Fwd: CALL FOR PAPERS: Workshop on Physical Analytics @ ACM MobiSys 2014

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: CALL FOR PAPERS: Workshop on Physical Analytics @ ACM MobiSys 2014 Datum: Tue, 4 Feb 2014 03:24:43 +0000 Von: Venkat Padmanabhan padmanab@MICROSOFT.COM Antwort an: Venkat Padmanabhan padmanab@MICROSOFT.COM An: SIGMOBILE-MEMBERS@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG
CALL FOR PAPERS: Workshop on Physical Analytics @ ACM MobiSys 2014 (June 16, 2014)
Despite the rapid rise in online activity, people lead much of their lives in the physical world. They travel to places, dwell at various locations, spend time with other people, shop, go to the gym, watch movies, and listen to music or are exposed to announcements, all of which is often based on what interests them. Therefore, there is much to be learnt about users from their physical actions and activities, which is often not manifested in their online activity. Such insights can be of benefit both to users directly and to businesses.
While huge strides have been made in online analytics to extract a wealth of information from peoples' online activities, corresponding work in the physical context - which we term as Physical Analytics - is relatively nascent and scattered. The goal of the proposed workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners to have a conversation on Physical Analytics, with a view to coalescing a research agenda for the community. Our intention is keep the scope broad - spanning devices, algorithms, systems, applications, and policy - yet have the discourse be focused on physical analytics.
The workshop will include invited talks, a panel, and refereed papers, with as much time devoted to discussion as to the presentations themselves.
For more information, please visit the workshop website at: http://www.sigmobile.org/mobisys/2014/workshops/physicalanalytics
Program Co-Chairs:
Deborah Estrin (Cornell Tech, USA) Venkat Padmanabhan (Microsoft Research, India)
Important Dates:
Submission deadline: March 24, 2014 Notification of acceptance: April 16, 2014 Camera-ready deadline: April 27, 2014 Workshop date: June 16, 2014
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf