Fwd: [Tccc] [CFP] Journal Special Issue on Performance Modeling and Simulation for Future Mobile Networks

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] [CFP] Journal Special Issue on Performance Modeling and Simulation for Future Mobile Networks Von: "Jong-Hyouk Lee" jonghyouk@gmail.com An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu CC: joshua@bible.ac.kr
=== Special Issue on Performance Modeling and Simulation for Future Mobile Networks === === Mathematical and Computer Modelling (MCM), Elsevier, ISSN: 0895-7177 ===
Over the past decade, mobile network technologies influenced and changed the quality of life. Meanwhile, the explosive growth of data traffic for the current and emerging user services creates a number of issues in mobile networks. Especially, mobility protocols, architectures, and application services have posed various challenges to both academic and industry people. In particular, the key challenges for improving efficiency, scalability and reliability are the development of performance modeling methods and the accurate measurement of performance of deployed mobile networks. These challenges motivate us to design and develop new protocols, architectures, and services for future mobile networks. Research results in analytical, simulation, and experimental approaches on performance modeling and simulation studies for future mobile networks are welcome.
This special issue is intended to disseminate the latest research results of performance modeling and simulation for future mobile networks. Especially, this special issue will not only focus on performance modeling and simulation issues of mobility protocols and architectures, but also address performance modeling and simulation issues of mobility application services. Accordingly, this special issue will bring together the industry and academic people working on mobile networks and highlight future directions in this area.
Main Topics of this Special Issue: *Performance modeling and simulation of sensor, human, and vehicle mobilities *Performance modeling and simulation of mobility protocols, e.g., MIPv6, FMIPv6, HMIPv6, PMIPv6, and Shim6 *Performance modeling and simulation of mobility architectures, e.g., hierarchical and flat architectures *Performance modeling and simulation of mobility application services, e.g., mobile social networking and mobile games *Performance modeling and simulation of location management and handover *Performance modeling and simulation of bandwidth allocation and resource scheduler *Performance modeling and simulation of mobile traffic *Performance modeling and simulation of security protocol and access control management
Submission Guidelines: Prospective authors are invited to submit their complete manuscripts electronically through the online submission system of Mathematical and Computer Modelling (MCM) at http://ees.elsevier.com/mcm/. The authors must carefully follow the author guidelines at http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/623/authorinstr.... When submitting the manuscripts, the authors should make sure to choose “SI: Future Mobile Networks” in the online submission system.
Schedule: *Manuscript Due: 1 August, 2011 *First Round of Review Notification: 15 October, 2011 *Revised Manuscript Submission: 30 November, 2011 *Final Notification: 20 December, 2011 *Publication Date: TBD
Guest Editors: *Dr. Jong-Hyouk Lee, INRIA, France *Prof. Hae-Duck Joshua Jeong, Korean Bible University, Korea *Prof. Roksana Boreli, NICTA and University of NSW, Australia *Prof. Krzysztof Pawlikowski, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
participants (1)
Lars Wolf