[Fwd: [acf-members] CFP: 5th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing, 2008]
-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [acf-members] CFP: 5th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing, 2008 Datum: Mon, 17 Sep 2007 11:50:48 +0100 Von: Simon Dobson simon.dobson@ucd.ie Antwort an: acf-members@autonomic-communication-forum.org, Simon Dobson simon.dobson@ucd.ie An: acf-members@autonomic-communication-forum.org, acf-bod@cs.tcd.ie, David Hutchison dh@comp.lancs.ac.uk, "James P.G. Sterbenz" jpgs@comp.lancs.ac.uk, randy@cs.Berkeley.edu, Ken Calvert calvert@netlab.uky.edu CC: Simon Dobson simon.dobson@ucd.ie
[Colleagues: We would be grateful if you would distribute the attached widely -- Simon]
The 5th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing Chicago, IL, USA June, 2008
Call for papers
To deal with the increasing business, system, and technical complexity of computing systems, devices, networks and applications must learn to manage themselves in accordance with high-level guidance from humans -- a vision that has been referred to as autonomic computing. Meeting the grand challenges of autonomic computing requires significant scientific and technological advances in a wide variety of fields, as well as new software and system architectures that support the integration of these new technologies.
The purpose of the 5th International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC-08) is to bring together researchers and practitioners to address all aspects of self-management in computing systems. In doing so, we will continue to develop and nurture a growing community that can work together to realize the vision of scalable self-managing systems. The conference builds on previous highly influential meetings in New York, Seattle, Dublin and Jacksonville.
Papers are solicited on a broad array of topics of relevance to autonomic computing. In particular, this conference will focus on three areas: networking applications of autonomic technologies, semantic reasoning as used in autonomic devices, systems and applications, and research and/or reports on prototype systems or experiences. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Autonomic computing systems that exhibit autonomic characteristics, such as self-configuration, self-optimization, self-healing, self-protection, and self-governance. * Fundamental scientific aspects of self-managing systems: understanding, controlling, and/or exploiting emergent behavior; methods to automate manual operations; implementation of new device, network and system functionality; behavior orchestration. * Software architectures for self-managing systems, based on appropriate supporting technologies such as Grid Services, agent-based systems, Web Services, model-based systems or novel paradigms such as biological, economic or social computing. * System-level technologies, middleware or services that entail interactions among two or more elements of self-managing components, devices and systems. * Toolkits, environments, models, languages, runtime and compiler technologies for building self-managing components, systems and applications. * Self-managing components, such as server, storage, network, mobile device, data center or specific application elements. Emphasis should be placed on techniques or lessons that may generalized to other components. * Interfaces to autonomic systems, including user interfaces, mechanisms for controlling behavior, and techniques for defining, distributing, and understanding policies. * Applications of autonomic systems with respect to future Internet and other next generation architectures. * Experiences with autonomic systems or component prototypes: measurements, evaluations, or analyses of system behavior, user studies, or experiences with large-scale deployments of self- managing systems or applications. * General management topics, such as minimization of power/energy consumption, modeling of communications entities (e.g., SLAs), negotiation/conversation support, behavior enforcement, tie in with IT governance, and legacy system support.
Full papers (a maximum of 10 pages in length) and posters (2 pages) are invited on a wide variety of topics relating to autonomic computing as indicated above. All manuscripts will be reviewed and judged on merits including correctness, originality, technical strength, quality of presentation, and relevance to the conference themes. Submitted papers must include original work, and may not be under consideration for another conference or journal. They should also not be under review or be submitted to another forum during the ICAC-08 review process. Posters are not subject to any of these restrictions. Authors should submit full papers or posters electronically (PDF or postscript) via EDAS using the link on the ICAC-08 conference web site, and should follow IEEE CS format - style files can be found at ftp://pubftp.computer.org/Press/Outgoing/ proceedings/. Accepted papers and posters will appear in proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society Press, which will be distributed at the conference.
Submissions will be accepted in electronic form through the EDAS system (http://www.edas.info, conference identifier 'ICAC-08') only. Questions may be addressed to the program chairs.
ICAC-08 welcomes proposals for co-located workshops on specific topics of general interest to the autonomic computing community. Workshops are expected to publish proceedings, and should cover areas that may not be addressed in sufficient detail in the main scientific program.
ICAC-08 will feature a demonstration and exhibition session consisting of prototypes and technology artifacts such as demonstrating autonomic software or autonomic computing principles. Entries will be judged by a separate subcommittee led by the demo/ exhibit chair. Please see the conference web site for more information.
A student best paper award will be presented, consisting of a commemorative plaque, complimentary student registration to the conference and an honorarium that will partially cover travel & hotel costs. (A student paper is defined as one in which the principal (not sole) author is a student.) The student will be required to present the paper to receive the award.
Full paper: 08:00 GMT, Dec 7, 2007 Workshop proposals: Mar 3, 2008 Demo/Exhibit proposals: Mar 3, 2008 Author notification: Feb 25, 2008 Final manuscripts: April 7, 2008
General Chairs: Jose Fortes Univ. of Florida, USA Kumar Goswami HP Labs, USA
Programme Chairs: John Strassner Motorola Labs, USA (john.strassner@motorola.com) Simon Dobson UCD Dublin, IE (simon.dobson@ucd.ie)
participants (1)
Lars Wolf