Fwd: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] [CFP] 2021 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems

-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -------- Von: John Vardakas 000001d7f7c259e2-dmarc-request@COMSOC-LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG Gesendet: 26. Februar 2021 01:35:27 MEZ An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] [CFP] 2021 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems
Dear Colleagues,
(Apologies if you receive this CFP multiple times.)
SPECTS'21 is an annual conference whose goal is to provide a forum for professionals and researchers to discuss and disseminate the most promising contributions on performance evaluation of computer and telecommunication systems. Papers describing results of theoretic and/or practical significance are solicited. Experimental, modeling, analysis, and simulation studies as well as testbed deployment, field trials and experiences gained are all in the scope of the conference. Work presenting novel performance evaluation methods or providing insights on design and runtime tradeoffs are particularly encouraged. SPECTS 2021 will be co-located with the Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference https://scs.org/annsim/ (ANNSIM). ANNSIM 2021 is a new annual conference after merging SpringSim and SummerSim into a single conference starting in 2021 by The Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS).
SPECTS'21 solicit papers from areas including, but not limited to:
Networking Technologies and Telecommunication Systems
. Future Internet and next Generation Networking
. 5G & Beyond
. Hyperdense networks
. Massive MIMO
. mm Wave communications
. Terahertz communications
. Multiple access, multiplexing, modulation and coding techniques
. Cooperative communications and networking
. Cognitive radio and networking
. Autonomic Networks
. Software Defined Networking
. Network Function Virtualization
. Cloud Radio Access Networks
. Radio over Fiber
. Flexible optical networks
. Optical-Wireless communication and systems
. Visible light communications
. Internet of Things and enabling technologies
. Machine to Machine systems
. Device to Device communications
. Cyber Physical Systems
. Wireless ad-hoc Networks
. Wireless Sensor Networks
. Delay Tolerant Networks
. Opportunistic Networks
. Vehicular ad-hoc networks / connected vehicles
. Nanonetworks
. Satellite and Space communications and networking
. Network design, optimization, management, and performance evaluation
. Traffic engineering, network reliability, Quality of Service / Experience
Computer Systems
. Parallel and Distributed Computing
. Service Oriented Architectures and Microservices
. Cloud and Edge Computing
. High Performance Computing
. Distributed and Mobile Middleware
. Computer Architectures
. Microprocessors
. Multi-core processors
. Memory systems
. High performance I/O
. Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence Applications and Machine Learning
. Software Engineering, Performance, Evaluation and Testing
. Verification and Validation
. Programming Languages
. Parallel Algorithms
. Data Storage Systems
. Fault tolerance, signal processing, and coding techniques
Tools & Methodologies
. Modeling and Analysis
. Performance Optimization, Bounds and Models
. Stochastic Models
. Queuing Systems and Networks
. Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Applications
. Integrated Modeling and Measurement
. Mathematical Aspects and Integrated Design of Performance
. Verification and Validation
. On-Line Performance Adaptation and Tuning
. Parallel and Distributed Simulation
. Case studies, Testbed deployments, field trials and experiences
. Scalability Studies
Tutorial proposals April 23, 2021
Paper submission April 23, 2021
Author notification May 17, 2021
Camera-ready paper submission May 31, 2021
John Vardakas (Iquadrat)
SPECTS'21 Publicity Chair
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/
participants (1)
Lars Wolf