[Tccc] [COMPLEX'2009] CFP JOSED 2009 Shanghai in February

Call for Papers
First International Workshop on Job and Service Delegation in Complex Networks (JOSED'2009)
held in conjunction with
The First International Conference on Complex Sciences: Theory and Applications (COMPLEX'2009)
February 26, 2009 - Shanghai, China
http://josed.org/ http://josed.org/%C2%A0
Theme ---------- Job and service delegation are well-known areas of interest in organizational fields such as task scheduling and workflow management. However, delegation models in these areas suffer from incomplete understanding, because research in such fields has generally dealt with relatively simple network settings. As we revisit Conway's Law, we find evidence of important interplays between communication, organization and product design structures. The possible combination of several networks into a single complex network brings new cross-cutting concerns. Therefore, research issues and solutions may be gathered and tried from diverse fields such as ad hoc networks, workflow management, artificial intelligence, collaborative software development, CSCW, etc. This workshop provides a forum for exchanging problems, methods, models, and insights about delegation in complex networks. It aims at bringing together researchers in the areas of social networks, communication networks and product design in search for common understanding of the subject of delegation in complex networks.
Original papers addressing applications, scenarios, models, methods, and architecture are solicited. Papers that bring out interesting and novel ideas at an early stage are favored over highly-polish journal-style results. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
-Scenarios and applications for labor markets, people migration, collaborative software development, ad hoc networks, sensor networks, grid computing (machine-performed), etc. -Management of delegation in complex network systems -Workflow management systems for complex networks -Dependency structure matrix (DSM) -Network organisations, organization of systems, Conway Law -Delegation models based on incentives/financing (pay-for-performance and cooperation) -Characteristics of complex networks that affect job and service delegation -Problems such as race-conditions, decision under uncertainty, resource allocation -Network clustering, peer-to-peer-approaches (p2p), self-organization -Network metrics for delegation -Delegation optimization -Graph construction models (geometric random graph, unit disk, continuum percolation, etc.) -Information exchange approaches -Computation for decision making (Peer-selection, Breakdown of Jobs and Services) -Decomposition and composition of services -Network state fusion, data-fusion and data-aggregation -Models and algorithms for fault-tolerant networks -Ubiquitous communication support for delegate networking -Services and algorithms that support delegating -Searching and navigating in complex delegation networks -Localized, distributed and centralized algorithm -Topology control -Distributed architectures for delegation (publish-subscribe, pipeline, blackboard, representational state transfer, etc) -Network clustering, peer-to-peer-approaches (p2p), self-organization -Patterns of delegation -Methods of artificial intelligent related to delegation networks -Overlay networks -Agent-based approaches for delegation
We encourage researchers from industry and academia to submit their original contributions to JOSED'09.
Important Dates ----------------------- Submission deadline: 22.11.2008 Acceptance notification: 16.12.2008 Camera-ready paper: 30.12.2008 Workshop: 26.02.2009
Reviewing Process --------------------------- All submitted papers will be judged based on their quality through peer reviewing, where TPC members referee the papers and hold a TPC meeting to determine the set of accepted papers.
Indexing ------------ The authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their paper will be presented at the workshop. At least one author of each accepted paper must be registered for the workshop in order for that paper to appear in the proceedings and to be scheduled for presentation.
The papers will be published as a part of the Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (LNICST) series of Springer and included into the main conference proceedings.
Submission Guidelines --------------------------------- Authors are asked to submit PDF files of their full paper (all fonts should be embedded into the PDF file). Papers should not exceed 10 pages in LNICST format.
Please visit the Submission page for detailed submission requirements and procedures (http://www.complex-sys.org/ ).
Finally, in order to submit your paper use this link (Paper Submission for JOSED http://www.icst.org:8080/cocus/login/loadConferenceDetails.do?id=335 ).
Program Chairs ---------------------- Matthias R. Brust, Technological Institute of Aeronautics, Brazil Christian M. Adriano, Technological Institute of Aeronautics, Brazil Carlos H.C. Ribeiro, Technological Institute of Aeronautics, Brazil
Program Committee Members ------------------------------------------- Hannes Frey, University of Paderborn, Germany Steffen Rothkugel, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Pascal Bouvry, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Teresa L. Larkin, American University, USA Luc Hogie, Institut National de Recherches en Informatique et Automatique, France Carlos H.Q. Forster, Technological Institute of Aeronautics, Brazil Daniel Görgen, Philips Research Eindhoven, Netherlands Kamalavasan Srinivasan, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA Regina B. Araujo, Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil Jaruwan Mesit, University of Central Florida, USA Gregoire Danoy, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Roberto Silveira Silva Filho, University of California at Irvine, USA Adrian Andronache, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Abeer Hamdy Bashta, Electronics Research Institute, Egypt
participants (1)
Matthias R. Brust