[Fwd: CFP: DEBS'03 Workshop on Event-Based Systems and Publish/Subscribe]
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: CFP: DEBS'03 Workshop on Event-Based Systems and Publish/Subscribe Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 09:45:16 +0100 From: Ludger Fiege fiege@RBG.INFORMATIK.TU-DARMSTADT.DE Reply-To: Mailing List der GI FG 3.3.1 "Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme" KUVS-L@LISTSERV.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE To: KUVS-L@LISTSERV.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE
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Call for Papers
Second International Workshop on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS'03)
Sunday, June 8th, 2003 in San Diego, California.
In conjunction with:
The ACM SIGMOD/PODS Conference.
As part of the
Federated Computing Research Conference 2003.
The workshop is in cooperation with SIGMOD.
Research on event-based systems and publish/subscribe systems has recently gained increasing attention. It has been recognized that loosely coupled asynchronous communication mechanisms are necessary to build complex distributed systems. Comparable mechanisms are already used in existing products, including enterprise application integration platforms, enterprise resource planning systems, application servers, and database management systems. Moreover, event service features have been included in many middleware platforms, such as J2EE, CORBA, and COM+.
Although these services provide some basic functionality, there are still many open problems, ranging from design and integration to scalability issues. Technical and algorithmic solutions that increase scalability must be supported by solutions providing models of coordination, programming abstractions, usage patterns, and data management support. Furthermore, robust enterprise solutions will be integrated with legacy systems in heterogeneous environments, raising data management and security issues. Future application scenarios, including web-based services, support for mobility, and location-based services, will stress all of these topics.
New requirements for event-based systems, especially high availability, auditing and tracking requirements from enterprise application integration, have shown the increasing importance of databases in event-based computing, especially in large-scale application integration. The need to track changing business information reflected in databases has driven the need for active database technology and continuous query management in this context.
Research on event-based systems and publish/subscribe systems is dispersed among different areas of computer science including data management, distributed systems, networking, software engineering, and programming languages. Moreover event-based concepts are applied in commercial software.
The objectives of this workshop are to bring together participants from academia and industry that work in areas related to event-based systems and publish/subscribe systems to discuss problems in distributed event management in the context of large-scale applications, including, but not limited to, application integration, web server farms, network management, data dissemination, location-based services, mobile networks and to identify relevant research problems and directions in this emerging field. The intend is to keep the meeting highly interactive and encourage discussions among participants.
Suggested topics for research and position papers include, but are not limited to:
* publish/subscribe technology * messaging middleware * continuous query management * active databases and trigger management * integration with databases and storage systems (e.g. active database and transactions processing systems) * relationship to stream-based data management * relationship to tuple spaces * networks of publish/subscribe systems, their applications, and content-based routing * algorithms for distributed event processing (e.g. filtering, routing, composition, ordering) * event notification protocols and delivery mechanisms * efficient use of IP-multicast and publish/subscribe communication techniques * push-based event dissemination mechanisms * fault-tolerant event distribution * event-based systems and peer-to-peer networks * performance issues of distributed subscription and event processing * design, architecture, and engineering of event-based applications * case studies of challenging applications and requirement analysis
We explicitly solicit industrial participation, presenting experiences with event-based systems, messaging middleware, publish/subscribe systems, the use and provision of event models in existing products, and the backgrounds of commercially available event-based systems. Industrial papers should be indicated as such.
Papers due: Monday, March 31st, 2003
Notification of acceptance: Wednesday, April 30th, 2003
Final papers due: May 25th, 2003
Conference date: Sunday June 8th, 2003
WEB PAGE http://www.eecg.utoronto.ca/debs03/
San Diego, California, in conjunction with the ACM SIGMOD/PODS Conference and in cooperation with SIGMOD.
Submitted papers should describe original, unpublished research or experience and be no longer than 8 pages and adhere to the ACM proceedings format (http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html). Templates are available for major text processing systems. Papers should start with title, authors and affiliations, abstract, and keywords. Papers previously published or already being reviewed by another conference are not eligible. Papers should be made available electronically in PDF format . Submission instructions will be posted on the workshop web page (http://www.eecg.utoronto.ca/debs03/).
All papers must be written in English and will be reviewed by members of the Program Committee. Accepted papers will be included in the online proceedings of the workshop published on the workshop web site and the SIGMOD DiSC. The publication of revisions of selected papers after the workshop in a special issue of a journal is being considered.
Some papers may not be selected for presentation, and some may be selected for presentation in shorter talks than their paper length would otherwise command. We will limit the length of paper presentations and the number of papers presented to make sure that there is enough time for discussion. At least one author of an accepted paper is expected to attend the workshop in order to present the work.
The tentative program of the workshop will consist of an invited talk, a set of paper presentations and discussions.
For further details, contact the program chair at jacobsen@eecg.toronto.edu.
Program Chair:
* Hans-Arno Jacobsen, University of Toronto
Program Committee Members:
* Gustavo Alonso, ETH Zürich, Switzerland * Jean Bacon, University of Cambridge, UK * Sumeer Bhola, IBM T.J. Watson, USA * Alejandro Buchmann, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany * Antonio Carzaniga, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA * Edward Cobb, BEA Systems, USA * Patrick Eugster, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne * Ludger Fiege, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany * Michael Franklin, UC Berkeley, US * Dieter Gawlick, Oracle, US * Rachid Guerraoui, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland * Ken Moody, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom * Gero Mühl, Berlin University of Technology, Germany * David Rosenblum, PreCache, Inc. USA * Peter Triantafillou, University of Patras, Greece
participants (1)
Lars Wolf