-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] CFP ACM SIGCOMM CoNEXT'14 Datum: Mon, 12 May 2014 13:33:07 +0200 Von: Emmanuel Lochin emmanuel.lochin@ISAE.FR Antwort an: Emmanuel Lochin emmanuel.lochin@ISAE.FR An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
Call for papers
The ACM SIGCOMM CoNEXT conference travels to another continent to complete its first decade as one of the major forums for presentations and discussions of novel computing technologies that will shape the future of Internetworking. The goal of the conference is to foster technical interactions among members of computer and communication networks research at large through a single track program promoting their most promising works.
This new installment of the conference is proudly committed to the three values that made the conference successful for nearly ten years: Recognizing farsighted excellence, by selectively choosing papers with substantial novelty and research contribution. Promoting a broad definition of networking research, by welcoming submissions based on implementation and experimentation as well as theoretical analysis. Assuring authors of submitted papers a fair and thorough review process, with sound and detailed feedback guaranteed to each submissions in proportion of its scientific merit and potential.
The Program Committee of ACM CoNEXT seeks papers presenting significant and novel research results on emerging computer and communication networks. We especially encour- age submissions that present novel experimentation, creative use of networking technologies and new insights made possible using analysis or computing concepts rarely found among networking researchers.
We invite submissions on a wide range of networking research including :
* Networking aspects of mobile, wireless and ubiquitous computing * Networking aspects of operating systems and virtualization architectures * Network control and management, including datacenter, enterprise and SDN * Security and privacy aspects of computer networks and protocols * Theory and performance analysis of networking architectures and applications * Novel application of other fields to computer networking
We are open to other contributions that stretch networking research outside of these topics, present new emerging computing trends and potentially involve unfamiliar techniques. We invite the authors to bear in mind that the main factor of interest for their work will be the implications of their results in networking. These should be clearly substantiated and explained.
Authors must submit their papers electronically, following the guidelines available on the ACM SIGCOMM CoNEXT web page.
The committee encourages substantiated results with a succinct presentation. All papers will be part of a single track. More details will be provided on the format of the papers closer to the submission date.
The selection of presentations will be based on peer-review by program committee members. This year, in an effort to inform judgment on the selection of presented papers, the PC will organize a rolling early feedback phase. During that time, and before review are completed, PC members are able to request authors for clarifications, typically on assumptions made and results obtained. Authors of submitted papers who receive such a request have the non mandatory option to answer that request within a week. We encourage this interaction espe- cially to give a chance to a minority of "controversial" papers that could be of special interest to our community, but raises important concerns that need to be addressed.
The proceedings of the conference will be published by the ACM.
Important dates
Paper Registration June 8, 2014 (16:59 PDT) Paper Submission June 15, 2014 (16:59 PDT) Notification of Acceptance August 25, 2014 Conference December 2-5, 2014
participants (1)
Lars Wolf