ACM e-Energy 2016: Call for Papers

ACM e-Energy 2016: Call for Papers
Computing and communication technologies impact energy systems in two distinct ways. The exponential growth of these technologies has made them large energy consumers. Therefore, new architectures, technologies and systems are being developed and deployed to make computing and networked system more energy efficient. Additionally, these technologies will play a central role in the on-going transformation of our energy systems. They help measure, monitor and control energy resources, inform and shape human demand, and determine how utilities, generators, regulators, and consumers interact.
The seventh International Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy), to be held in Waterloo Canada in June 2016, aims to be the premier venue for researchers working in the broad areas of smart energy systems, and in energy-efficient computing and communications. By bringing together researchers in a single-track conference with significant opportunities for individual interaction, it will be a major forum that will shape the future of this area.
We solicit high-quality papers on smart energy systems and energy-efficient computing and communications. We welcome submissions describing theoretical advances as well as system design, implementation and experimentation. ACM eEnergy is committed to a fair, timely, and thorough review process with sound and detailed feedback.
Relevant topics for the conference include, but are not limited to the following:
• Monitoring and control of energy systems and smart buildings • Energy-efficient computing and communication, inc. data centers • Electric vehicles and energy-efficient transportation system • Distribution and transmission network control • Microgrid and distributed generation management and control • Distributed energy resources, inc. storage resources • Smart grid communication architectures and protocols • Privacy and security of smart grid infrastructure • Demand-side management, inc. innovative pricing and incentive design • User behavior enabled by computing and communication technologies • Data analytics for the smart grid and energy-efficient systems • Electricity market and electricity supply chain measurement, modeling, and analysis
Two type of contributions are solicited:
• Full papers, up to 10 pages in ACM double-column format for main body of the paper (i.e., everything excluding references) and unlimited pages for references, should present original theoretical and/or experimental research in any of the areas listed above that has not been published, accepted for publication, or under review by another conference or journal. The review of full papers will follow the general double-blind policy.
• Poster/demo descriptions, up to 2 pages in ACM double-column format showcasing work in progress are encouraged. Accepted posters/demos will be showcased in a separate session at the conference. Topics of interest are the same as research topics listed above. Preference will be given to posters/demos where the primary contribution is from one or more students. Industry participation is also encouraged.
Important Dates
• Full paper: – February 5, 2016: Abstract registration deadline (23:59 EST) – February 12, 2016: Paper submission deadline (23:59 EST) – May 2, 2016: Author notification • Poster/Demo: – May 6, 2016: Poster/demo submission deadline (23:59 EST) – May 20, 2016: Author notification • May 30, 2016: Camera ready papers due • June 21-24 2016, Waterloo, Canada: 2016 e-Energy Conference
Organizing Committee
• General Chair: Srinivasan Keshav (University of Waterloo) • TPC Co-Chairs: Minghua Chen (CUHK) and Steven Low (Caltech) • Treasurer: Xue Liu (McGill University) • Publicity Chair: Vincent Wong (University of British Columbia) • Local Arrangement Chair: Lukasz Golab (University of Waterloo) • Keynotes and Panel Chair: Catherine Rosenberg (University of Waterloo) • Web Chair: Omid Ardakanian (University of California at Berkeley) • Poster Co-Chairs: Sid Chi-Kin Chau (Masdar Institute) and Amarjeet Singh (IIIT Dehli) • Publication Chair: Jay Taneja (IBM Kenya) • Workshop Co-Chairs: Sonja Klingert (University of Mannheim) and Tanuja Ganu (DataGlen) • Travel Grants Chair: Sarvapali Ramchurn (University of Southampton)
participants (1)
Vincent Wong