pdf (preferred) or MSWORD formatted paper via Manuscript Central (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/commag-ieee). Register or log in, and go to Author Center. Follow the instructions there. Select "December 2016 / IoT" as the Feature Topic category for your submission.
Christos Verikoukis, Ph.D.
Fellow Researcher
Telecommunications Technological Centre of Catalonia
Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss 7
08860 Castelldefels
participants (1)
Lars Wolf