MIT Presence: Special Issue on Subliminal/unaware cues and perception of presence... (deadline extended to Aug. 15)

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2nd Call for Papers Special Issue of Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments Subliminal/unaware cues and perception of presence in virtual, tele- presence, and automotive environments Submissions due: extended to August 15, 2013 *************************************************************************
This special issue focuses on the role of a special category of sensory cues in the sense of 'presence': subliminal and unaware sensory stimuli in Virtual Environments (VE). The central objective is to provoke an active debate on the impact, role, and adequacy of using unaware or below threshold information in VE, teleoperation, or augmented reality.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* The impact of unaware/subliminal cues on user?s feelings, attitudes, and behavior.
* Subliminal cues and the user?s sense of presence or immersion in VE.
* Subliminal cues and improvement of a user?s performance in VE although it is generally accepted that such stimuli are weak.
* Systematic approach to taxonomy (i.e., definition and terminology) of subliminal perception and other interchangeable or contrary terms, including implicit, supraliminal, priming, conscious, preconscious, unconscious, subconscious, below awareness, (etc.) in the context of VE/teleoperation systems or the automotive domain.
* Philosophy or rationale for the use of subliminal interfaces in VE, teleoperation, or augmented reality.
* Ethical issues of application of subliminal perception in VE, teleoperation systems or vehicular interfaces.
* Social interaction based on subliminal/unaware cues.
* Socio-technical issues such as social acceptance, preference, privacy issues, security issues, and attitudes towards technologies that include cues which the user is unaware of.
* Guidelines of the application of subliminal perception in VE, teleoperation, or augmented reality.
* Case study of application of subliminal perception/cues/interfaces in VE, teleoperation, automotive applications, or augmented reality in general.
* Subliminal cues and interfaces such as head-mounted displays, vibrotactile transducers, olfactory stimulation, brain-computer interfaces (BCI).
* Domain-specific approach to subliminal perception (e.g., remote vehicles, driving simulator, aviation, robotics, or other teleopera- tion tasks).
* Modalities: visual perception (flashing picture, video, text, etc.), auditory perception (compressed speech, music, non-speech sounds, etc.), haptic/tactile perception, olfactory, or fusion of those.
* Evaluation and validation methodologies for the effects of subliminal information (qualitative, quantitative validations).
* Characteristics of subliminally delivered information (e.g., reachable bandwidth, natural bounds, complexity of information, speed of perception, strength/duration/frequency of subliminal interaction).
* Subliminally delivered information and its relationship with other constructs - cognitive workload, perceived performance, situation awareness, emotions, etc.
* Individual differences in threshold of subliminal perception (age, gender, characteristics, (dis)abilities, cognitive style, cultural/ ethnologic background, etc.).
* Risk assessment of the use of subliminal interfaces and strategies to reduce its risk.
Submission Guidelines --------------------- Papers will be selected based on scientific rigor, originality, novelty, and presentation quality. By submitting a paper to this special issue, the authors guarantee that their papers are not currently submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should conform to the journal submission guidelines available at - Submissions due: extended to August 15, 2013 - Publication expected for 2014
Guest Editors of the Special Issue ---------------------------------- - Andreas Riener, Dept. of Pervasive Computing, University of Linz, Austria; Phone: +43 732 2468 - 4473; Email:
- Myounghoon Jeon, Department of Cognitive & Learning Sciences, Michigan Tech, USA; Email:
- Miriam Reiner, Head of Technion Touch Lab, Gutwirth Building, Haifa, Israel; Email:
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participants (1)
Andreas Riener