[Fwd: [Tccc] MedHocNet'07 (March 5 - extended deadline ) June 13-15, Corfu, Greece]
-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] MedHocNet'07 (March 5 - extended deadline ) June 13-15, Corfu, Greece Datum: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 18:50:15 +0200 Von: Ioannis Stavrakakis ioannis@di.uoa.gr An: tccc@cs.columbia.edu
Dear colleagues, sorry for multiple copies, Ioannis
========================================= EXTENDED Submission Deadline: *March 5, 2007 *
Workshop on June 13-15, 2007 - Corfu, Greece ================================================ *CALL FOR PAPERS* The Sixth Annual Med-Hoc-Net 2007 Workshop
*** MEDITERRANEAN AD HOC NETWORKING *** June 13-15 2007, Corfu, Greece http://www.ionio.gr/~okon/medhocnet07
Ad hoc networks have attracted the attention of the research community in the last several years. By now, some of the early fundamental issues and challenges of ad hoc networking have been clearly assessed, while new ones emerge as a result of the ever expanding application domain of ad hoc networking. Current emphasis of ad hoc networking includes application scenarios (road safety, disaster recovery, sensors and actuators, etc.), autonomous organization and operation, optimization and control, service creation and support and middleware. Moreover, wireless mesh networking is emerging as an "ad hoc spin-off" aimed at extending and integrating the multi-hop paradigm with more traditional networking, which poses new and exciting technical challenges.
Med-Hoc-Net 2007 is an established annual international workshop aiming to serve as a forum where researchers from academia, research labs and the industry from all over the world, meet to share ideas, views, results, and experiences in the field of ad hoc networking. Anything from theoretical and experimental achievements, to innovative ad hoc systems, prototyping efforts, and case studies is of interest to the Med-Hoc-Net community.
The papers solicited in Med-Hoc-Net 2007 cover a variety of topics related to ad hoc networks, including but not limited to:
- Novel multi-hop wireless network architectures - Routing algorithms and protocols - MAC protocols, scheduling, power control and radio resource sharing - Transport layer protocols for multi-hop networks - Middleware for ad hoc networks - Application driven architectures and protocols - Sensor network applications and protocols - Vehicular networks - Integration of ad hoc networks with wireless access networks - Implementations, testbeds, and prototypes - Technology related issues (IEEE 802.11, Bluetooth, ZigBee, IEEE 802.16, IEEE 802.20, etc.) - Self organization and network reconfiguration - Optimization models and algorithms - Autonomic Communications: paradigms and algorithms - Resource and service discovery - Call admission and traffic shaping policies for ad-hoc networks - QoS support - Security and privacy
PAPER SUBMISSION AND PUBLICATION ================================= The members of program committee will referee all papers, and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Papers of particular merit will be published in the Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks journal.
Manuscripts must be formatted according to the IEEE double-column standard format, (http://www.ieee.org/web/publications/procieee/authinfo.html) with the exception of the font size, which must be 11pt. Authors should use only standard fonts, i.e., Times Roman, Courier, Symbol, and Helvetica, or their equivalent. The maximum length of the manuscript is 8 pages, including figure, tables and references.
Submission instructions: All papers in pdf format should be emailed to cdoulig@unipi.gr. The email subject should be: "MedHocNet07 Paper Submission".
IMPORTANT DATES =============== EXTENDED Full Paper Electronic Submission: Monday March 5, 2007 Paper notification of acceptance/rejection: Tuesday April 3, 2007 Camera ready submission of full papers: Friday April 27, 2007 Conference dates: June 13-15, 2007
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE ==================== General Chairs: Ioannis Stavrakakis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Anthony Ephremides, University of Maryland
Technical Program Chairs: Christos Douligeris, University of Piraeus John Baras, University of Maryland
Local Arrangements Chair: Konstantinos Oikonomou, Ionian University
Publicity Chair: George Kormentzas, University of the Aegean
STEERING COMMITTEE Ian F. Akyildiz, Georgia Institute of Technology Khaldoun Al Agha, Universite Paris-Sud Mario Gerla, University of California at Los Angeles Farouk Kamoun, Ecole Nationale des Sciences de l'Informatique Giovanni Pau, University of California at Los Angeles Guy Pujolle, Universite Paris 6
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE Emad Aboelela, University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth Ozgur B. Akan, Middle East Technical University Onur Altintas, Toyota InfoTechnology Center Chris Blondia, University of Antwerp Azzedine Boukerche, University of Ottawa Mischa Dohler, France Telecom R&D Eylem Ekici, The Ohio State University Gang Feng, University of Wisconsin Platteville Silvia Giordano, University of Applied Science - SUPSI Ibrahim Habib, City University of New York Nikos Komninos, Athens Information Technology Alessandro Leonardi, University of Catania Cecilia Mascolo, University College London George Michailidis, The University of Michigan Sotiris Nikoletseas, University of Patras and CTI Christos Panayiotou, University of Cyprus Symeon Papavasileiou, National and Technical University of Athens Fotini-Niovi Pavlidou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Harry Perros, NC State University Ravi Sankar, University of South Florida Dimitrios Serpanos, University of Patras Stavros Toumpis, University of Cyprus Vassilis Tsaoussidis, Democritus University of Greece Iakovos S. Venieris, National and Technical University of Athens Dimitrios Vergados, University of the Aegean Yannis Viniotis, North Carolina State University
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Ioannis Stavrakakis, Professor Advanced Networking Research (ANR) Group Communication Networks Lab (CNL) Department of Informatics & Telecommunications, University of Athens Panepistimiopolis, Ilissia, 157-84, Athens, Greece. Tel: 30-210-7275315 / Fax: 30-210-7275333 Email: ioannis@di.uoa.gr Home Page: http://www.di.uoa.gr/~ioannis/
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Lars Wolf