Fwd: DEADLINE EXTENSION - CFP: 49th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN)

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: DEADLINE EXTENSION - CFP: 49th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN) Datum: Thu, 02 May 2024 22:25:52 +0800 Von: publicity--- via IEEE_LCN_Info ieee_lcn_info@lists.iai.uni-bonn.de Antwort an: publicity@ieeelcn.org An: ieee_lcn_info@lists.iai.uni-bonn.de
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================ Call For Papers ===================== 49th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks
Caen, Normandy, France October 8-10, 2024 www.ieeelcn.org ======================================================
*** Important dates ***
Paper registration: May 3, 2024 Paper submission: May 3, 2024 Notifications: June 28, 2024 Camera ready: July 25, 2024
The IEEE LCN conference is the premier conference on the leading edge of theoretical and practical aspects of computer networking. LCN is a highly interactive conference that enables an effective exchange of results and ideas among researchers, users, and product developers. For the past 48 years, major developments from AI-enabled high-speed networking to application-focused IoT networks and trending areas like quantum networking have been reported at this conference. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Adaptive networking applications - AI-enabled networking - Big Data Networking - Cloud computing and networking - Cognitive radio networks - Cross-layer optimization - Cyber-physical systems - Data center networking - Decentralized Systems and Blockchain Networks - Delay-tolerant networks - E-Health networking - Embedded networks - Green networking - Information-centric networking - Internet of Things - Local area networks - Machine-to-machine communications for smart environments - Mobile and ubiquitous networking - Mobility and Location-dependent services - Multimedia and real-time communication - Network coding - Network management, reliability and QoS - Network Security and privacy - Network traffic characterization and measurements - Opportunistic networking - Optical and high-speed access networks - Overlay and peer-to-peer networks - Performance evaluation of networks - Personal and wearable networks - Quantum communication and networking - Routing and transport protocols - Satellite communication and networks - Smart Cities - Smart Grid communications - Social networks - Software Defined Networking and Network Function Virtualization - Test beds for network experiments - Underwater sensor networks - Vehicular networks - Wireless ad hoc & sensor networks
Authors are invited to submit papers describing original, previously unpublished work, not currently under review by another conference, workshop, or journal. There are a number of tracks that are designed to improve interactions of experts over different stages in research development.
* Full Regular papers (maximum 8 pages plus references, 10 pt font in IEEE format) should present novel perspectives within the general scope of the conference. * Short papers (maximum 6 pages plus references, 10 pt font in IEEE format) are an opportunity to present preliminary or interim results on hot topics in a poster session. * Doctoral track papers (maximum 6 pages plus references, 10 pt font in IEEE format) provide a supportive setting for Ph.D. students (who must be the first author) to discuss their problem statement, methods, results, obtain feedback from established researchers and establish contacts for entering the job market. The doctoral track involves a mentoring program. * Special Tracks papers (maximum 6 pages plus references, 10 pt font in IEEE format) focusing on nascent and promising areas in networking research, which shall involve experts in those areas seeking to foster collaborative development.
Full, short, special tracks, and doctoral papers are published in the IEEE LCN proceedings and IEEE Xplore. All published papers must include title, complete contact information for all authors, abstract, and keywords on the cover page. IEEE reserves the right to remove papers from IEEE Xplore that are not presented at the conference.
*** Paper submission ***
Papers must be registered on EDAS and submitted in PDF format. Detailed submission instructions are available at the conference website. Direct your questions to Program Chairs: Florian Tschorsch and Kanchana Thilakarathna (program@ieeelcn.org).
A limited number of student grants and N2 Women Young Researcher Fellowship awards are considered by the conference each year.
*** Keynote talks ***
Keynote 1: David Gesbert, EURECOM Title: Learning and sensing in the sky with UAV-aided 6G Networks
Keynote 2: Anja Feldmann, Max Planck Institut für Informatik Saarbrücken, Title: Internet Traffic Analysis at Scale
Keynote 3: Dario Rossi, Huawei Paris Research Center, Title: Foundational and Specialized Models for Cyberdefense
*** Remote Presentation Option ***
LCN considers in-person meetings indispensable for collaborations, personal exchanges, discussions, and networking opportunities. Recognizing the evolving landscape of academic conferences and the need for flexibility, LCN 2024 introduces a Remote Presentation Option.
Upon acceptance/registration, authors have the option to select physical or remote presentation modes. When opting for remote presentation, a fee of 500 USD is required in addition to the author registration. This fee covers supplementary costs associated with providing a remote option. The additional fee for remote presentations may be waived when all authors are from countries marked with an asterisk on the following list of IEEE eMembership.
Countries: https://www.ieee.org/membership/join/emember-countries.html
Remote presentation is restricted to full, short, and doctoral papers. Further implementation details will be communicated as part of the author and presenter instructions.
The overarching goal of LCN 2024 is to enhance the accessibility and inclusivity of LCN, catering to a diverse global audience while preserving the value of physical participation. _______________________________________________ This mailing list will only be used for announcements of the IEEE LCN conference, see http://www.ieeelcn.org/ Please do not send any other e-mails to this list! This mailing list is a moderated list to avoid spam.
If you wish to unsubscribe from this list, please follow the "Mailman" instructions from the URL below! _______________________________________________ IEEE_LCN_Info mailing list IEEE_LCN_Info@lists.iai.uni-bonn.de https://lists.iai.uni-bonn.de/mailman/listinfo.cgi/ieee_lcn_info
participants (1)
Lars Wolf