CFP (Deadline extended): Special Issue on Quality of Experience in Wireless Multimedia Systems (ETT)

-------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS-----------------
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (ETT)
Special Issue on Quality of Experience in Wireless Multimedia Systems
Aim and Scope: One important objective of new broadband wireless communication networks is to enable people to enjoy multimedia services anywhere at any time. During the recent decade, a variety of techniques have been developed that address Quality of Service (QoS) for multimedia applications in wireless networks.
Good QoS is necessary, but not necessarily sufficient for good user perception, enjoyment and acceptance of a service. Thus, Quality of Experience (QoE) / Quality of Perception (QoP) has emerged as an important concept, covering subjective and objective, qualitative and quantitative measures of ultimate importance for users and thus, for service providers and operators. QoE issues have been creating a new assessment and management paradigm in multimedia systems, and they are gaining special attention in wireless communication networks, as the latter have proven to be quite hostile environments for multimedia streaming due to volatile radio conditions and lacks of capacity. QoE metrics are considered as important metrics to measure the quality level of multimedia contents from the users' perspective. QoE-oriented approaches aim to overcome the limitations of current QoS-aware schemes, not only emerging as a new trend towards objective measures but also providing necessary links to human perception.
The use of such metrics is expected to turn the optimization of wireless networks more efficient in terms of user satisfaction than traditional techniques that are focusing solely on objective QoS metrics such as throughput, delay, jitter, throughput-based fairness, etc.QoE models that include user perception and user behavior are of essential importance for QoE-aware optimization of any communication system. In particular, novel QoE-aware transmission approaches are encouraged to be proposed to improve the efficiency of wireless networks for multimedia services.
The aim of this feature topic issue isto encourage researchers to submit their work related to QoE-aware wireless multimedia networks. Authors with recent unpublished work on QoE modeling,measurements, analysis, control and optimization are particularly encouraged to submit their original contribution to this special issue. This feature topic also aims at bringing together the state-of-the-art research results of QoE issues for wireless multimedia networks.
Topics of Interest: The topics relevant to this special issue include but are not limited to:
-- Relationships between traffic patterns, QoS and QoE parameters -- QoE models, their applications and use cases -- QoE inference from user behavior -- QoE measurement methodologies and metrics (subjective, objective, pseudo-subjective testing, etc.) -- QoE for new wireless multimedia applications (e.g. 3D video) -- QoE-based routing and resource management -- QoE-aware transmission in wireless systems -- QoE-based network management -- QoE-aware cross-layer design -- QoE-driven adaptation and control mechanisms for wireless systems and devices -- QoE-based optimization in wireless environments -- Testbed for QoE performance evaluation -- Media synchronization,playback, and buffer management
Papers must strictly focus on QoE issues and thus significantly go beyond current QoS approaches. The editors maintain the right to reject papers they deem to be out of scope of this special issue. Only originally unpublished contributions and invited articles will be considered for the issue. The papers should be formatted according to the ETT guidelines ( ). Authors should submit a PDF version of their complete manuscript via Manuscriptcentral ( according to the timetable below.
Important Dates: --Submission deadline (extended) : 1. June 2012 --Author Notification: 1. October 2012 --Final Manuscript: 3. December 2012 --Publication: 2013
Guest Editors: Markus Fiedler, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden ( Yuming Jiang, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway Kan Zheng, Beijing University of Posts& Telecommunications, China Periklis Chatzimisios, Alexander TEI of Thessaloniki, Greece Wei Xiang, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
participants (1)
Periklis Chatzimisios