Fwd: [kuvs-sw-preis] KiVS'11 Final Call for Papers

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [kuvs-sw-preis] KiVS'11 Final Call for Papers Datum: Tue, 17 Aug 2010 08:01:49 +0200 Von: Norbert Luttenberger nl@informatik.uni-kiel.de Antwort an: nl@informatik.uni-kiel.de Organisation: Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel An: KuVS-ELG elg@kuvs.de, KuVS-Mitglieder mitglieder-info@kuvs.de, kuvs-sw-preis@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
mit der Bitte um Beachtung und Weiterverteilung
17th Conference "Communication in Distributed Systems" (KiVS'11) 2011, March 8 - 11, Kiel, Germany
Important Dates Submission of conference papers 2010-09-19 Acceptance notification 2010-11-07 Camera-ready version due 2010-12-05 Submission of workshop papers 2010-10-31 Acceptance notification 2010-11-28 Camera-ready version due 2010-12-19 Submission of tutorial proposals 2010-10-17 Acceptance notification 2010-11-07 Tutorials 2011-03-08 Conference 2011-03-08 - 2011-03-10 Workshops 2011-03-10 - 2011-03-11
Apologies if you are receiving this mail more than once. Please reply to this mail in case this conference is not of your interest so that we can exclude your name from the mailing list.
The conference series "Communication in Distributed Systems" (KiVS)--jointly organized by GI and ITG--is the most important and successful scientific conference series in Germany on all aspects of technical communication and distributed processing. It started over 30 years ago. In 2011, KiVS takes place from March, 8 to 11, at Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel. The program focus is on new developments in research and practice in the communications area. Excursions to renowned companies in the vicinity, tutorials on new technologies, and workshops on special topics round up the conference program (for the latter, see dedicated CfPs).
Please submit both academic and practical contributions to KiVS 2011! Three kinds of contributions are welcome: • Long papers have up to 12 pages and present new scientific results and well-founded findings. • Short papers are up to six pages long and describe ongoing work and innovative aspects of projects. • Industry papers for the newly introduced Industry Track comprise about two pages. They present innovative projects, new technologies and trends from the industrial practice.
Submitted long and short papers may not have been published or submitted elsewhere. Presentation languages are German and English. All submissions must meet the language and format requirements as specified on the conference website http://www.kivs11.de. Submissions will be reviewed by the program committee with regard to their content‘s quality and relevance to the conference. Accepted papers will appear in a conference volume in the Open Access in Informatics Series (OASIcs) of the Leibniz Center for Computer Science (Schloss Dagstuhl).
Areas of interest for KiVS 2011: KiVS’11 provides a forum for the discussion of recent developments in the fields of communications and distributed systems. Possible topics include: • Networks: Mobile ad-hoc networks, sensor networks, optical networks, mobile networks, network convergence, Future Internet, new routing methods, routing mediation, next generation networks, next generation mobile networks, peer-to-peer networks • Protocols: QoS and QoE, congestion control, mobility support, self-organization, video streaming, Beyond-IP • Energy efficiency: energy information networks, energy-efficient protocols, self-sustaining distributed systems, distributed applications to save energy, Smart Grid, home energy monitoring • Middleware: Web services, grid services, peer-to-peer middleware, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), service discovery and composition, enterprise application integration, context-sensitive and adaptive systems, agent systems, virtualization, disruptive networks, mobile middleware, service enablers, service APIs, cross-functional layer composition • Control, monitoring, management: Autonomic communication, network and service management, technical foundations for IT governance and compliance • Security: Identity and access management, privacy, privacy enhancing technologies, intrusion detection, firewalls and application level gateways • Distributed applications and technologies: Content delivery networks, telematics, automotive systems, cloud computing, cooperative robots, e-learning, e-commerce, e-finance, e-health, Semantic Web, Smart Cities, e-government, web 2.0/3.0 applications, machine-to-machine communication (M2M), Internet of Things • Design of distributed systems: Self-organizing systems, agent-oriented design, adaptability and reflexivity, model-driven development, autonomy and emergence, fault-tolerant systems, transactional memory • Methods and Tools: Test and measurement techniques, modeling and simulation, analytical performance evaluation, validation and verification platforms and experimental testbeds
Prize for the best Communications Software: At the conference in Kiel, the "Best Communications Software” prize is going to be arwarded for the second time. It is a prize for innovative software that has been developed as part of a student or research project. For more information, visit http://www.kivs11.de.
The conference venue is Kiel, the state capital of Schleswig-Holstein. With about 237 000 inhabitants Kiel is the largest city in this federal state. Kiel is situated on the Kiel fjord, a 17 km long, narrow fjord of the Baltic Sea, and on the Kiel Canal, the busiest man-made maritime shipping lane of the world. The proximity of the Kiel fjord makes Kiel a paradise for sailors, but also promenaders enjoy a tour alongside the Kiel fjord in any weather. The Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel was founded in 1665 and is the only comprehensive university in the country. The nearest city is Hamburg-about 90 km to the south.
For further information on locations, submissions, formatting requirements, hotel accomodation and conference registration as well as current news, visit http://www.kivs11.de.
Contact information:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Luttenberger Research Group for Communication Systems Dept. of Computer Science Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel Christian-Albrechts-Platz 4 24118 Kiel, Germany
++49-431-880-7291 chair(at)kivs11(dot)de
Gesellschaft für Informatik http://www.gi-ev.de
Informationstechnische Gesellschaft im VDE http://www.vde.com/de/fg/ITG/
participants (1)
Lars Wolf