Fwd: [Tccc] ACM CoRoNet 2010 CFP

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] ACM CoRoNet 2010 CFP Datum: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 15:50:35 -0700 Von: Przemysław Pawełczak p.pawelczak@tudelft.nl An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu, tccn@comsoc.org, sigmobile-members@acm.org, mobicom@acm.org, mobisys@acm.org CC: Thomas Moscibroda moscitho@microsoft.com, "Sachin Katti (skatti@stanford.edu)" skatti@stanford.edu, Ranveer Chandra ranveer@microsoft.com, Qing Zhao qzhao@ece.ucdavis.edu
Call for Papers
The Second ACM SIGMOBILE Workshop on Cognitive Wireless Networking (CoRoNet 2010) http://www.acm-coronet.org
In Conjunction with MobiCom 2010, Chicago
Important Dates ------------------- Paper submission deadline: May 28, 2010 Notification of acceptance: July 5, 2010
Overview ===========
Spurred by recent advances in software defined radios and cognitive radios, cognitive wireless networking has emerged as a promising approach to address several challenges affecting the networks of today, including spectrum efficiency, interference management, coexistence and interoperability. Cognitive networks are agile and adaptive to users' demand and characteristics of the wireless medium. Wireless devices in cognitive networks are capable of learning and predicting the state and behavior of coexisting network components and adversary devices, and capable of dynamically sharing the spectrum and computational resources in temporal, spatial, and frequency domains.
Scope ========
Original papers describing both experimental and theoretical results in cognitive networking are solicited. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Models and fundamental limits of cognitive networking. - Connectivity, capacity, and scalability of heterogeneous systems via cognitive networking. - Impact of traffic pattern, topology, mobility, and interference tolerance on cognitive networking. - Statistical inference and cognition from measurements that are inaccurate, incomplete, inconsistent, and delayed. - Sensing and feedback mechanism in cognitive networking and the associated cost. - Cognitive MAC, multicast, and routing protocols for heterogeneous networks with highly dynamic topology. - Transient behavior and stability analysis in cognitive networking. - Security and robustness issues in cognitive networking. - Cognitive spectrum sharing, coexistence, and interoperability. - Auction and pricing models for dynamic spectrum sharing. - Cognitive radio test-beds and hardware prototypes. - White Space networking, policy issues
Paper Submission ===================
Workshop on Cognitive Networking invites manuscripts that present original materials not previously published in, or currently under review by, other conferences, workshops, or journals. Submissions will be handled electronically through HotCRP. Papers must be in PDF format, no longer than 6 pages using the ACM SIG Proceedings templates.
Paper submission deadline: May 28, 2010 Notification of acceptance: July 5, 2010 Camera-ready papers due: July 14, 2010 Workshop: September, 2010
Organization ===============
PC Co-Chairs: Sachin Katti, Stanford Thomas Moscibroda, MSR Redmond
Steering Committee: Ranveer Chandra, MSR Redmond Qing Zhao, UC Davis
Publicity Chair: Przemyslaw Pawelczak, UCLA
Web Chair: Jung Il Choi, Stanford
Technical Program Committee: To be announced _______________________________________________ Tccc mailing list Tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu https://lists.cs.columbia.edu/cucslists/listinfo/tccc
participants (1)
Lars Wolf