Fwd: CfP: Fifth Workshop on Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks (REALWSN)

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Von: Luca Mottola luca@sics.se Gesendet: Mon Apr 08 12:09:05 MESZ 2013 An: Luca Mottola luca@sics.se Betreff: CfP: Fifth Workshop on Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks (REALWSN)
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Call for Papers: The Fifth Workshop on Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks ==========================================================================
19-20 September 2013 Como Lake (Italy) http://realwsn.deib.polimi.it Follow REALWSN on Twitter: @RealWSN!
We are excited to announce that the fifth Workshop on Real-World Wireless Sensor will be held at the Como Lake, Italy in September 2013.
The purpose of the fifth Workshop on Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks (REALWSN) is to bring together researchers and practitioners working in the area of sensor networks, with focus on real-world experiments or deployments. Included are also new forms of sensing such as those that leverage smart phones, Internet of Things, RFIDs, and robots.
When working with real-world experiments or deployments, many new issues arise: the network environment may be composed of a variety of different technologies, leading to very heterogeneous network structures; software development for large scale networks poses new types of problems; prototype networks may differ significantly from the deployed system; actual sensor network deployments may need a complex combination of autonomous and manual configuration. Furthermore, results obtained through simulation are typically not directly applicable to operational networks and it is therefore imperative for the community to produce results from experimental research.
Authors are invited to submit papers (12 pages, Springer format, 9 or 10 point font size) for presentation at the workshop. Papers will be selected based on originality, technical merit, and relevance.
All topics pertaining to real-world wireless sensor networks and modern forms of sensing are of interest, including but not limited to: * Experiences with real-world deployments * Mining real-world sensor network data * Sensor systems leveraging smart phones (crowd sensing) * Sensors systems involving Internet of Things (IoT), RFIDs, robots * Experimental validation/refutation of previous simulation results obtained by others * Real-world performance of self-organization and self-management * Debugging, testing, validation, and management * Deployment and configuration * Applications in medicine, industry, science, environmental monitoring * Security and trust * Scalability in practice * Development and prototyping platforms * Operating systems, sensor network programming paradigms, and languages * Middleware for heterogeneous networks * Real-time and dependability issues * Hardware support for real-world sensor networks * Robustness at all levels: communication, software, hardware * Energy efficient protocols * Hardware and software methods for energy measurement and profiling
Important dates: * Electronic submissions due: June 21st, 2013 * Notification of acceptance: August 8th, 2013 * Camera-ready copy due: August 30th, 2013 * Workshop: 19-20 September 2013
We will organize a poster and demo session as well. The deadline will be August 15th 2013, notification August 22nd 2013.
Workshop Chair: * Luca Mottola, Politecnico di Milano, Italy and SICS, Sweden
Program committee chairs: * Koen Langendoen, TUD, The Netherlands * Wen Hu CSIRO, Australia
Poster/demo chairs: * Thiemo Voigt, Uppsala University and SICS, Sweden * Silvia Santini, TU Darmstadt, Germany
Program committee: * Nirupama Bulusu, Portland State University, USA * Per Gunningberg, Uppsala University, Sweden * Chamath Keppitiyagame, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka * Gian Pietro Picco, University of Trento, Italy * Utz Rödig, University of Lancaster, UK * Christian Rohner, Uppsala University, Sweden * Kay Römer, ETH Zürich, Switzerland * Jochen Schiller, FU Berlin, Germany * Cormac Sreenan, UC Cork, Ireland * Tim Wark, CSIRO, Australia * Neal Patwari, University of Utah, USA * Omprakash Gnawali, University of Houston, USA * Yu (Jason) Gu, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore * Olga Saukh, ETH Zürich, Switzerland * Niki Trigoni, University of Oxford, UK * Marco Zuniga, TU Delft, The Netherlands * Prasant Misra, SICS, Sweden * Chiara Petrioli, University of Rome, Italy * Philipp Sommer, CSIRO, Australia * Gianluca Dini, University of Pisa, Italy
participants (1)
Lars Wolf