ICST - SIMUTools 2009 - Call for Participation
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++ CALL FOR PARTICIPATION TO ++ +++++++ SIMUTools 2009 +++++++
Second International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques
March 2-6, 2009 - Rome (Italy) http://www.simutools.org/
++ Sponsored by ICST/CREATE-NET ++ In technical cooperation with ACM SIGSIM, SIGMETRICS, SCS, INRIA
SIMUTools 2009 is the Second International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques. The aim of the conference is to bring academic and industry researchers together with practitioners (from both the simulation community
and from the numerous simulation user communities). The conference will address current and future trends in simulation techniques, models and practices, and foster interdisciplinary collaborative research in this area. While the main focus of the conference is on simulation tools, the conference program also includes broader theoretical and practical research contributions.
This edition, which builds on the success of the first conference (168 participants from 31 countries), will focus on all aspects of simulation modeling and analysis. The final conference program (soon to be published) will combine 3 outstanding plenary talks (one each day, see speakers below) with 2 parallel tracks of high quality, peer reviewed, 50+ papers presentations. The Conference will also offer to its participants many opportunities for establishing new contacts and start lively and passionate discussions: a Poster session combined with a friendly social event, a "hot topic" panel discussion, and last but not least, its usual lot of coffee breaks, lunch breaks and, of course, the traditional Conference banquet.
In conjunction with the main Conference, to be held on March 3-5 2009, 4 high quality one-day workshops will be held on March 2 and 6:
** WNS3 2009, Mar 2, http://www.wns2.org/ ** Omnet++ 2009, Mar 6, http://www.omnet-workshop.org/ ** QoSim 2009, Mar 6, http://www.qosim.org/ ** SCENES 2009, Mar 6, http://www.scenes-workshop.org/
** Prof. David Harel The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel Dept. of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics The William Sussman Professorial Chair
** Prof. David Nicol University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Affiliate Professor, Department of Computer Science Research Professor, Coordinated Science Laboratory
** Prof. Francesco Quaglia Universita` di Roma - La Sapienza, Italy Associate Professor, School of Engineering
Registration is required for attendance or participation and can be completed online:
** https://www.icst.org/registration/reg_simutools_2009_eur.php
Notice early-bird registration fees will be applied until February 2nd, 2009.
Each paid registration comes with a Conference bag, Conference Proceedings on CDROM and gives unlimited access to all the technical sessions. The registration also includes lunch and coffee breaks and the participation to the banquet for one person.
Session: Network Emulation + S. Kristiansen and T. Plagemann. ns-2 Distributed Clients Emulation: Accuracy and Scalability + J. V. Quaglio, T. Gunji and C. M. Hirata. Extending NCTUns simulator to support Mobile Networks + A. M. Mukwevho, G. van der Poll and R. Jolliffe. A Virtual Integrated Network Emulator on XEN (viNEX)
Session: Simulation of Security Systems + F. Miranda, C. Sarraute, J. Orlicki and A. Futoransky. Simulating Cyber-Attacks for Fun and Profit + B. Barry. Intrusion Detection with OMNeT++ + K. Channakeshava, D. Chafekar, K. Bisset, A. Vullikanti and M. Marathe. EpiNet: A Simulation Framework to Study the Spread of Malware in Wireless Networks
Session: Wireless Mesh Networks + C. H. Liu, S. Grilli Colombo, E. Liu, A. Gkelias and G. Paltenghi. Efficient Cross-Layer Simulator for Performance Evaluation of Wireless Mesh Networks + C. Cicconetti, I. F. Akyildiz and L. Lenzini. WiMsh: A Simple and Efficient Tool for Simulating IEEE 802.16 Wireless Mesh Networks in ns-2 + G. Urueta, C. Thraves, M. Solarski and P. Vidales. MetroSim: A Planning Tool for Metropolitan WiFi Networks + B. Milic and M. Malek. NPART - Node Placement Algorithm for Realistic Topologies in Wireless Multihop Network Simulation
Session: Modeling + A. Heindl and G. Pokam. Modeling Software Transactional Memory with AnyLogic + M. Poudel, F. M.G. França and F. Mora-Camino. Modelling of Aircraft Emergency Evacuation: + C. BouSaba, A. Esterline, G. Koty and F. eh Fatehi. Hierarchical Simulation of Niger River + D. Urbani and M. Delhom. Hybrid MAS GIS Mediterranean Backcountry Tourism Economy Modeling Methodology
Session: Advanced Topics in Simulation + P. Velho and A. Legrand. Accuracy Study and Improvement of Network Simulation in the SimGrid Framework + R. Ewald, A. Uhrmacher and K. Saha. Data Mining for Simulation Algorithm Selection + S. Braithwaite and R. Addie. ECOOSE: An Echo Cancellation Object Oriented Simulation Environment
Session: Simulation of Radio Systems + A. Pillekeit and B. Müller-Clostermann. A Simulation Framework for the Evaluation of Scenarios and Algorithms for Common Radio Resource Management + B. Cristea. Turbo receivers with IT++ + J. Dzikowski and C. Hood. An Agent-Based Simulation Framework for Cognitive Radio Studies
Session: Parallel and Distributed Simulation + S. Hammond, G. Mudalige, J. Smith and S. Jarvis. WARPP - A Tool Kit for Simulating High-Performance Parallel Scientific Codes + G. D'Angelo and S. Ferretti. Simulation of Scale-Free Networks + D. Gianni, A. D'Ambrogio and G. Iazeolla. DisSimJADE: A framework for the development of Agent-based Distributed Simulation Systems + C. Bouras, E. Giannaka and T. Tsiatsos. A Framework Model for DVEs using SIMUL8
Session: Techniques and Methodologies + S. Wijaya and A. Cantoni. A Java Simulation Tool for Fixed-Point System Design + J. M. Dembele and C. Cambier. Improving Lagrangian methods. Toward an agent-particle based method + J. C. Strelen. Tools for Dependent Simulation Input with Copulas + D. Lages, A. Xavier and N. Maculan. NLPToolbox: An Open-Source Nonlinear Programming Tool
Session Wireless Sensor Networks + A. Kacso and R. Wismüller. A simulation framework for energy-aware routing in wireless sensor networks + P. Wightman and M. Labrador. Atarraya: A Simulation Tool to Teach and Research Topology Control Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks + J. Eriksson, F. Österlind, T. Voigt, A. Dunkels, N. Finne, N. Tsiftes, R. Sauter and P. J. Marrón. COOJA/MSPSim: Interoperability Testing for Wireless Sensor Networks + P. Pagano, F. Piga, G. Li pari and Y. Liang. Visual tracking using Sensor Networks
Session: Simulation of Hardware + H. Hajabdolali, S. Taheri, M. Sirjani and R. Khosravi. Modeling Networking Issues of Network-on-Chip: a Coloured Petri Nets Approach + D. Tutsch and M. malek. Comparison of Network-on-Chip Topologies for Multicore Systems Considering Multicast and Local Traffic + R. Kassem, M. Briday, J.-L. Béchennec, G. Savaton and Y. Trinquet. Instruction Set Simulator Generation Using HARMLESS, a New Hardware Architecture Description Language + S. Sonntag and W. Wang. Area and Power Consumption Estimations at System Level with SystemQ 2.0
Session: Wireless Networks + J. Farooq and T. Turletti. An IEEE 802.16 WiMAX Module for the NS-3 Simulator + S. Filiposka, D. Trajanov and M. Vuckovik. Performances of Clustered Ad Hoc Networks on 3D Terrains + A. Sayenko, O. Alanen, H. Martikainen, V. Tykhomyrov, A. Puchko and T. Hamalainen. WINSE: WiMAX NS-2 Extension + E. Kafetzakis, K. Kontovasilis and L. Sarakis. A Distributed Simulator Coordination Platform and its Application for Integrating an IEEE 802.11 Effective Capacity-based Admission Control Algorithm
Session: Simulator Usability + M. Bertoli, G. Casale and G. Serazzi. User-Friendly Approach to Capacity Planning Studies with Java Modelling Tools + L. Felipe Perrone, C. Cicconetti, G. Stea and B. Ward. On the Automation of Computer Network Simulators + K. Kahn and H. Noble. The Modelling4All Project - A web-based modelling tool embedded in Web 2.0 + W, Grassmann. When, and when not to Use Warm-up Periods in Discrete Event Simulation
Session: Networking and Protocols + D. Ferreira, L. Lima and J. Barros. NECO: NEtwork COding Simulator + P. Medagliani, G. Ferrari, G. Germi and F. Cappelletti. Simulation-assisted Analysis and Design of STP-based Networks + K. Nowak and S. Kaczmarek. A Simulation Tool for Traffic Engineering Methods and QoS Evaluation of MPLS Networks + A. Keränen, J. Ott and T. Kärkkainen. The ONE Simulator for DTN Protocol Evaluation
Session: Discrete Event Systems + E. O'Neill, D. Lewis and O. Conlan. A Simulation-based Approach to Highly Iterative Prototyping of Ubiquitous Computing Systems + P.-A. Bisgambiglia, E. de Gentili, P. Bisgambiglia and J.-F. Santucci. Fuzz-iDEVS: Towards a fuzzy toolbox for discrete event systems + M. Amoretti, M. Agosti and F. Zanichelli. DEUS: a Discrete Event Universal Simulator + H. Sarjoughian and V. Elamvazhuthi. CoSMoS: A Visual Environment for Component-Based Modeling, Experimental Design, and Simulation (invited paper)
Session: Simulation of P2P systems + W. Galuba, K. Aberer, Z. Despotovic and W. Kellerer. ProtoPeer: A P2P Toolkit Bridging the Gap Between Simulation and Live Deployement + Y. Sakai, A. Hiromori, H. Yamaguchi, K. El-Fakih and T. Higashino. An Integrated Tool for Development of Overlay Services
Session: Graphics Hardware + D. Strippgen and K. Nagel. Using common graphics hardware for multi-agent simulation with CUDA + H. Wan, X. Gao and Z. Wang. Cache Simulator based on GPU Acceleration
+ R. Buchmann, M. Cartron and Y. Bonhomme. Transaction-based Modeling for Large Scale Simulations of Heterogeneous Systems + O. Bertrand, P. Carle and C. Choppy. Modelling chronicle recognition for distributed simulation processing with coloured Petri nets + C. Joumaa, L. Moalic, L. Sid and A. Caminada. A Simulation Based Mobility Models Comparative Study + B. Wang, J. Himmelspach, R. Ewald, Y. Yao and A. M. Uhrmacher. An Experimental Analysis Environment for Logical Process Simulation Algorithms + E. Pecchia, D. Erman and A. Popescu. Simulation and Analysis of a Combined Mobility Model with Obstacles + E. M. D. Marques, R. A. S. A. Plácido and P. N. M. Sampaio. Providing a Graphical User Interface for ns-2 with Visual Network Simulator + D. Ishii, K. Ueda and H. Hosobe. Simulation of Hybrid Systems based on Hierarchical Interval Constraints + R. Canonico, P. Di Gennaro, G. Ventre. NEPTUNE - Network Emulation for Protocol Tuning and Evaluation + K. Holman, J. Kuzub, M. Moallemi and G. Wainer. Cable-Anchor Robot Implementation using Embedded CD++ + P. Castonguay, T. Pendergast and G. Wainer. Tools for DEVS Modeling, Simulation and 3D Visualization + J. Ribault, F. Peix, J. Monteiro and O. Dalle. OSA: an Integration Platform for Component-Based Simulation
The conference will be held in the 4-star Starhotels Metropole Hotel, in Rome, ideally located next to the main train station and within walking distance to most of the ancient Rome historic sites.
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