[Fwd: [Multimedia 2006] Deadlines approaching]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Multimedia 2006] Deadlines approaching Datum: Sat, 1 Apr 2006 09:35:45 -0500 Von: ACM Multimedia Committee acmsigmm@fastmail.fm An: Multimedia Recipient WOLF@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
Greetings from the ACM Multimedia Committee. This is a final reminder that paper, panel, tutorial and workshop submissions for the ACM Multimedia 2006 conference are due soon.
Call for Contributions The 2006 ACM Multimedia Conference
Fess Parker's Double-Tree Resort Santa Barbara, California
October 22-28, 2006 http://mmdb.ece.ucsb.edu/acmmm06/
Important Dates:
Apr. 10, 2006 - Research Paper Abstract Submission Deadline (Absolutely Firm Deadline)
Apr. 17, 2006 - Research Paper/Panel/Tutorial/Workshop Submission Deadline at 11 PM PDT (Absolutely Firm Deadline)
May. 12, 2006 - Interactive Art Program Long Paper/Exhibition Submission Deadline at 11 PM PDT
Jun. 01, 2006 - Short Paper/Interactive Art Program Short Paper/Open Source/Doctor Program/Demo Proposal Submission Deadline at 11 PM PDT
Jul. 01, 2006 - Notification of acceptance
Aug. 01, 2006 - Camera-ready papers
Aug. 12, 2006 - Advanced Registration Deadline
Questions: Please feel free to email one of the General Co-chairs.
Klara Nahrstedt - mailto:klara@cs.uiuc.edu Matthew Turk - mailto:mturk@cs.ucsb.edu
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--- This mail was sent to WOLF@IBR.CS.TU-BS.DE ---
participants (1)
Lars Wolf