Fwd: [InternetTC] Call for Posters, Demos: ACM SIGCOMM 2024

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Call for Posters, Demos: ACM SIGCOMM 2024
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# CALL FOR PSTERS, DEMOS: ACM SIGCOMM 2024 ******************************************************************* The 38th ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM) August 04-08, 2024 Sydney, Australia https://conferences.sigcomm.org/sigcomm/2024/ *******************************************************************
## Call for Posters, Demos The SIGCOMM poster/demo session showcases works-in-progress in an informal setting. Topics of interest are the same as research topics in the SIGCOMM 2024 conference call for papers. We strongly encourage student and industry submissions. The SIGCOMM 2024 poster/demo committee will review all posters and demo proposals. Student posters must be presented by their student authors at the conference. Authors of accepted papers in SIGCOMM 2024 may not submit in this track the same work as in their paper.
*** Submission deadline: May 17th, 2024, Anywhere on Earth (UTC-12) ***
We welcome contributions from networking industry researchers and practitioners. In particular, we strongly encourage posters and demos with a strong emphasis on the research problems faced by the industry as well as the lessons learned from practical deployment, design, and operation of networks and networked systems.
## Why should you submit a Poster or a Demo? Presenting a poster is a great opportunity, especially for students, to obtain interesting and valuable feedback on ongoing research from a knowledgeable crowd at the conference. Accepted posters and demos will be published as a two-page abstract in the archived conference proceedings. In addition, the top few submissions may be forwarded for publication to the SIGCOMM newsletter, the Computer Communication Review (CCR). The SIGCOMM poster and demo sessions will also serve as an ACM SIGCOMM Student Research Competition (SRC).The ACM SRC offers a unique forum for graduate students (i.e., enrolled in a master or Ph.D. program) and undergraduate students (students enrolled in a program below master level) to present their original research before a panel of judges and attendees.
## What is a Poster/Demo? We expect both poster and demo presenters to prepare a poster. The key difference between a poster and demo submission is that a demo also includes live demonstrations of research products.
A poster is A0 paper size (841 × 1189mm) or ANSI E size (34.0 x 44.0 in), to which you can affix visually appealing material that describes your research. Alternatively, you can use the space as a continuum. You should prepare the best material (visually appealing and succinct) that effectively communicates your research problem, techniques, results, and what is novel/important about the work. You need to submit an abstract describing in text what the poster would present. The abstract should clearly state (a) the problem being addressed, (b) what makes this problem interesting, meaningful, and challenging, (c) your approach to the problem, and (d) the key contribution.
The authors of accepted posters/demos will also be expected to submit a digital copy of a poster, which will be available online and shared with the audience during the poster presentation. Details for the presentation and recommended poster formats will be provided after notification.
## What to submit If you are submitting a poster or a demo, you must submit a two-page abstract in PDF format that describes your work.
### Abstracts: All submissions must obey the following formatting requirements.
- Add "POSTER:" or "DEMO:" in front of the paper title.
- Submit abstracts of no more than two single–spaced pages, including, figures, tables, etc. (excluding references). For demos, an additional page should be provided describing the environment and resources needed for the demonstration such as space, tables, etc. This additional page will not go to the proceedings. Abstracts whose content is longer than the page limit will be rejected.
- Submit abstracts formatted for printing on Letter-sized (8.5” by 11”) paper. Paper text blocks must follow ACM guidelines: double-column, with each column 9.25” by 3.33”, 0.33” space between columns. Each column must use 10-point font or larger, and contain no more than 55 lines of text. It is your responsibility to ensure that your submission satisfies the above requirements. If you are using LaTeX, you can make use of this template for ACM conference proceedings. Unlike the official template, it only includes examples for conference proceedings.
### Videos:
- Each demo proposal is highly encouraged to include a video clip showcasing the work and the abstract. The video should be no more than 3 minutes and give a good idea of the demo and what it would look like. Including a video clip will help the committee better understand and evaluate your proposal. While a video is not mandatory at submission time, we require all the accepted demos to submit a video at a second stage before the beginning of the conference.
- Poster submissions are also welcome (but not required) to include a video clip at submission time and/or before the conference. (The rationale is that we don’t want to impose extra work on poster authors but we want to give them an opportunity for additional exposure.) The abstracts and videos of accepted posters and demos will be made available to all attendees at the conference.
Authors of accepted demos and posters will be encouraged to publish auxiliary material in the ACM Digital Library with their poster/demo (source code, packet traces, and so forth) to improve the reproducibility of their results. The auxiliary material does not need to be submitted but can be referenced in the submission.
The posters and demos submitted to SIGCOMM 2024 must be original and cannot be concurrently submitted to other workshops or conferences during the SIGCOMM poster/demo review period. Double submissions to different locations will be rejected.
## Where to submit Please submit your abstract at https://sigcomm24posterdemo.hotcrp.com/. Submissions are single blind, so please include authors . Submissions are single blind, so please include authors&apos names and names and affiliation. When submitting (a poster or demo), indicate if the submission should be considered for the SRC.
## Camera-ready instructions for Posters and Demos
- For each SIGCOMM 2024 event that publishes proceedings, the proceedings will be produced via the HotCRP site used for the review process. The HotCRP site will collect the final papers (i.e., extended abstracts as described above) and interface with the ACM to manage publication rights for the papers.
- The authors must revise the original submission to address the reviewers’ concerns and, if the paper is subject to shepherding, obtain an explicit approval of the final version from the shepherd.
- For the final paper to be published, it is imperative to prepare the final version using the new ACM template (using sigconf document type) from the 2024 ACM consolidated template package (you can also use this barebone LaTeX template). The font size must be 9 points. Do not number pages. Embed all the fonts in the PDF file. The length of the final paper with all its content except references must not exceed 2 pages. There is no limit on the number of references. The deadline for camera-ready submissions is June 28, 2024.
- As described on the above template webpage, the authors should provide proper indexing information in the final version according to the ACM Computing Classification System (CCS). More information about the ACM CCS is available on ACM CCS website.
- Please make sure all fonts are embedded in the document. On Mac, Windows, and Linux, the ‘pdffonts‘ (Poppler) and Adobe Reader tools can report this information. For more information, please see here.
- Student travel grants will be available to selected poster/demo presenters. For students who would like to be considered for travel grant support, please apply for Student Travel Grant.
## Copyright block
In its bottom-left corner, the first page of the final paper must include a copyright notice that the author receives after filling out the e-Rights form via the ACM rights-management tool on the HotCRP page of the paper. ACM will use its automated system to email this information to the authors. Please set your email spam settings to allow messages from rightsreview@acm.orgmailto:rightsreview@acm.org. The copyright block includes the DOI specific to the paper, rights-management text that depends on the author's choice of a license or copyright transfer, the official name, dates, and location of the event.
If you have questions about the camera-ready process, please contact the SIGCOMM 2024 publication chairs.
## Important Dates
Submission deadline: May 17th, 2024, Anywhere on Earth (UTC-12) Acceptance notification: June 14th, 2024 Camera-ready deadline: June 28th, 2024
## Organizers
### Poster Chairs
- Torsten Braun: Universität Bern
### Demo Chairs
- Chen Qian: University of California, Santa Cruz - Shantanu Pal: Deakin University
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Lars Wolf