Fwd: Call for Papers: IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications in Istanbul, Turkey (PIMRC 2019), due by March 31!

-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -------- Von: IEEE Communications Society noreply@comsoc.org Gesendet: 20. März 2019 20:48:51 MEZ An: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de Betreff: Call for Papers: IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications in Istanbul, Turkey (PIMRC 2019), due by March 31!
The 2019 Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (IEEE PIMRC 2019 (http://pimrc2019.ieee-pimrc.org/) ) (http://pimrc2019.ieee-pimrc.org/) will mark its 30th anniversary this year. Founded in 1989 as a workshop in London, PIMRC developed over the years to become a major international conference attracting participants from technical communities around the world. The PIMRC 2019 will be held on 8-11 September 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey, with a program that includes technical sessions, tutorials, workshops, and technology and business panels. Submit your paper today to participate in PIMRC 2019!
Call for Papers (http://pimrc2019.ieee-pimrc.org/authors/call-for-papers/) http://pimrc2019.ieee-pimrc.org/authors/call-for-papers/ You are invited to submit papers, as well as proposals for panels, tutorials, and workshops, in all areas of wireless communications, networks, services, and applications. The potential topics include, but are not limited to: Track 1: Fundamentals and PHY (Submit a paper (https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=25972&track=94324) ) * Coding and modulation * Channel modeling and equalization * Coded caching and wireless caching * Cognitive and green radio * Cooperative communications * Millimeter wave communications * Multi-user communications and interference mitigation * Optical wireless communications * Physical layer security * Propagation, antennas and beamforming * Signal processing for communications * Single-/multiuser MIMO and massive MIMO * Source coding and joint source/channel coding * Synchronization techniques * Ultra-wideband communications * Wireless information and power transfer
Track 2: MAC and Cross-Layer Design (Submit a paper (https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=25973&track=94325) ) * Adaptive and reconfigurable MACs * Cross-layer designs * Delay tolerant MAC designs * Information-theoretic approaches to MAC designs * Joint access and backhaul scheduler designs * Joint MAC and networking layer designs * MAC for low-power embedded networks * MAC for mobile and vehicular networks * QoS/QoE-enabling MAC in 5G and future mobile networks * Radio resource management, allocation, and scheduling * Scheduler for macro-, pico-, femto-cellular systems, HetNets * Scheduler for cooperative and relay systems * Security issues in MAC designs * Time-critical MAC designs * Implementation, testbeds and prototypes
Track 3: Mobile and Wireless Networks (Submit a paper (https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=25974&track=94326) ) * Ad hoc networks and wireless sensor networks * Body area networks and self-organizing networks * Cognitive radio networks * Congestion, load and admission control * Cooperative networking * Delay tolerant networks * Mobile and wireless IP * Green wireless networks * Locally dependent networks * Location management * Mobile computing * Satellite communications * Smart grid networks * Transport layer * UAV networks and vehicular networks * Wireless multicasting, broadcasting, and geocasting
Track 4: Services, Applications and Business (Submit a paper (https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=25975&track=94327) ) * Mobile/Wireless network support for vertical industries * Adaptive content distribution in on-demand services * Context and location-aware wireless services and applications * User-centric networks and adaptive services * Wireless body area networks and e-health services * Intelligent transportation systems * Dynamic sensor networks for urban applications * Wireless emergency and security systems * Ultra-reliable communication * Enabling regulations, standards, spectrum management * Hybrid licensed/unlicensed spectrum access schemes (e. g. licensed-assisted access) * Technologies, architectures and enabling business model for rural communications Satellite-based mobile access and backhaul * Hybrid satellite-terrestrial networks * Full duplexing * Joint access and backhaul schemes * Testbed and prototype implementation of wireless services
Important Dates (http://pimrc2019.ieee-pimrc.org/authors/call-for-papers/)
Full Paper Submission: 31 March 2019 (Extended) Tutorial Proposals: 31 March 2019 (Extended) Workshop Paper Submission: 15 April 2019 (Extended) Panel Proposals: 30 April 2019 (Extended)
Notification of Acceptance: 7 June 2019 Final Manuscript: 28 June 2019 https://www.ieee.org/membership-catalog/productdetail/showProductDetailPage.... https://www.ieee.org/membership/renew.html
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf