Fwd: [Tccc] POLICY 2011 CFP

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] POLICY 2011 CFP Datum: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 10:36:48 +0100 Von: Wishart, Ryan r.wishart@imperial.ac.uk An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu
IEEE International Symposium on Policies for
Distributed Systems and Networks (POLICY 2011)
6-8 June 2011
Pisa, Italy
The symposium brings together researchers and
practitioners working on policy-based systems
across a wide range of application domains
including policy-based networking, privacy, trust
and security management, autonomic computing,
pervasive systems and enterprise systems. POLICY
2011 is the 12th in a series of successful events,
which have provided a forum for discussion and
collaboration between researchers, developers and
users of policy-based systems. In addition to the
areas mentioned above, we specifically encourage
this year contributions on policy-based techniques
in support of Cloud computing and Enterprise
Service Oriented applications as well as the use
of reasoning, verification and learning techniques
in policy-based systems.
POLICY 2011 invites unpublished novel
contributions on all aspects of policy-based
systems. Papers must describe original work and
must not have been accepted or submitted for
publication elsewhere. Submitted papers will be
evaluated for technical contribution, originality,
and significance. Topics of interest include, but
are not limited to the following:
Privacy and Security
- Frameworks and tools for managing the privacy
and the security policy life-cycle
- Architectures for deployment and enforcement of
privacy and security policies
- Refinement of high-level privacy/security requirements
into policies
- Detection and resolution of inconsistencies in privacy
and security policies
- Usability of policy-based privacy and security
management tools
Policy Models and Languages
- Abstract models and languages for policy specification
- Semantic Web rule languages for policy reasoning
- Policy standards, their extensions and refinements
- Formal semantics of policies
- NLP and policy specification
- Methodologies and tools for specifying, analyzing,
refining, and evaluating policies
- Detection and resolution of policy conflicts
- Policy negotiation models and techniques
- Representation of belief, trust, and risk and their
use in conjunction with policy-based systems
- Systems and tools for the management of policies
- Policy visualization
- Usability of policy languages and representations
Policy Applications:
- Federated policy management in heterogeneous
organisational contexts and control domains
- Case studies of applying policy-based management in
different application domains
- Application of policies for resource allocation,
autonomic computing, systems management,
QoS adaptation and security
- Policy-based systems for cloud computing, and service
oriented applications
- Policy-based networking, including collaborative security,
pervasive computing, and mobile systems
- Policy-based Semantic Web applications
- Business rules and organizational modelling
- Policy Metrics: evaluation of the effectiveness of policies
- Policy applications in on-demand, utility based computing
- Resource virtualization and policy-based collaboration
- Cross-domain policy coordination and negotiation
- Scalability of policy-based management
- Architectures of policy-based management systems
- Policy Learning and automated policy generation
System demonstration submissions will be evaluated
on the basis of their technical merit and novelty.
Of particular interest are systems that illustrate
research contributions and innovative applications
of policy-based technologies. Those interested in
demonstrating a system/application should submit a
description following the instructions in the
submission information section. Commercial
products are eligible, but sales and marketing
activities are not appropriate.
Important Dates
Paper Registration deadline: 8 December 2010
Paper submission deadline: 15 December 2010
Author notification: 18 February 2011
System demonstration submission deadline: 20 January 2011
System demonstrator notification: 18 February 2011
Camera ready copy due: 18 March 2011
(for both technical papers and demos)
Symposium dates: 6-8 June 2011
Paper Submission Information
Papers under review elsewhere must NOT be
submitted to Policy 2011. Proceedings from the
Symposium will be published by IEEE Computer
Society; submissions must be in IEEE Proceedings
2-Column format (http://ieeeformats.notlong.com),
and must satisfy the following page limits:
Policy 2011 invites contributions in the form of either:
- Technical papers (max. length 8 pages).
- Short position papers describing preliminary experimental
results, experiences with deployed policy systems, new applications
or new policy research challenges (max. length 4 pages)
- System demonstration descriptions illustrating innovative
applications of policy-based technologies
(max length 2 pages, not including references).
We particularly encourage contributions from industry
in the form of long or short papers.
Daniel Olmedilla De la Calle and Alessandra Russo
IEEE POLICY 2011 TPC Co-Chairs
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf