Fwd: [InternetTC] Call for Papers [Extension] - IEEE TNSM "Resilient Communication Networks for an Hyper-Connected World" Paper submission date (extended): November 20th, 2024

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [InternetTC] Call for Papers [Extension] - IEEE TNSM "Resilient Communication Networks for an Hyper-Connected World" Paper submission date (extended): November 20th, 2024 Datum: Tue, 29 Oct 2024 21:48:45 +0000 Von: Massimo Tornatore 000000158533b4e2-dmarc-request@COMSOC-LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG An: itc@COMSOC.ORG
Dear colleagues,
IEEE TNSM Special Issue on topic related to network resilience has a new submission date! The deadline is now Nov 20th, 2024. Sorry for multiple postings.
*IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management*
*Special Issue on*
*Resilient Communication Networks for an Hyper-Connected World*
Resilience of communication infrastructures is a top priority for network operators. To ensure resilient network operation, new design and management techniques must be constantly devised to respond to the rapid network and service evolution. As a recent and relevant example, deployments of 5G and 6G communication networks require network infrastructures to support new ultra-reliable services with availability of up to 9 nines. Similarly, disaster resiliency in communication networks is now attracting the attention of media, governments, and industry as never before (consider, e.g., the worldwide network traffic deluge to support remote working during the recent COVID19-pandemic!). Furthermore, governments are not only investing to increase the coverage and capacity of their networks, but also the reliability and sovereignty of their networks so that they are more secure and robust against attacks and unstable markets. Fortunately, several new technical directions can be leveraged to improve network resilience, including increased network adaptability enabled by network softwarization (e.g., Software Defined Networking (SDN)); integration/convergence of multiple technologies (optical, wireless, satellite, datacenter networks); enhanced forms of data/service replication that is supported by edge computing; network slicing used to carve highly-reliable logical partitions of network, computing and storage resources. These, and many other technological transformations can enable next-generation high-reliability networks.
Given the strong interest in both industry and academia towards reliability of telecom networks and cloud-computing infrastructures, we organize this fifth IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM) Special Issue on Resilient Communication Networks for an Hyper-Connected World (the first issue published in September 2021). This Special Issue aims at the timely publication of recent and innovative research results on this important topic. This Special Issue is organized in collaboration with the organizers of the International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN), a well-established forum for scientists from both industry and academy who have interest in reliability and resilience of communication networks.
We welcome submissions addressing important challenges (see the list of topics below) and presenting novel research or experimentation results. Survey papers that offer a perspective on related work and identify key challenges for future research will be considered as well. /We look forward to your submissions!/
*About the special issue *
Topics of interest for this special issue, include, but are not limited to the following:
- Technologies
* Resilience in 5G-advanced and 6G networks and services
* Survivable network of networks
* Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communications (URLLC)
* Design of resilient and reliable IoT systems
* Resilience and robust in softwarized networks and Software-Defined Networking (SDN)
* Secure and reliable optical and quantum communication
* Resilient communication networks for the smart grid * Reliable Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) architectures
* Resilience in satellite and Non-Terrestrial communication networks
* Dependability of cloud/wireless/cellular/mobile/datacenter networks
* Resilience in Free-Space Optics/Visible Light Communications (FSO/VLC) communications
* Survivability and traffic engineering of multi-layer/multi-domain networks
* Fast Recovery of overlay and peer-to-peer networks
* Risk and reliability in the Internet and enterprise networks
* Communication reliability for smart city applications, autonomous driving and intelligent transport systems
* Emerging network resilience challenges in the Quantum Internet
* Methods for survivable network and systems design, analysis and operation
* Planning and optimization of reliable networks, systems, and services
* Machine learning for reliable design of communication networks
* Trust and explainability of Machine Learning solutions for reliable networking
* Security of cyber physical and networked control systems
* Reliable design of networked control systems
* Data analytics and Machine Learning for fault diagnosis
* Network coding techniques to improve resilience
* Quality of Experience (QoE) and network service availability assessments
* Resilience of networked critical infrastructures
Use Cases
* Network robustness to natural disasters and hostile environments
* Integration of satellite services for critical situations
* Network dependability and energy consumption trade-offs
* Network resilience combined with economics and commercial issues
* Public policy issues for survivability and resilience
* Supply chain reliability
* Reliability aspects in blockchains and distributed ledgers
* Technological sovereignty
* Reliable zero touch solutions
* Deterministic and time sensitive networking * Resilience towards business continuity
* Reliability requirements and metrics for users, businesses, and the society * Robust network design for hostile and/or pandemic environments
* Security and safety issues in networks and their relation to survivability
* Standardization of network resilience and reliability
* Design and test of reliable operational technology (OT) networks
* Network reconfiguration and reinforcement
*Submission format *
Papers will be evaluated based on their originality, presentation, relevance and contribution to the field of design and management of reliable communication networks, as well as their overall quality and suitability for the special issue. The submitted papers must be written in a good English and describe original research which has not been published nor currently under review by other journals or conferences. Previously published conference papers should be clearly identified by the authors at the initial submission stage and an explanation should be provided of how such papers have been extended in order to be considered for this special issue.
Author guidelines for the preparation of manuscript (including number of pages and potential extra page costs) can be found at: _https://www.comsoc.org/publications/journals/ieee-tnsm/cfp/resilient-communi... https://www.comsoc.org/publications/journals/ieee-tnsm/cfp/resilient-communication-networks-hyper-connected-world_
For more information, please contact /Massimo Tornatore (//_massimo.tornatore@polimi.it mailto:massimo.tornatore@polimi.it_//)/.
*Submission guidelines *
All manuscripts and any supplementary material should be submitted through the IEEE ManuscriptCentral service located at: _http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tnsm http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tnsm__ _Authors must indicate in the submission system that their manuscript is intended for the “Resilient Communication Networks for an Hyper-Connected World” special issue.
*Guest editors *
Massimo Tornatore, /Politecnico di Milano, Italy (Lead)/
Teresa Gomes, /University of Coimbra, Portugal (Co-Lead)/
Carmen Mas-Machuca, /University of the Bundeswehr Munich (UniBw), Germany/
Eiji Oki, /Kyoto University, Japan /
Chadi Assi, /Concordia University, Canada/
Dominic Schupke/, Airbus, Germany/
*Important dates *
Paper submission date: /Nov. 1st, 2024 Nov 20^th , 2024/
First round decision notification: /Feb. 21st, 2025 /
Second Round decision notification*: /June 15th, 2025/
Publication date**: /Sept. Oct. 1st, 2025/
/(*Second round decision notification can be subject to changes on an article-by-article case)/
/(** Online published version will be available in IEEE Xplore with the final DOI immediately after the camera ready version has //been submitted) // /
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Lars Wolf