Fwd: [Tccc] heterWMN 2010 @ Globecom 2010

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] heterWMN 2010 @ Globecom 2010 Datum: Sat, 05 Jun 2010 21:51:21 +0200 Von: Waltenegus Dargie waltenegus.dargie@tu-dresden.de An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu
IEEE HeterWMN 2010 with Special Journal Issue @ IEEE Globecom 2010
5th IEEE International Workshop on Heterogeneous, multi-hop, wireless and mobile networks (HeterWMN 2010)
Extended versions of High quality papers will be considered for publication in the Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications
---call for paper---
The traditional centralized wireless and mobile networks are mainly based on single-hop architecture and rely on fixed infrastructure such as base stations or access points. The proliferation and deployment of radio access networks such as Wireless WANs, Wireless LANs, Wireless PANs, ad hoc networks, and wireless sensor networks with distinguishing characteristics of data rate, coverage range, power, mobility, and prices will clearly lead to a need for seamless and ubiquitous access across these various networks. Such an integrated heterogeneous environment enables a user to access a particular network depending upon the application needs and the types of radio access networks (RANs) available. The heterogeneous multi-hop wireless and mobile networks, on the other hand, provide unlimited mobility and greater flexibility but introduce a number of challenges due to dynamic network topology. The design of efficient and scalable protocols for existing multi-hop wireless and mobile networks such as wireless and mobile ad hoc networks continue to pose challenges at all the layers of networking stack. Therefore, it is necessary to aim at heterogeneous architectures and services that together provide seamless integration of single-hop as well as multi-hop mobile ad hoc networks.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together the research community in order to have a forum for discussion and technical presentations on the latest research and future research directions in heterogeneous multi-hop wireless and mobile networks. We are seeking original and previously unpublished research papers addressing theoretical and application issues in heterogeneous multi-hop wireless mobile networks.
Topics related to heterogeneous, multi-hop, wireless and mobile networks in the areas of:
* Multi-hop architectures and protocols for resource management * Quality of services (QoS) delivery * Seamless Mobility * Robust and scalable routing protocols * MAC protocols supporting mobility and vertical handover * Self-configuration and synchronization * Security * Topology control and management * Mobility models and location management * Cross-layer design and interactions * Modeling and performance evaluation * Algorithms for localization and signal processing * Implementation testbeds * Operating systems and middleware
* Waltenegus Dargie, Technical University of Dresden, Germany * Anup Kumar, University of Louisville, USA
Important Dates
* Submission due: July 2, 2010 (Friday) * Decision notification due: August 13, 2010 (Friday) * Camera-ready and registration due: Aug 31, 2010 (Tuesday)
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf