[Fwd: SIMA 2005 @ MILCOM: Call for Papers deadline extention!]
=== Wer schon immer mal mit Donald Rummsfeld Bekanntschaft machen wollte ;-) ===
Call for Papers � Extended Deadlines ! ! ! Workshop on Situation Management (SIMA 2005) In conjunction with MILCOM 2005, Atlantic City, October 17, 2005
More information in http://www.milcom.org/2005/call_paper_sima.htm.
According to modern US defense doctrine, future wars will be characterized by heightened mobility, increased operational tempo and more complex and dynamic situations. As a result, military commanders will require effective methods of situation monitoring, awareness and control -- operations collectively identifiable as Situation Management. Critical aspects of situation management include managing and controlling sources of information, processing real-time or near real-time streams of events, representing and integrating low-level events and higher-level concepts, multi-source information fusion, information presentation that maximizes human comprehension, reasoning about what is happening and what is important. Furthermore, commanders will require management support systems that include control over their current command options, prediction of probable situation evolutions, and analysis of potential threats and vulnerabilities. Similar situation management tasks exist in several other domains including network management, homeland security, emergency/crisis management and real-time management of situations in financial, medical, and other service-related domains.
As a rule, situations often involve a large number of dynamic objects that change states in time and space, and engage each other into fairly complex spatio-temporal relations. From the management viewpoint it is important to understand the situations in which these objects participate, to recognize emerging trends and potential threats, and to undertake required actions. Understanding dynamic requires complex cognitive modeling, the building of ontologies, and continuous collection, filtering, and fusion of sensor, intelligence, database, Internet based and related information sources.
The objective of this workshop is to provide a forum for scientists, engineers and decision makers from government, industry and academia to present the state of their research, development and systems needs in situation management, to discuss fundamental issues and problems and to identify future R&D directions. This workshop encourages contributions from multiple domains and disciplines. Technical papers are invited on topics describing specific information systems, techniques and algorithms that facilitate the process of situation management, including but not limited to the following topics:
Situation Monitoring and Awareness Logical Foundations of Situation Calculus Situation Specification Languages Situations Ontologies and Semantics Reasoning about Situations Learning and Situation Discovery Predictive Situation Models Level 2+ Fusion Systems Threat Identification and Analysis Cognitive Models of Information Fusion Real-Time Event Management Operational Situations Battlespace Management Homeland Security Monitoring & Awareness Emergency Situations & Crisis Management Sensor and Ad Hoc Network Management
Papers (max 6 pages) have to be submitted at MILCOM's Web site: http://www.milcom.org/2005/ Papers will be published on CD and appear in IEEE Xplore. Besides authors, workshop participants are encouraged to submit a short position statement expressing their thoughts on situation management. Send notifications on your submissions and inquiries to sima@comsoc.org.
Revised Deadlines: Abstracts/Statements Due: March 31, 2005 (extended from March 15, 2005) Draft Papers Due: May 15, 2005 (extended from April 15, 2005) Notifications Due: June 15, 2005 (extended from May 30, 2005) Final Papers: July 29, 2005
More information in http://www.milcom.org/2005/call_paper_sima.htm.
Workshop Co-Chairs: Dr. Gabriel Jakobson, Altusys Corporation Dr. Mieczyslaw Kokar, Northeastern University
TPC Co-Chairs: Dr. Lundy Lewis, Southern New Hampshire University
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participants (1)
Marc Bechler