Fwd: [InternetTC] Cfp ACM MobiHoc 2024

-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -------- Von: Anna Maria Vegni annamaria.vegni@UNIROMA3.IT Gesendet: 1. März 2024 20:29:48 MEZ An: itc@COMSOC.ORG Betreff: [InternetTC] Cfp ACM MobiHoc 2024
****************************************************** Our apologizes for multiple copies of this email ****************************************************** ACM MobiHoc 2024: Oct 7-10, 2024, Athens, Greece https://www.sigmobile.org/mobihoc/2024/ Call for Papers ACM MobiHoc is a premier conference with a highly selective single-track technical program dedicated to addressing the challenges emerging from networked and distributed systems that must operate in the face of dynamics, ranging from changing user demands to connectivity and resource availability. Examples of such dynamic networks include wired/wireless communication networks, datacenters, Internet-of-Things and sensors, mobile autonomous systems, energy, social, and transportation networks. We encourage work that presents new performance evaluation methods, novel algorithms, or provides fundamental insights for these systems. We are interested both in innovative works in an unexplored and/or emerging topic in the broad area of networks, and in novel findings and/or new insights that build on existing works. The specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Internet-of-Things (IoT), 5G, and next-generation wireless systems * Blockchain, social networks, societal networks, and emerging networked systems * Cloud computing, edge computing, datacenter networks, and distributed computing over networks * Software Defined Networking, Network Function Virtualization, and virtual Radio Access Networks * Information-centric networking, network caching, and coded caching * Trust, security, and privacy in networks and networked systems * Coded computation and inference in networks * Incentive mechanism and interaction analysis of networked systems, network economics * Big-data analytics, machine learning for networks and networked systems, and network support to machine learning * Modeling, analysis, optimization, and control in computer and mobile networks * Networked and mobile unmanned/autonomous systems * Experimental studies on mobile networks and networked systems * Networked sensing and communication with new medium, e.g., light/acoustic/mmWave * Low power sensor protocols and energy-harvesting systems * Wearables and mobile health
Authors can keep their names on their submitted paper, i.e., submissions are not required to be double blind. Authors can also prepare technical reports that are made available on their own websites and on purely archiving organizations such as arXiv.org. However, all submissions must comply with the dual submission policy. Each paper has a chance to submit a one-page rebuttal for the reviews. All submitted papers will be considered for a Best Paper Award. A selected set of papers will be chosen for fast-tracked publication in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. Papers are expected to be direct and specific about their results, contributions, and context.
Important Dates March 24, 2024 Abstract Registration Deadline March 31, 2024 Paper Submission Deadline
General Chair
* Symeon Papavassiliou, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
TPC Chairs
* Javad Ghaderi, Columbia University, USA * Stefan Schmid, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
Kind regards, Anna Maria Vegni Publicity co-chair
____________________________________ Anna Maria Vegni, PhD
Associate Professor in Telecommunications COMLAB - Telecommunication Lab Dept. of Industrial, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering – Room 2.23 Roma Tre University Via Vito Volterra, 62 - 00146 Rome, Italy
e-mail: annamaria.vegni@uniroma3.itmailto:annamaria.vegni@uniroma3.it other: a.v.vegni@ieee.orgmailto:a.v.vegni@ieee.org, vegni@acm.orgmailto:vegni@acm.org, amvegni@bu.edumailto:amvegni@bu.edu web: http://comlab.uniroma3.it/vegni.htm mob: 0039.333.6570348 ph: 0039.06.5733.7357
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf