[Fwd: [Tccc] CFP - Network Convergence: Realizing a Dream, or a Nightmare?]

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [Tccc] CFP - Network Convergence: Realizing a Dream, or a Nightmare? Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2003 13:45:06 -0800 From: Samir Chatterjee samir.chatterjee@cgu.edu To: 'tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu' tccc@cs.columbia.edu
Information Systems Frontiers Journal - Special Issue
“Network Convergence: Realizing a Dream, or a Nightmare?”
Introduction of digital technologies, telecommunications deregulation and significant advances in broadband networking are fueling convergence of the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), PC-based enterprise data networks and the Internet. Only a few years ago, computing, telecommunications, broadcasting and media were separate industries each following distinct business models and building on technologies that had little overlap. Today the Internet Protocol (IP) is clearly becoming a common global packet-platform over which several new and exciting applications and services can be offered. The rapid emergence of “converged networks” is already having far reaching impact on business processes. As the Internet continues to evolve into a critical global infrastructure, there is a clear need to understand the technical, economic and regulatory issues posed by convergence, before it can be used effectively for competitive advantage.
This special issue of Information Systems Frontiers (http://www.som.buffalo.edu/isinterface/ISFrontiers/) seeks papers that address different aspects of the phenomenon of network convergence, including technology, strategy and policy. Theoretical and simulation models, case studies documenting field deployment of convergence technologies are all welcome.
Topics include but are not limited to:
Impact of newer edge-devices on demand for converged services.
Security and privacy concerns in converged networks.
Regulatory issues associated with deploying Voice over IP
Impact of convergence on network management costs
Quality of service issues in converged networks
impact of network convergence on business value chain
SIP, signaling, NAT/Firewall problems and solutions
Large-scale video-conferencing and federated security models, implementation
Planning methods to migrate towards a converged enterprise infrastructure
Impact of converged networks on knowledge management and sharing
Relationship between ICT technologies and knowledge workers
Impact of competing broadband access technologies on rollout of converged services
Impact of converged networks on collaborative activities
QoS-enabled pricing strategies
Reorganizing business structures to leverage convergence
Manuscripts due: January 30 2003
Initial acceptance notification: April 15, 2003
Revised manuscripts due: May 15, 2003
Final Manuscripts due: June 1, 2003
Scheduled publication date December 2003
Manuscripts may be submitted electronically as Word or PDF documents to any one of the guest editors:
Samir Chatterjee Amitava Dutta
Associate Professor Eakin Endowed Chair in E-Commerce
School of Information Science School of Management
Claremont Graduate University George Mason University
Claremont, CA 91711 Fairfax, Virginia 22030
(909) 607-4651 (703) 993-1779
FAX : (909) 621-8564 FAX : (703) 993-1809
e-mail : samir.chatterjee@cgu.edu e-mail: adutta@som.gmu.edu
Vinay B. Chandhok
Director, Program Management
Nortel Networks
4000 Veterans Memorial Hwy.
Bohemia, NY 11716
(631) 285 2843
e-mail vchandho@nortelnetworks.com
participants (1)
Lars Wolf