Fwd: [Tccc] Call for Demonstrations at IEEE PerCom 2011

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] Call for Demonstrations at IEEE PerCom 2011 Datum: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 18:23:23 -0400 Von: Damla Turgut turgut@eecs.ucf.edu An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Demonstrations
Ninth IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications PerCom 2011 (http//www.percom.org/)
Seattle, USA, March 21 - 25, 2011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **** Submission Deadline --- October 31, 2010 ****
Sponsored by
IEEE, IEEE Computer Society The University of Texas at Arlington --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PerCom 2011 will provide a high profile, leading edge forum for researchers and engineers to present their latest research in the field of pervasive computing and communications.
Real experimentation has proven to be a fundamental methodology to evaluate pervasive computing and communication systems. Early prototyping is an outstanding way to understand real user requirements and help adoption of pervasive technologies by the mass market.
The demo session showing real-systems prototypes at work will naturally complement the technical session, thus stimulating discussions among attendees.
Demonstration proposals from both academia and industry are sought.
Authors of all accepted demos will be invited to:
- Provide a SHORT DEMO PAPER (3 pages) describing the demo features. - Short demo papers will be included in the PerCom proceedings. - PerCom 2011 will grant one "Best Demo Award" based on both technical contribution and innovation. - At least one author of each accepted demo is required to register and present their demo at the conference.
Submission Guidelines:
Demo proposals must show a significant relevance to pervasive computing and networking. The page limit is 3 IEEE conference proceedings format 2-column pages (including references, figures and tables, at least 10pt font). All submitted papers will undergo a rigorous review process.
Demo proposals must describe the demo research framework, and what PerCom attendees will be able to enjoy and experiment. The proposal MUST also include the technical requirements for the demo. These pieces of information will be taken into consideration, together with the technical value of the proposed demo, in the review process to ensure the demo feasibility within the PerCom program and the potential impact on the attendees.
Demo proposals must be submitted as a SINGLE PDF FILE via e-mail to the demo co-chairs (ankurt@uw.edu and bodhip@microsoft.com), with Subject: PerCom 2011 Demo Submissions.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Ad Hoc networks for pervasive communications - Autonomic computing and communications - Context aware computing - Enabling technologies (e.g., wireless BAN, PAN) - Low power and green pervasive computing - Middleware services and agent technologies - Mobile/Wireless computing systems and services in pervasive computing - Novel/innovative pervasive computing applications - Pervasive computing and communication architectures - Pervasive computing in the automotive domain - Pervasive computing in healthcare - Pervasive computing in social settings - Pervasive opportunistic communications and applications - Pervasive sensing, perception and semantic interpretation - Positioning and tracking technologies - Programming paradigms for pervasive systems - Sensor and RFID in pervasive systems - Smart devices and intelligent environments - Social networks and pervasive computing - Trust, security and privacy issues in pervasive systems - User interfaces and interaction models - Virtual immersive communications - Wearable computers
Important Dates:
Submission deadline: October 31, 2010 Acceptance notification: January 7, 2011 Camera-ready deadline: January 22, 2011 Conference date: March 21 – March 25, 2010
IEEE PerCom 2010 Demo Co-Chairs:
Ankur Teredesai, University of Washington at Tacoma, USA Bodhi Priyantha, Microsoft, USA
For inquiries and further details regarding relevant areas contact the demo co-chairs at ankurt@uw.edu and bothip@microsoft.com
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf