Fwd: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] [CFP: PAM 2021] Passive and Active Measurement (PAM) Conference 2021 (Virtual Conference) - Paper registration and submission deadlines: October 16 and 23, 2020

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] [CFP: PAM 2021] Passive and Active Measurement (PAM) Conference 2021 (Virtual Conference) - Paper registration and submission deadlines: October 16 and 23, 2020 Datum: Thu, 1 Oct 2020 09:50:09 +0000 Von: Casas Pedro Pedro.Casas@AIT.AC.AT Antwort an: Casas Pedro Pedro.Casas@AIT.AC.AT An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
Passive and Active Measurement (PAM) Conference 2021 https://www.pam2021.b-tu.dehttps://www.pam2021.b-tu.de/ PAM 2021 will be held virtually
**Important Dates**
- *Paper Registration* October 16th, 2020 | 23:59 EDT - *Paper Submission* October 23rd, 2020 | 23:59 EDT - *Notification to Authors* December 18th, 2020 - *Camera-ready Due* February 5th, 2021 - *Virtual Conference* Late March / early April - to be announced
The Passive and Active Measurement (PAM) conference brings together researchers and operators to discuss novel and emerging work in the area of network measurement and analysis. PAM is inclusive of all areas of network measurement, but focuses on systems-based research and real-world data. Indeed, measurement technology is needed at all layers of the network stack, ranging from power profiling of hardware components to virtualization in data centers to application profiling and even user experience. Work with operational impact or relevance to the broader network research community is especially welcome, as is early and promising measurement technique. Original contributions that advance the state-of-the-art in the following areas are invited:
- Applications (e.g., web, streaming, games) - Data centers and cloud computing - Energy - IoT (e.g., smart home, SCADA, ICS, embedded systems) - Measurement tools and software - Network security and privacy - Overlays (e.g., P2P, CDNs) - Physical Layer - Routing - Social networks - Topology - Transport/congestion control - User behavior and experience, QoE - Virtualization (e.g., SDN, NFV) - Visualization - Wireless and mobile
Although PAM traditionally attracts early stage contributions, works that are a reappraisal or independent validation of previous results, or which enhance the reproducibility of network measurement research, for instance by publishing new datasets on an existing topic, are explicitly included in PAM’s scope.
**Submission Guidelines**
Authors should only submit original work that has not been published before and is not under submission to any other venue. All submissions must satisfy the following requirements:
- Follow Springer LNCS format (see https://www.springer.com/us/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-gui...) - Up to 12 pages for technical content (up to 5 pages for appendices and references) - Note that reviewers are not required to read appendices. Everything needed to evaluate the paper should appear in the first 12 pages. - Anonymization: Reviewing will be DOUBLE-BLIND: - Do not include names or affiliations of authors in the submission. - Refer to your prior work in the third person. - Make a best effort to anonymize system names that would give you away. - If you have any concerns about how to anonymize your paper while maintaining its integrity, contact the PC chairs. - Submit via HotCRP: https://hotcrp.cs.umd.edu/pam2021/
**Ethical Considerations**
Following the standard set by the Internet Measurement Conference (from which we base this section), papers describing experiments with users or sensitive user data (e.g., network traffic, passwords, social network information) must follow basic precepts of ethical research and subscribe to community norms. These include: respect for privacy, secure storage of sensitive data, voluntary and informed consent if users are placed at risk, avoiding deceptive practices when not essential, beneficence (maximizing the benefits to an individual or to society while minimizing harm to the individual), and risk mitigation. When appropriate, authors are encouraged to include a subsection (in the main paper, not in the Appendix) describing these issues. Authors may want to consult the Menlo Report (http://www.caida.org/publications/papers/2012/menlo_report_actual_formatted/) for further information on ethical principles and the Allman/Paxson IMC 2007 paper (https://conferences.sigcomm.org/imc/2007/papers/imc80.pdf) for guidance on ethical data sharing. Note that submitting research for approval by each author's institutional ethics review body is necessary, but not sufficient -- in cases where the PC has concerns about the ethics of the work in a submission, the PC will consider the ethical soundness and justification of any paper, just as it does its technical soundness. Authors unsure about ethical issues are welcome to contact the program committee co-chairs.
There will be two awards for papers of exceptional merit. The **Best Paper Award** will recognize the paper that is deemed by the committee to have the highest merit of all the submissions. The *Best Dataset Award* will be given to the best paper that makes datasets and corresponding code available to the public by the time the camera-ready is submitted. These artifacts must be sufficiently documented such that any researcher can use them to repeat the results described in the paper, and they must be placed in a sufficiently long-lived archival repository (e.g., Github, Bitbucket, or CRAWDAD).
- General Chair: Oliver Hohlfeld (Brandenburg University of Technology) - Program Committee Chairs: Andra Lutu (Telefónica) and Dave Levin (University of Maryland)
Pedro Casas PAM 2021 Publicity Chair
PEDRO CASAS Senior Scientist Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Center for Digital Safety & Security
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Giefinggasse 4 | 1210 Vienna | Austria T +43 50550-4104 | M +43 664 88256097 | F +43 50550-2813 pedro.casas@ait.ac.atmailto:pedro.casas@ait.ac.at | www.ait.ac.athttp://www.ait.ac.at/
FN: 115980 i HG Wien | UID: ATU14703506 www.ait.ac.at/Email-Disclaimerhttp://www.ait.ac.at/Email-Disclaimer
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/
participants (1)
Lars Wolf