[Fwd: [Tccc] [CFP] Special Issue Call for Papers]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] [CFP] Special Issue Call for Papers Datum: Mon, 8 Dec 2008 17:18:04 +0900 Von: Deok Gyu Lee leedeokgyu@gmail.com An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu
Special Issue Call for Papers
Mobile Networks and Applications
Editor-in-Chief: Imrich Chlamtac ISSN: 1383-469X (print version), ISSN: 1572-8153 (electronic version)
Special Issue on
"Advanced Mobile Applications and Intelligent Multimedia systems for Ubi-Com"
Ubi-Com (UC) has emerged rapidly as an exciting new paradigm that includes pervasive, grid, and peer-to-peer computing to provide computing and communication services at anytime and anywhere. In order to take the advantages of such services, it is important that intelligent systems be suitable for UC. UC environments have recently drawn enormous attention and interest in both the academic and the industrial research communities as one of the most promising application fields for intelligent services. In fact, the UC domain poses unique challenges such as context fusion, data-mining, multimedia systems / services, communication interoperability, security and safety managements, and so on.
This special issue aims to address advanced mobile applications and intelligent multimedia system for UC. It will accept both original research papers and review articles that enhance the state-of-the-art in advanced mobile applications and intelligent multimedia system including topics like interactive context-aware services on mobile devices, intelligent network management and communications, human communication interaction, interactive multimedia systems, multimedia security and privacy issues for UC, and so on. The papers will be peer reviewed and selected on the basis of both their quality and their relevance to the theme of this special issue.
Original contributions, not currently under review to another journal or conference, are solicited in relevant areas including, but not limited to, the following:
. Advanced mobile applications and services for UC . Ubiquitous multimedia services and applications
. Interactive context-aware services on mobile . Multimedia systems, architecture, and
devices for UC applications for UC
. Intelligent network management and communications . Content protection and digital rights
for UC management for UC
. Human communication interaction for UC . Multimedia modeling and processing for UC
. Interactive multimedia systems for UC . Emerging standards and technologies for UC
. Security issues on UC
Manuscript Submission Guidelines:
Only original research papers will be considered. Submission should be limited to 25 double space pages.
All manuscripts and any supplementary material should be submitted through Springer Editorial Manager
(SEM). The authors must select "Advanced Mobile Applications-UMC" when they reach the "Article Type" step
in the submission process. The SEM website is located at (http://www.editorialmanager.com/mone/).
Simultaneously, please also send without fail an electronic copy (PDF format preferred), to
parkjonghyuk1@hotmail.com and denko@cis.uoguelph.ca.
Deadline for paper submission: Dec. 15, 2008
Revision due: May 31, 2009
Acceptance notification: March 31, 2009
Publication date: Summer or Fall, 2009
Guest Editors
Prof. Jong Hyuk Park Prof. Shu-Ching Chen
Kyungnam University, Korea Florida International University, USA
Email: parkjonghyuk1@hotmail.com Email: chens@cs.fiu.edu Prof. Mieso Denko Prof. Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed
University of GUELPH, Canada Marquette University, USA
Email: denko@cis.uoguelph.ca Email: iq@mscs.mu.edu
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf