[Fwd: cfp - NEMO Workshop (WONEMO) in Japan, January 2006. Papers by Oct.31, 2005]

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: cfp - NEMO Workshop (WONEMO) in Japan, January 2006. Papers by Oct.31, 2005 Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 15:12:05 +0900 From: Thierry Ernst ernst@sfc.wide.ad.jp Organization: "OptimaNumerics" To: Computational Science Mailing List computational.science@lists.optimanumerics.com
CFP The First International WOrkshop on NEtwork MObility (WONEMO) January 19 2006, Sendai, Japan http://www.icoin.org/wonemo
In conjunction with ICOIN http://www.icoin.org/ January 16-19 2006, Sendai, Japan
Important Dates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
All deadlines are 23:59:59 GMT. These are *firm* deadlines.
Paper submission deadline: Oct 31, 2005 Notification of acceptance: Nov 30, 2005 Camera-ready versions due: Dec 31, 2005
Scope ~~~~~
Research in NEtwork MObility (NEMO) support mechanisms has been performed for some years. The purpose of network mobility support is to manage the change of the point of attachment of the mobile router connecting an entire network to the Internet topology. This would allow such a network, known as a "mobile network" (or a NEMO), to migrate in the IP topology. With such an approach to mobility management, anything could potentially be connected to the Internet, particularly PANs (Personal Area Networks, i.e. small networks attached to people and composed of Internet appliances like PDAs, mobile phones, digital cameras, etc.), networks of sensors deployed in vehicles (aircrafts, boats, buses, trains), and access networks deployed in public transportation (taxis, trains, aircrafts, trucks and personal cars) to provide Internet access to devices carried by their passengers (laptop, camera, mobile phone, and even PANs, therefore exhibiting what is referred to as a nested NEMO).
The solution NEMO Basic Support (RFC 3963) specified for IPv6 by the IETF in the NEMO Working Group brings an answer to immediate needs, i.e. maintaining existing connections open, while optmization issues are left for later once research in this topic has reached maturity.
The complexity of the configurations enabled by network mobility (nested mobility, multihomed NEMO, split NEMO) causes new issues, particularly on the routing optimization side. It does also challenge existing mechanisms for security, access control, multicast and quality of service applied to network mobility.
The goal of the WONEMO workshop is to gather researchers in network mobility, to share the experience in implementations, experimentations, and to explore the deployment, usages, and research issues of NEMO-like networks.
The workshop strongly encourages the submission of papers that challenge the research community with revolutionary new approaches, technologies, or usages in the field of NEMO. These "challenge papers" should provide stimulating ideas or visions that may open up exciting avenues of far-reaching future research. Descriptions of new products or simple evolution of existing work are not appropriate. We solicit full-length papers presenting original and unpublished work including, but not limited to the following topics:
- Routing optimization in nested and non-nested NEMO - NEMO multihomed issues (multiple MRs, multiple prefixes,multiple interfaces) - Performances issues - Security and Access control mechanisms for nested and non-nested NEMO - Applications and usages of NEMO Basic Support - Auto-configuration for NEMO - Interaction between NEMO and ad-hoc networks - Simulation of network mobility (protocols and usages) - Description of actual implementations/experimentations of NEMO - Multicast in nested and non-nested NEMO - Simulation models and tools for network mobility
Submission ~~~~~~~~~~
Papers should not exceed 8 pages.
For submission, please follow the guidelines as indicated on http://www.icoin.org/wonemo/submission.html
General Chair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prof. Jun Murai, WIDE Project, Keio University, Japan
Program Co-chairs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Dr. Thierry Ernst, Keio University, Japan - Dr. Ryuji Wakikawa, Keio University, Japan
Technical Program Committee ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Prof. Yang Hee Choi (Seoul National University, South Korea) - Dr. Gabriel Montenegro (Microsoft, USA) - Dr. Thomas Noel (ULP Strasbourg, France) - Prof. Fumio Teraoka (Keio University, Japan) - Prof. Chung-Ming Huang (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan) - Vijay Devarapalli (Nokia, USA) - Takashi Aramaki (Panasonic, Japan) (More to be confirmed)
[Last Modified: 2005/10/06]
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Lars Wolf