Fwd: Call for Workshop Papers EMUTools (Simutools 2014 conference)
-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: Call for Workshop Papers EMUTools (Simutools 2014 conference) Datum: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 11:43:28 +0100 (CET) Von: EAI Events no-reply@eai.eu Antwort an: no-reply@eai.eu An: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
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EMUTools 2014 –2nd Workshop on Emulation Tools, Methodology and Techniques March 17-19, 2014, Lisbon, Portugal
Collocated with SIMUTools 2014 www.simutools.org
EMUTools, 2nd workshop on Emulation Tools, Methodology and Techniques, is a major event dedicated to emulation tools and methodology, collocated with SIMUTools 2014. Emulators represent a family of tools where real and emulated components interact at various levels and scales with external elements. Where simulators aim at evaluating the performance and conformity of models, emulators aim at evaluating that of real components in the real execution environment. The potential of emulators have been acknowledged, notably as a validation and integration technique (or methodology) prior to deployment, and as a complementary approach to field-operational tests. Emulators have also recently been subject to an increasing interest from practitioners in various fields of research. Yet, emulation tools have experienced only little dedicated visibility from the community to breed inter-disciplinary collaborative research and exchange of ideas in the very specific and challenging methodologies and techniques required by emulator tools, or available in major emulation platforms.
The workshop therefore aims at providing an interaction environment between academic and industrial researchers along with practitioners in the emulation field. EMUTools proposes to address research challenges in the emulation methodologies, architecture, analysis, applicability, performance, practice and platforms. This event also aims as building a bridge between the simulation and emulation communities to foster collaborative research to address common challenges in the complementary fields of emulation and simulation.
Topics: We invite submissions of original high quality work in the area of emulation methodology, techniques, tools and applications.
EMUTools’ general area includes but is not limited to:
• Emulation Methodology: architecture, distributed systems, load-balancing, multi-processor, scalability, cloud, emulation-as-a-service.
• Emulation Techniques: multi-granularity, co-emulation/simulation, application, system, protocol or channel emulation.
• Emulation Tools: framework, software, platforms, front-end/back-end, and interactions between different simulation and emulation tools.
The workshop invites submissions in application areas implicating emulation methodology, techniques or tools. Specific topics include (but are not limited to): • Wireless technologies and access networks (cellular, vehicular, mesh, ad hoc, wireless sensor networks) • Backbone and core network (LTE, LTE-A, Internet) • Peer-2-Peer and overlay networks • Cloud systems and networks • Parallel and distributed systems, high-performance computing systems • Infrastructure systems (transportation, smart grid) • Intelligent transportation systems • Cyber-physical systems • E-Health • Sensors and M2M networks
Submission Instructions: We invite three types of submissions: • Full papers up to 10 pages • Short papers up to 6 pages for work-in-progress aspects
All submissions to the workshop should contain aspects of EMUTools’ general area, with emulation methodology, techniques or tools playing a central role. We particularly welcome submissions of case studies, where emulation methodology, techniques and tools will be proposed to reduce the gap between scalability, applicability and usability.
All submissions should be written in English, be prepared in ACM conference proceedings format, and be original research that is unpublished and not currently under consideration for publication. All submissions to EMUTools 2014 should be submitted via the SIMUTools 2014 conference website in PDF format. At least on author of each accepted paper is required to register and present the work in person at the EMUTools workshop.
Submissions should be written in English, be prepared in ACM conference proceedings format, and be original research that is unpublished and not currently under consideration for publication. Paper should be submitted only in .pdf format on Easychair at: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=emutools2014.
All submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers, assessing their originality, correctness, and relevance to EMUTools general area, as well as their writing quality. In exceptional circumstances (such as papers evidently out of scope), some submissions may not receive full-length reviews and may be rejected summarily.
To ensure appropriate consideration of conflicts of interest during the review process, all submissions should include the FULL list of authors. The author list may only be changed prior to the submission deadline.
Publication: Accepted papers presented at the workshop will appear along with the SIMUTools 2014 electronic proceedings, in the ACM DL, and in EU-DL. 'Green' open access is endorsed, i.e., authors may make their papers available on their own web sites.
Supporting Community/Projects: - FP7 NoE Newcom#, http://www.newcom-project.eu/ - FP7 ICT @cropolis Network of Excellence, http://www.ict-acropolis.eu/
Important Dates: Full and Short paper Submission: Jan 10, 2014 Decision: January 22, 2014 Camera Ready: January 31, 2014 Conference: March 17-19, 2014
Workshop Co-chairs: Jérôme Härri, EURECOM, France Navid Nikaein, EURECOM, France
Technical Program Committee (tentative): - Jérôme Haerri, EURECOM, France - Navid Nikaein, EURECOM, France - Luca De Nardis, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy - Laurent Roullet, Alcatel Lucent Labs, France - Daniel Camara Telecom Paristech, France - Delia Cullio, EURECOM, France - Margaret Loper, Georgia Tech Research Institute, USA - Thierry Turletti, INRIA, France - Max Ott, NICTA, Australia - Katinka Wolter, FU-Berlin, Germany, - Ludovic.apvrille@telecom-paristech.fr - Christoph <sommer@ccs-labs.org - Anna Foerster, SUPSI, Switzerland - Xiaolin Hu, Georgia State University, USA - Thanasis Korakis, Polytechnic Institute of NYU, USA
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf