-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [ipin2018] IPIN2018 CALL FOR COMPETITION Datum: Fri, 19 Jan 2018 17:29:39 +0100 (CET) Von: Aigul KHAMITOVA aigul.khamitova@ifsttar.fr Antwort an: ipin2018@ifsttar.fr An: ipin2018@listes.ifsttar.fr Kopie (CC): Valérie Renaudin valerie.renaudin@ifsttar.fr, Miguel Ortiz miguel.ortiz@ifsttar.fr
Indoor Localization Competition
September 22^nd , 2018 Shopping mall /Atlantis le Centre/, Nantes, France
IPIN is pleased to announce the Indoor Localization Competition, which will be held in the course of the IPIN 2018 Conference in Nantes (France).
The competition consists of four independent challenging tracks.
It is a unique opportunity to solve remaining issues in your GEO-IOT, Location Based Services or other geolocation applications in a dynamic real environment.
For more information, please check the Call description on our website http://ipin2018.ifsttar.fr/index.php?id=3958.
If you have any questions related to the competition tracks, please contact ipin2018@ifsttar.fr mailto:ipin2018@ifsttar.frfor further information.
/Copyright © 2018, IFSTTAR, All rights reserved./
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf