Fwd: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] CFP: WIDECOM 2019 conference, University of Milan, Italy, Feb. 11-13, 2019

-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -------- Von: Isaac Hayes ihayes766@GMAIL.COM Gesendet: 16. Juni 2018 06:27:38 MESZ An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] CFP: WIDECOM 2019 conference, University of Milan, Italy, Feb. 11-13, 2019
*International Conference on **W**ireless, **I**ntelligent, and **D**istributed **E**nvironment *
*for **COM**munication** (WIDECOM 2019)*, University of Milan, Italy, Feb. 11-13, 2019
*(Submissions deadline **July 1, 2018**) *
This conference solicits papers addressing issues related to new dependability paradigms, design
and performance of dependable network computing and mobile systems, as well issues related
to the security of these systems. Topics include, but not limited to:
- Wireless communication protocols and mobile networks - Ubiquitous Knowledge Discovery - Mobile and ubiquitous computing - Distributed systems - Intelligent mobile systems - Architectures and middleware for mobile device integration - Location-based computing and data analysis - Intelligent sensors in networked environments - Cooperative mobile robots, embedded applications - Energy-efficient protocols - Routing and broadcasting - Automatic dynamic decision-making - Distributed, randomized, and self-stabilizing algorithms - Fault tolerant data structures and network coverage - Internet of Things design, architectures and protocols - Opportunistic networks - Cognitive wireless networks: (interference modeling, dynamic spectrum access, power and admission control, spectrum management and trading, cognitive MAC - protocols, performance modelling and optimization) - Hardware security methods for mobile applications - Security methods for network computing and mobile systems - Secure network communication - Trust, privacy and security in networks and cloud systems - 5G cellular networks (spectrum/resource management, coexistence, - distributed wireless access, scheduling, network selection, cloud-RAN, - mobility/handoff management) - Resource management in multi-tier cellular wireless networks - Machine learning and its applications to 5G networks
Paper preparation using Word or LaTex template, see:
Short papers should be up to *8 pages* maximum including references AND regular papers should be
up to *20 pages* maximum including references.
The submission page for WIDECOM 2019 through EasyChair system is:
All accepted papers will be included in Springer Series: *Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and *
*Communications Technologies*, for indexing in SCOPUS, EI Compendex, MetaPress, ISI Proceedings, Springerlink, and DBLP. Selected papers will be considered for publication in *Special Issue of the **International Journal of Space-Based and Situated Computing (IJSSC), Inderscience, UK; **Special Issue of the International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing (IJGUC), Inderscience, UK, **and Special Issue of **Internet of Things; Engineering Cyber Physical Human Systems, Elsevier*
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/
participants (1)
Lars Wolf