[Tccc] [WISTP2008] Second Call for Papers

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Workshop in Information Security Theory and Practices 2008: Smart Devices, Convergence and Next Generation Networks
May 13-16, 2008, Sevilla, Spain
Workshop URL: http://wistp2008.xlim.fr/
******************************************************* WISTP2008 is: - Co-Sponsored by IFIP WG 11.2 Small System Security - Technical sponsorship of the IEEE Systems, Man & Cybernetics Society Technical Committee on Systems Safety and Security - Technical sponsorship of the IEEE Systems, Man & Cybernetics Society Technical Committee on Information Assurance & Intelligent Multimedia-Mobile Communications - Technical sponsorship of the IEEE Region 8 - Technical sponsorship of the IEEE Spain Section, Computer Society Chapter and the Signal Processing Society + ComSoc Joint Chapter - Technical sponsorship of the IEEE UKRI Section Systems, Man & Cybernetics Society Chapter - In cooperation with the ACM SIGBED - Supported by the Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication (INSTICC) - Supported by the European Workshop on Industrial Computer Systems, Technical Committee 7, Safety, Reliability and Security
******************************************************* WISTP2008 Background and Goals: With the rapid technological development of information technologies and with the transition from the common to the next generation networks, computer systems and especially embedded systems are becoming more mobile and ubiquitous, increasingly interfacing with the physical world. Ensuring the security of these complex and yet, resource constraint systems has emerged as one of the most pressing challenges. Another important challenge is related to the convergence of these new technologies. The aim of this second workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners in related areas and to encourage interchange and cooperation between the research community and the industrial/consumer community. The workshop will consist of technical paper presentations, one special session for student papers and six invited talks.
******************************************************* Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
A. Smart Devices * Biometrics, National ID cards * Embedded Systems Security and TPMs * Interplay of TPMs and Smart Cards * Mobile Codes Security * Mobile Devices Security * New Applications for Secure RFID Systems * RFID Systems Security * Smart Card Security * Smart Devices Applications * Wireless Sensor Node Security
B. Convergence: Security Architectures, Protocols, Policies and Management for Mobility * Critical Infrastructure (e.g. for Medical or Military Applications) Security * Digital Rights Management (DRM) * Distributed Systems and Grid Computing Security * Industrial and Multimedia Applications * Information Assurance and Trust Management * Intrusion Detection and Information Filtering * Localization Systems Security (Tracking of People and Goods) * M2M (Machine to Machine), H2M (Human to Machine) and M2H (Machine to Human) Security * Mobile Commerce Security * Public Administration and Governmental Services * Privacy Enhancing Technologies * Security Models and Architecture * Security Policies (Human-Computer Interaction and Human Behavior Impact) * Security Protocols (for Identification and Authentication, Confidentiality and Privacy, and Integrity) * Security Measurements
C. Next Generation Networks * Ad Hoc Networks Security * Delay-Tolerant Network Security * Domestic Network Security * Peer-to-Peer Networks Security * Security Issues in Mobile and Ubiquitous Networks * Security of GSM/GPRS/UMTS Systems * Sensor Networks Security * Vehicular Network Security * Wireless Communication Security: Bluetooth, NFC, WiFi, WiMAX, WiMedia, others
******************************************************* Submission Details: Authors are invited to submit original papers (written in english) not previously published nor submitted in parallel for publication to any other conference, workshop or journal. All submissions will be subjected to thorough blind review by at least three reviewers (if the paper involved a Program Committee member, the paper will be reviewed at least by five reviewers). All submitted papers should be anonymous with no author(s) names, affiliations, acknowledgements, nor obvious references. Each paper should begin with a title, a short abstract, and a list of keywords, following the template indicated by Springer at: http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html The papers will be in .pdf format, at most 10 pages long excluding bibliography and well-marked appendices, and at most 14 pages long in total, using at least 11-point fonts with reasonable margins. As the reader should not be required to read any appendices, the paper should be intelligible even without them. 20 papers will be accepted for presentation at the workshop (they will be included in the proceedings) and 12 additional papers will be selected to be presented as A1 poster at the workshop (they will NOT be included in the proceedings). If a submitted paper is mainly the result of the work of a student author, this paper could have the chance to be selected as "Best student paper" (even if the paper has been written with senior co-authors). To participate to this selection process, please add the word "STUDENT" in the affiliation field in the submission form. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register with the Conference and present the paper. For authors presenting multiple papers, one normal registration is valid for up to two papers. For electronic paper submission please use the following URL: http://wistp2008.xlim.fr/wistp2008/iChair/ The secure version is not yet available https://wistp2008.xlim.fr/wistp2008/iChair/ For further inquiries, please contact the secretariat at wistp2008sec@xlim.fr
Workshop Proceedings: Like for the first edition, accepted papers will be included in the workshop proceedings, that should be published by Springer in their LNCS series. Camera-ready versions of the papers should not exceed 10 pages excluding bibliography and well-marked appendices (14 pages in total) and must comply with the "Authors Instructions" that can be found at: http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html We plan to index the proceedings to the DBLP, ISI Proceedings and Inspec.
******************************************************* Awards: * Best student paper: 800€ * Best workshop paper: 800€ + the Handbook of Computer Networks * Best innovative technology: 800€ * Each speaker of a selected papers will receive a kit containing a smart card reader, a card and several software
******************************************************* Important Dates: - Intention of submission: ASAP. Send a mail to wistp2008sec@xlim.fr - Intention of attendance: ASAP. Send a mail to wistp2008sec@xlim.fr - Paper submission: January 20th, 2008 (23h59 UTC) - Notification: February 20th, 2008 - Author Registration: March 3rd, 2008 - Camera-ready papers: March 5th, 2008
******************************************************* WISTP2008 Committees and Chairs:
##### General chairs ##### * Jose Onieva. Computer Science Department, University of Malaga, Spain * Damien Sauveron. XLIM, University of Limoges, France
- Local organisers: * Diego Lopez. Red.es - RedIRIS, Spain * Javier Lopez. Computer Science Department, University of Malaga, Spain
##### Workshop/panel/tutorial chair ##### * Konstantinos Markantonakis. ISG-SCC, Royal Holloway University of London, UK
##### Publicity chairs ##### * Claudio Ardagna. Department of Information Technologies, University of Milan, Italy * Samia Bouzefrane. CEDRIC, CNAM, France * Joonsang Baek. Cryptography and Security Department of Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), Singapore
##### Program chairs ##### * Serge Chaumette. LaBRI, University Bordeaux 1, France * Dieter Gollmann. Security in Distributed Applications, Institutes of the TU Hamburg-Harburg, Germany
##### Program Committee ##### * Rafael Accorsi. IIG, University of Freiburg, Germany * Manfred Aigner. IAIK, Technical University Graz, Austria * François Arnault. XLIM, University of Limoges, France * Ioannis G. Askoxylakis. FORTH-ICS, Greece * Christophe Bidan. SSIR, Supélec, France * Pierre-François Bonnefoi. XLIM, University of Limoges, France * Stefano Campadello. Nokia Research Center, Finland * Sajal K. Das. CReWMaN, The University of Texas at Arlington, USA * Mads Dam. KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden * Estíbaliz Delgado, European Software Institute (ESI), Spain * Tassos Dimitriou. Athens Information Technology, Greece * Boris Dragovic. CREATE-NET, Italy * Pierre Dusart. XLIM, University of Limoges, France * Eduardo Fernández-Medina Patõn. Alarcos Research Group, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain * Theodoulos Garefalakis. Department of Mathematics, University of Crete, Greece * Stefanos Gritzalis. Info-Sec-Lab, University of the Aegean, Greece * Olivier Heen. Security Laboratory, Thomson R&D, France * Jaap-Henk Hoepman. TNO and Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands * Sotiris Ioannidis. FORTH-ICS & University of Crete, Greece * Sokratis Katsikas. Dept. of Technology Education & Digital Systems, University of Piraeus, Greece * Evangelos Kranakis. Carleton University, Canada * Jean-Louis Lanet. XLIM, University of Limoges, France * Christian Laforest. IBISC, University of Evry, France * Deok-Gyu Lee. Information Security Technoogy Division, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Korea * Javier Lopez. Computer Science Department, University of Malaga, Spain * Konstantinos Markantonakis. ISG-SCC, Royal Holloway University of London, UK * Fabio Martinelli. Information Security Group, IIT-CNR, Italy * Keith Mayes. ISG-SCC, Royal Holloway University of London, UK * Jan de Meer. smartspacelab.eu, Brandenburg Technical University (BTU), Germany * Sjouke Mauw. SATOSS of Computer Science and Communications, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg * Rolf Oppliger. eSECURITY Technologies, Switzerland * Pierre Paradinas. INRIA/CEDRIC, CNAM, France * Jong Hyuk Park. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kyungnam University, Korea * Erik Poll. SOS (Security of Systems) group of the Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands * Joachim Posegga. Security in Distributed Systems, University of Hamburg, Germany * Jean-Jacques Quisquater. DICE, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium * Kai Rannenberg. Chair of Mobile Commerce and Multilateral Security, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany * Konstantinos Rantos. GSPAEG at the Hellenic Ministry of Interior, Public Administration and Decentralisation, Greece * Pierangela Samarati. Department of Information Technologies, University of Milan, Italy * Damien Sauveron. XLIM, University of Limoges, France * Willy Susilo. CCISR, University of Wollongong, Australia * Michael Tunstall. Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University College Cork, Ireland * Paulo Jorge Esteves Veríssimo. University of Lisboa, Portugal
##### Steering committee ##### * Angelos Bilas. FORTH-ICS & University of Crete, Greece * Konstantinos Markantonakis. ISG-SCC, Royal Holloway University of London, UK * Jean-Jacques Quisquater. DICE, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium * Damien Sauveron. XLIM, University of Limoges, France
******************************************************* Keynote Speakers: - TBA
******************************************************* Opportunities for students: To help the students looking for a PhD thesis or a postdoctoral position, we will propose them to add a colorized sticker on their badge. In the same way, we will propose to persons offering these positions to add a sticker with a different color. We hope this mechanism will help to support the exchanges between young and senior researchers.
******************************************************* Thanks to our main sponsors: Elopsys Limousin Expansion Nokia SCM Microsystems WILEY
******************************************************* We hope you will be interested by this event. For further inquiries, please contact the secretariat at wistp2008sec@xlim.fr
participants (1)
Damien Sauveron