Fwd: [Cost290] [CFP Elsevier Computer Networks]: Special Issue on “Mobile Wireless Networks”

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Cost290] [CFP Elsevier Computer Networks]: Special Issue on “Mobile Wireless Networks” Datum: Fri, 17 Apr 2015 17:33:03 +0000 Von: Ivan.Ganchev Ivan.Ganchev@ul.ie An: cost290@cs.tut.fi cost290@cs.tut.fi
CFP Elsevier Computer Networks, IF 1.282 (2013), 5-year IF 1.871 (2013)
Special Issue on “Mobile Wireless Networks”
Wireless networks of moving objects have drawn significant attention recently. These types of networks consist of a number of autonomous or semi-autonomous wireless nodes/objects moving with diverse patterns and speeds while communicating via several radio interfaces simultaneously. Examples of such objects include smartphones and other user mobile devices, robots, cars, unmanned aerial vehicles, sensors, actuators, etc., which are connected in some way to each other and to the Internet. With every object acting as a networking node generating, relaying and/or absorbing data, these networks may serve as a supplementary infrastructure for the provision of smart, ubiquitous, highly contextualized and customized services and applications available anytime-anywhere-anyhow. Achieving this will require global interworking and interoperability amongst objects, which is not typical today. To overcome current shortcomings, a number of research challenges have to be addressed in this area, ranging from initial conceptualization and modelling, to protocols and architectures engineering, and development of suitable tools, applications and services, and to the elaboration of realistic use-case scenarios by taking into account also corresponding societal and economical aspects.
The goal of this special issue is to bring together the state-of-the-art research contribution that describes original and unpublished work addressing the wireless communications and networking issues to support moving objects. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
WiNeMO Techno-Business Models WiNeMO Performance Modeling and Evaluation Protocols and Architectures for Moving Objects M2M Aspects of WiNeMO Synergy and Cooperation in Heterogeneous Networks WiNeMO Security Issues Applications and Services for Moving Objects WiNeMO Testbeds, Prototypes, and Practical Systems WiNeMO Case Studies Societal and Economical Aspects of WiNeMO
Submission Details
All received submissions will be sent out for peer review by three experts in the field and be evaluated with respect to the relevance to this special issue, level of innovation, depth of contribution, and quality of presentation. The Guest Editors will make an initial determination of the suitability and scope for all submissions. Papers that either lack originality or clarity in presentation will not be sent for review and the authors will be promptly informed in such cases. Submitted papers must not be under consideration by other journals, publications or conferences.
Authors should follow the Computer Networks manuscript format described below at the journal site:http://www.elsevier.com/journals/computer-networks/1389-1286/guide-for-autho.... The submission must be clearly written and in excellent English, with a maximum page limit of 20 pages. If the paper was published in a conference, the submitted manuscript must be a substantial extension of the conference paper. In this case, authors are also required to submit their published conference articles and a summary document explaining the enhancements made in the journal version. Manuscripts should be submitted on line through http://ees.elsevier.com/comnet/ and select "Mobile Wireless Nets" as the article type.
Important Dates:
Paper Submission Due: 30 July 2015 First Round Notification: 15 October 2015 Revised Paper Submission: 15 November, 2015 Final author notification: 15 December, 2015 Tentative Publication Date: 1st quarter, 2016
Guest Editors:
· Marilia Curado, Department of Informatics Engineering, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal (marilia@dei.uc.ptmailto:marilia@dei.uc.pt)
· Ivan Ganchev, Telecommunications Research Centre, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland (ivan.ganchev@ul.iemailto:ivan.ganchev@ul.ie)
· Andreas Kassler, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Karlstads Universitet, Karlstad, Sweden (andreas.kassler@kau.semailto:andreas.kassler@kau.se)
· Yevgeni Koucheryavy, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland (yk@cs.tut.fimailto:yk@cs.tut.fi)
Best regards, Ivan Ganchev, DipEng, PhD, SMIEEE, ITU-T (Invited Expert) Deputy Director Telecommunications Research Centre (TRC) University of Limerick Limerick IRELAND
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Lars Wolf