[Fwd: [Kuvs] CfP: Mobile Commerce 2005]

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [Kuvs] CfP: Mobile Commerce 2005 Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 10:39:39 +0100 From: Claudia Linnhoff-Popien linnhoff@ifi.lmu.de Reply-To: kuepper@ifi.lmu.de To: kuvs@tm.uka.de, kivs05@informatik.uni-kaiserslautern.de, cl@mobicom.cs.uni-dortmund.de
[Sincere apologies for possible multiple copies of this message] -----------------------------------------------------------------
Call for Papers
The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Mobile Commerce and Services
July 18-19, 2005, Munich, Germany
in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Electronic Commerce (IEEE CEC 2005)
Paper submission deadline: February 14, 2005
While wired E-Commerce has been accepted and used widely in recent years and become significantly important in our daily life, mobile commerce (M-commerce) is still an emerging discipline that is currently experiencing massive growth rates. The success of M-Commerce is basically dependent on the development and acceptance of new wireless technologies over 3G and 4G networks as well as intelligent service platforms on mobile devices. However, to fully exploit the high growth potentials of M-commerce there is a strong need to adopt existing E-commerce approaches for wireless networks and to develop new sophisticated mobile applications to meet the needs of mobile subscribers, for example in the areas of financial transactions, mobile marketing and gaming, as well as location and context-aware services. Compared with the traditional wired E-commerce, wireless networks and mobile devices impose additional constraints, challenges, and requirements on building M-commerce platforms and applications, for example content adaptation, security and privacy issues, and mobile payment mechanisms.
The Second IEEE International Workshop on Mobile Commerce and Services (WMCS) brings together researchers, scientists, software architects, and industry professionals with the aim of discussing and exchanging innovative ideas and research work in M-commerce and services. The topics for submissions include but are not limited to the following fields:
- Novel M-commerce applications and services - Location and context-aware M-commerce services - Service platforms for supporting M-commerce (mobile web enterprise) - Brokerage and service discovery mechanisms - Middleware, mobile components, and agent technologies supporting M-commerce - Platforms for client applications in mobile devices (J2ME, Symbian) - Digital Rights Management - Wireless security problems & solutions, and mobile privacy - Mobile payment solutions, systems and platforms - New wireless multimedia technologies and platforms for M-commerce (e.g., DVB-H) - Inter-organizational service provisioning (business models and their realization) - Wireless advertising solutions, systems and platforms - Mobile entertainment applications, services and platforms for digital mu-sic, videos and games - Case-studies and experiences (experience reports)
Submissions ----------- Authors are invited to submit original and significant research contributions in the aforementioned areas. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the members of the international program committee. It is planned to publish the proceedings in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science ( http://www.springeronline.de). In addition, a selection of the best papers will be published in a special issue of "Electronic Commerce Research and Applications". Full papers must not exceed 16 pages and conform to the LNCS style. We accept papers in PDF and PS format. Authors should submit a full paper via EDAS, see http://www.wmcs2005.org/ and http://edas.info/home.cgi?c=4440 for details.
Important Dates --------------- Paper submission: February 14, 2005 Paper notification: March 31, 2005 Camera-ready papers: April 30, 2005 Workshop Date: July 18-19, 2005
Workshop Chairs --------------- Claudia Linnhoff-Popien (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany) Axel Küpper (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany) Jerry Gao (San José State University, USA)
Program Committee ----------------- Uwe Baumgarten (Technical University of Munich, Germany) Michael Berger (Siemens Corporate Technology, Germany) Bernard Burg (Hewlett Packard Laboratories, USA) Monique Calisti (Whitestein Technologies AG, Switzerland) Heikki Helin (TeliaSonera, Finland) Thomas Hess (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany) Winfried Lamersdorf (Hamburg University, Germany) Jonathan C.L. Liu (University of Florida, USA) Seng Loke (Monash University, Australia) Tom Pfeifer (Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland) Norman M. Sadeh (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) Simon Shim (San Jose State University, USA) John Shepherdson (BT Group, UK) Burkhard Stiller (University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, Swit-zerland) Thomas Strang (German Aerospace Center) Reima Suomi (Turku School of Economics and Business Administration, Finland) Upkar Varshney (Georgia State University, USA) Ron Vetter (University of North Carolina, USA)
Contact ------- Axel Küpper Mobile and Distributed Systems Group Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich Oettingenstr. 67 D-80538 Munich, Germany Tel.:+49-89-2180-9421 Fax.:+49-89-2180-9147 info@wmcs2005.org http://www.wmcs2005.org
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf