[Fwd: [Tccc] CFP: 20th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC20)]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] CFP: 20th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC20) Datum: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 17:09:33 -0500 Von: Medhi, Deep DMedhi@umkc.edu An: tccc@cs.columbia.edu, cnom@lrg.ufsc.br
20th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC20) http://www.itc20.ca 17-21 June 2007
For 50 years, the International Teletraffic Congress (ITC) has been the internationally prominent conference for experts involved with the application of teletraffic theory and engineering to state-of-the-art networks. We are pleased to announce the continuation of this tradition in the 20th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC-20), which will be held in Ottawa, Canada, on 17-21 June 2007. Attached is the call for papers.
If your work is within the scope of the conference theme, we would like to encourage you to submit a paper to share your results in an international forum.
We hope that you will include ITC-20 in your 2007 conference plan. Thank you and best regards,
Prof. Lorne Mason McGill University, Montreal, Canada Co-Chair, ITC-20 Technical Program Committee
Dr. Tadeusz Drwiega Nortel, Ottawa, Canada Co-Chair, ITC-20 Technical Program Committee
Dr. James (Jim) Yan IAC Member for Canada Chair, ITC-20 Organizing Committee
=========================================================== Call For Papers: ITC20
Important Dates:
Paper submission: October 31, 2006 Notification of acceptance: January 31, 2007 Conference registration begins: February 21, 2007 Final manuscripts due: February 28, 2007
Network convergence is happening. Globally, major network operators have incorporated network convergence into their strategy to grow service revenues and reduce operating costs. Network convergence is multi-faceted. Convergence occurs in applications (integrated messaging, Voice over IP), in network control (portable numbers, SIP, Mobile IP), in the transport layer, as well as in the access network. In the transport layer, the operators' networks are evolving from multiple networks, each specialized for particular services and applications (Wireline, Wireless, Voice, Data, Signaling), towards single IP-based networks that can support existing and future services and applications. This convergence of networks means that various types of traffic flows, which have been carried by separate specialized networks, must now share the resources of a single network. In the access, for example, a broadband carrier may seek to add mobility to its service offerings by untethering the broadband access with WiFi and, later, WiMax technologies. On the other hand, a mobile carrier is more likely to add broadband to its existing mobility services through evolution to 3G architectures.
Network convergence will be successful only if the quality of the individual services is maintained in the new network environment without undue increased costs. The quality of service delivery is critically dependent on how network performance and availability, as experienced by the traffic flows, are managed. Managing traffic performance is a critical enabler for success. Reaching the desired performance levels requires processes such as network planning, resource engineering, and network monitoring. Such processes have been successfully used in various types of service-specific networks. Converged networks, however, bring new challenges - novel architectures and technologies, new modes of sharing network resources, new quality targets for services and applications, new signaling and control protocols. The impact of multi-operator competition, on traffic demand forecasting, end-to-end QoS provisioning and pricing policies needs to be accounted for in a converged network architecture.
To enable the success of convergence in the face of these centrifugal forces, networks need to be designed to be robust to uncertainty in the traffic demand patterns and to be resilient to failures. Such design objectives motivate interest in robust, resilient network architectures, adaptive resource management and control methods, traffic models of new services and applications, novel traffic engineering methods, revised forecasting techniques, and compatible network planning and design tools.
For more that 50 years, the International Teletraffic Congress has brought together network operators, equipment vendors and academic researchers to share their knowledge on the use of quantitative modeling and analysis to plan, design and operate state-of-the-art network solutions. Network convergence is now the state-of-the art solution. In ITC-20, there will be stimulating discussions on traffic performance in converged networks. ITC20 seeks original paper contributions on recent research results, operational experiences and identification of key future issues in managing the traffic performance of converged networks. The papers should focus on the use of quantitative models, analysis and optimization methods to plan, design and manage converged networks. Topics of interests include, but are not limited to, the following:
Planning converged networks:
§ Case studies
§ Capacity planning methods and tools
§ Planning multi-carrier networks
§ Planning for robustness and reliability
§ Performance/reliability trade-offs
§ Network design for real-time applications
§ Planning efficient content delivery
Quality of service in converged networks:
§ Performance and reliability targets of new web-based applications
§ Performance over wireless and wireline transport technologies
§ VoIP QoS in WiFi and WiMax environments
§ Pricing and quality of service provisioning
Traffic management in converged networks:
§ Intelligent, adaptive routing
§ Probabilistic, opportunistic routing
§ Overload and congestion control
§ Dynamic/adaptive bandwidth management
§ Mobility management
§ Application and content traffic management
§ Traffic management through MPLS
§ Traffic management in ad-hoc networks
§ Detection of DoS attacks
§ Autonomic traffic management
Traffic and performance monitoring, measurements and forecasting:
§ Traffic measurement and forecasting methods
§ Performance monitoring and measurement methods
§ Data analysis methods
§ Measurement-based characterization of new application traffic
§ Reports of measurement results of operational converged networks
§ Monitoring for self-control and self-management
Analytical models and methods:
§ Source models of new web-based applications (e.g. multimedia, peer-to-peer)
§ Traffic models of voice, video and data applications
§ Queuing models for multi-media traffic
§ Resource allocation methods
§ Protocol performance models
§ Algorithms for self-optimization of resource allocation and traffic management
Performance and planning of specialized networking:
§ Multicast networks
§ Networks for telemedicine and tele-education
§ Sensor networks
§ Network computing
§ Storage area networks
Organizing Committee: David Hudson, Nortel, Executive Chair James Yan, IAC Member for Canada, Chair François Blouin, Nortel Tadeusz Drwiega, Nortel Lorne Mason, McGill University Jim O'Shaughnessy, Honorary IAC Member David Plant, McGill University Philip Richards, NewStep Networks and Honorary IAC Member Sergio Tilli, Bell Canada
ITC-20 Technical Program Committee
Co-Chairs Lorne Mason, McGill University, Montreal, Canada Tadeusz Drwiega, Nortel, Ottawa, Canada
International TPC Members Ron Addie, University of Southern Queensland, Australia Ake Arvidsson, Ericsson, Sweden Gerald Ash, AT&T Labs Research, USA Kalyan Basu, University of Texas at Arlington, USA Matthew Bocci, Alcatel, UK Otto Carlos Duarte, State University of Campinas, Brazil Augusto Casaca, University of Lisbon, Portugal Joachim Charzinski, Siemens, Germany Prosper Chemouil, France Telecom, France Thomas Chen, Southern Methodist University, USA Costas Courcoubetis, Athens University of Economics & Business, Greece Laurie Cuthbert, Queen Mary University of London, UK Michael Devetsikiotis, North Carolina State Univ., USA Bharat Doshi, Johns Hopkins University, USA Robert Doverspike, AT&T Labs Research, USA David Everitt, University of Sydney, Australia Andras Farago, University of Texas @ Dallas, USA Nelson Fonseca, State University of Campinas, Brazil Luigi Fratta, Polytechnic of Milan, Italy Feng Gang, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Oscar Gonzalez-Soto, ITU Expert Consultant, Spain Annie Gravey, ENST-Bretagne, France Fabrice Guilleman, France Telecom, , France Richard Harris, Massey University, New Zealand Meir Hertzberg, ECI Telecom Ltd, Israel Rose Hu, Nortel, USA Mintae Hwang, Changwon National University, Korea Milosh Ivanovich, Telstra, Australia Villy Iversen, Research Center COM, Denmark Konosuke Kawashima, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan George Kesidis, Penn State University, USA Paul Kuehn, University of Stuttgart, Germany Peter Key, Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK Ulrich Killat, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany King Tim Ko, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Ulf Korner, Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden Wai Sum Lai, AT&T Labs Research, USA Guy Leduc, University of Liege, Belgium Ralf Lehnert, Telecommunications Technology University Dresden, Germany Will Leland, Telcordia, USA Yonatan Levy, AT&T Labs Research, USA David Lucantoni, DLT Consulting, USA Deep Medhi, University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA Debasis Mitra, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, USA Sandor Molnar, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary Ilkka Norros, VTT Technical Research Centre, Finland Achille Pattavina, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Harry Perros, North Carolina State University, USA Michal Pioro, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland Guy Pujolle, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France James Roberts, France Telecom, France Matthew Roughan, University of Adelaide, Australia Hiroshi Saito, NTT, Japan Tadao Saito, Toyota Info Technology Center, Japan Iraj Saniee, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, USA Khoshrow Sohraby, University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA Maciej Stasiak, Poznan University of Technology, Poland Yutaka Takahashi, Kyoto University, Japan Peter Taylor, University of Melbourne, Australia Phuoc Tran-Gia, University of Wurzburg, Germany Danny Tsang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Ivan Tsitovich, Institute for Problems of Information Transmission, Russia Kurt Tutschku, University of Wurzburg, Germany Hans van den Berg, Telecom/University of Twente, Netherlands J.P. Vasseur, Cisco Systems, USA Jorma Virtamo, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland Jean Walrand, University of California, Berkeley, USA Qin Yang, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Yuanyuan Yang, State University of New York @ Stony Brook, USA Moshe Zukerman, University of Melbourne, Australia
National TPC Members Osama Aboul-Magd, Nortel, Ottawa Attahiru Alfa, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg Ron Armolavicius, Nortel, Ottawa Maged Beshai, Nortel (Retired), Ottawa Gregor Bochmann, University of Ottawa Azzedine Boukerche, University of Ottawa Raouf Boutaba, University of Waterloo Mark Coates, McGill University. Montreal Zbigniew Dziong, Ecole de Technologie Superieur, Montreal Abraham Fapojuwo, University of Calgary Andre Girard, INRS-EMT, Montreal Wayne Grover, TRLabs, Edmonton Hossam Hassanein, Queen's University, Kingston Changcheng Huang, Carleton University, Ottawa Rainer Iraschko, Telus, Calgary Alberto Leon-Garcia, University of Toronto Cyril Leung, University of British Columbia, Vancouver Victor Leung, University of British Columbia, Vancouver Eric Manning, University of Victoria Peter Marbach, University of Toronto Mike McGreggor, TRLabs, Edmonton Mustafa Mehmet Ali, Concordia University, Montreal Hussein Mouftah, University of Ottawa Biswajit Nandy, Solana Networks, Ottawa Jean Regnier, OZ Communications, Montreal Brunhilde Sanso, École Polytechnique de Montréal Anand Srinivasan, EION, Ottawa Ljiljana Trajkovic, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver Tom Vilmansen, Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission, Ottawa Carey Williamson, University of Calgary Vincent Wong, University of British Columbia, Vancouver James Yan, Carleton University, Ottawa Oliver Yang, University of Ottawa
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf