Fwd: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] IEEE VNC 2015 - Call For Posters and Demos

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] IEEE VNC 2015 - Call For Posters and Demos Datum: Thu, 1 Oct 2015 17:28:58 +0900 Von: Takayuki NISHIO nishio@I.KYOTO-U.AC.JP Antwort an: Takayuki NISHIO nishio@I.KYOTO-U.AC.JP An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
***** IEEE VNC 2015 - Call For Posters and Demos *****
============================================ 7th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (IEEE VNC 2015) 16-18 December 2015 Hyatt Regency Hotel, Kyoto, Japan http://www.ieee-vnc.org/2015/
Poster and Demo submission deadline: 16 October 2015 ============================================
Vehicular networking and communication systems is an area of significant importance in our increasingly connected and mobile world. Effective vehicular connectivity techniques can significantly enhance efficiency of travel, reduce traffic incidents and improve safety, mitigate the impact of congestion, and overall provide a more comfortable experience. Towards this goal, the 2015 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC) seeks to bring together researchers, professionals, and practitioners to present and discuss recent developments and challenges in vehicular networking technologies, and their applications.
IEEE VNC 2015 will continue the tradition from previous editions to include a poster session to allow the authors to closely interact with, and obtain feedback from, the conference audience on new or on-going research contributions related to vehicular networking. Posters are especially suited for presenting controversial research directions that may generate discussion, or promising ideas not yet fully validated through complete extensive evaluation.
IEEE VNC 2015 will also include a demonstration session for researchers to showcase their latest prototypes with media, models, or live demonstrations. The demo session will be co-located with the poster session to ensure maximum visibility and a close interaction with the conference audience. We solicit proposals for demonstrations related to vehicular networking, describing either mature or innovative systems and prototypes developed for commercial use or for research purposes, from industries as well as universities. We especially encourage demos on validating important research issues or showcasing prototypes that demonstrate realistic applications.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
* Applications of vehicular networks, including ITS * Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications * Vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications * Vehicle-to-X (V2X) communications (e.g., with bicyclists, pedestrians, etc.) * In-vehicle communications (wireless or wired) * Radio technologies for V2X (radio resource management, propagation models, antennas, etc.) * Protocols for vehicular networks (MAC / link layer, routing, mobility management, dissemination, transport, applications etc.) * Architectures, algorithms and protocols for data dissemination, processing, and aggregation in vehicular networks * Security, privacy, liability, and dependability in vehicular networks * Network and QoS management for vehicular networks * Simulation and performance evaluation techniques for vehicular networks * Results from experimental systems, testbeds, and pilot studies * Impact assessments of vehicular networks on safety, transportation efficiency, and the environment * Communications related to electric and hybrid vehicles * Heterogeneous networking approaches (multi-radio, multi-application) * Integration of V2V with on-board systems and networks
Conference Venue ------------------------------------------------ The conference will be hosted in Kyoto, Japan at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. Kyoto, known as the Cultural Heart of Japan, was the imperial capital of Japan for over a millennium and is one of the best preserved cities in Japan. Seventeen UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Sites are located in and around Kyoto, 1600 Buddhist temples, 400 Shinto shrines, as well as countless famous gardens and palaces. At the same time, Kyoto is very much a modern city, home to close to 1.5 million people. Kansai International Airport is just 75 minutes out from the city center.
Manuscript submissions ------------------------------------------------------ Poster/demo papers should be 2-page papers following standard IEEE 2-column format using 10-point font. All paper submissions must be written in English. The title of the paper should begin with either "Poster:" or "Demo:". Optionally, a poster paper submission can also include an electronic copy of the poster.
A demo paper submission should include an overview of the demonstration set-up (the inclusion of photographs of the demonstrator are encouraged) and the results that will be showcased to the attendees. We also encourage the authors of the demo papers to include a link to a short 2-min demonstration video for the reviewers to facilitate the evaluation of the quality of the demonstration proposal. If a video is included, it will be downloaded by the demo co-chairs such that it can be hosted on our website to ensure the anonymity of the reviewers. The videos of accepted demonstration proposals will then also be advertised on the conference website. For all accepted demonstration proposals, the demo co-chairs will follow up with the authors to obtain requests for required equipment and/or facilities (power outlets, Internet connections, table dimensions, etc.). Demonstrations may be supported by a poster describing the general set-up of the demonstration, its background, and the technical content to be demonstrated. The authors should inform the demo co-chairs if an accompanying poster will be presented.
All paper submissions must be written in English and must be formatted in standard IEEE 2-column format. The mandatory IEEE template in Microsoft Word and LaTeX format can be found at the IEEE templates page. Only Adobe PDF files will be accepted for the review process. All submissions must be made electronically. Submission instructions will be provided at a later time.
All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings and will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Please note that for every accepted contribution, at least one person must register for the conference and present.
Further submission instructions are published on the conference web site http://www.ieee-vnc.org/2015/
Important Dates for Attendees & Authors ------------------------------------------------------- * 16 October 2015: Poster and Demo submission deadline (firm!) * 26 October 2015: author notifications sent * 9 November 2015: camera ready versions due * 16 December 2015: conference begins in Kyoto, Japan
Chairs and Committees -----------------------------------------------------
General Co-Chairs: Onur Altintas (Toyota InfoTechnology Center, Japan) Frank Kargl (Ulm University, Germany)
TPC Co-Chairs: Eylem Ekici (Ohio State University, OH, USA) Christoph Sommer (University of Paderborn, Germany)
Local Arrangements: Michelle Measel (IEEE)
Finance Chair: Bruce Worthman (IEEE)
Publication Chair: Michele Segata (University of Trento, Italy)
Poster/Demo Co-Chairs: Jonathan Petit (Security Innovation, USA) Takayuki Nishio (Kyoto University)
Web Chair: David Foerster (Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany)
Steering Committee: Onur Altintas (Toyota InfoTechnology Center, Japan) Wai Chen (China Mobile Research Institute) Geert Heijenk (University of Twente, The Netherlands) Thomas Luckenbach (FOKUS, Germany) Hyun Seo Oh (ETRI, South Korea) Umit Ozguner (Ohio State University, U.S.A.) Tadao Saito (Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Further Information --------------------------------------------------- For further information, please refer to the conference website at http://www.ieee-vnc.org/2015/
participants (1)
Lars Wolf