[Fwd: CFP: IEEE Portable-2007]
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: CFP: IEEE Portable-2007 Date: Mon, 05 Dec 2005 20:48:41 +0000 From: Prof Algirdas Pakstas a.pakstas@londonmet.ac.uk To: commsoft@IEEE.ORG, multicomm@comsoc.org CC: gabejakobson@earthlink.net, mask@ktl.mii.lt, s.nenov@uctm.edu, kabacins@ET.PUT.Poznan.PL, j.m.h.elmirghani@swansea.ac.uk, mguizani@cs.wmich.edu, taos@comsoc.org, jonas@lema.lt, f.wang@Cranfield.ac.uk, WEY007@unl.ac.uk, Olegas Vasilecas Olegas.Vasilecas@fm.vtu.lt, "Vladimir A. Oleshchuk" Vladimir.Oleshchuk@hia.no, Virkovski@iba.by, inta@inta.lt, Dziugas Juknys dziugas@infobalt.lt, zvirblis@infobalt.lt, Mara Jakobsone mara.j@dtmedia.lv, Andrzej Jajszczyk jajszczyk@kt.agh.edu.pl, "Prof. Dr. Imre J. Rudas" rudas@bmf.hu, Rimas Juskaitis rimas.juskaitis@eng.ox.ac.uk, Rimvydas Ruksenas rimvydas@dcs.qmul.ac.uk, j.cook@londonmet.ac.uk, COLLYER Ms Jennifer j.collyer@londonmet.ac.uk, "Martin Wright" m.wright@londonmet.ac.uk, e.moschini@londonmet.ac.uk, stasysr@ktl.mii.lt
Dear All,
Please circulate attached CFP (sorry for possible cross-postings).
-- Algirdas Pakstas, IEEE Portable-2007 Technical Program Co-Chair =========================================== PORTABLE-2007 IEEE International Workshop on Portable Information Devices (PIDs): Joint IEEE @ CTIA Wireless 2007 Interdisciplinary Intersociety Event Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Florida, March 25-29, 2007
CALL FOR PARTICIPATION “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” Arthur C. Clarke- Science Fiction Author
The emergence of, and progress in, Portable Information Devices (PIDs) have revolutionized the telecommunications, information engineering, and entertainment systems of this decade and have become an essential part of our everyday life and business culture. PIDs allow vastly enhanced lifestyles from basics like reading, taking notes, or listening to music, to crunching numbers, watching video, and keeping up with news and sports events on the go. Today’s PIDs include cellular phones, palm-sized personal digital assistants, medical devices, intelligent clothing, iPODs, and others. Some devices have built-in organizers for to-do and shopping lists, scheduling and appointments, phone numbers, address book, customer contacts, even games, and video display. Both hardware and software are equally important in the design, use and reliability of these devices which should be easy to handle and operate, and last for a long time.
PORTABLE 2007 will bring together electrical, materials, mechanical, optical, reliability, industrial and manufacturing engineers and business leaders involved or interested in various types of PIDs, and address and discuss the state-of-the-art, challenges, attributes and pitfalls in PID related areas of engineering and applied science, with an emphasis on the interaction of the hardware and software in the PIDs, as well as on their functional and physical (mechanical) performance, reliability and durability.
PORTABLE 2007 is a program attribute of IEEE @ CTIA Wireless 2007, an umbrella, collocated event sponsored by the IEEE New Technology Directions Committee (NTDC), Communications Society (ComSoc), Broadcast Technology Society (BTS), Computer Society (CS), and Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology Society (CPMTS). PORTABLE 2007 is technically co-sponsored by the University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC) and the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS). We are seeking the cooperation with, and participation of, several non-IEEE societies and government agencies. Call for Papers Scope: PORTABLE 2007 is looking for technical paper contributions (initially, in the form of extended abstracts, and then in the form of full-length papers), coupled with tutorial, panel discussion, and demonstration (trade show type) proposals on the different aspects of the Portable Information Device engineering, including, but not limited to, the following topics, standards, technologies and areas (directions): Topics: Cell Phones; “Smart” Cell Phones (containing ICs); Medical Devices; Intelligent Clothing; Portable Digital Assistants (PDAs); Portable Musical Devices (MP3 Players); Portable Video Devices; Portable Multimedia Devices; Global Positioning Systems (GPS); Handheld (“Wearable”) Computers (HHC); Multi-function entertainment and communication terminals. Standards: “Digital Video Broadcast, Hand-Held” (DVBH); Reliability and Quality Standards Technologies: New and Emerging PID Technologies; Wireless Technologies (antennas, RF Circuits, Signal Processing, Security); Microwave Technologies; Input/Output (user interfaces, displays); Distributed Networking (peer-to-peer, wireline-wireless); Battery/Power (micro fuel cells, others): Sensors; Display Technologies Areas (Directions): Packaging, Physics, and Mechanics of various PIDs; Functional (electrical, optical) Design; Physical (mechanical) Design; Manufacturing; Mobile Devices and Related Areas; Materials (and, particular, Nano- and Polymeric Materials); Reliability and Performance in Harsh Environments; Hardware/Software Interaction; Power Generation, Supply and Conversion; Multi-Modal Man-Machine Communication; Anywhere/Anytime Access to Information; Voice and Image Recognition and Processing; Audio and Video Processing; Shock Protection; Bio-Medical Applications; Nanotechnology Applications; Advanced Experimental Techniques, Experimental Evaluations and Testing; Predictive Modeling; Economics and Business Related problems; Government/Regulatory; Homeland Security Related Issues; Impact on the Society and other Social Areas; Home Entertainment Systems and Networks.
Duration and Content: Eight half-day tutorials (short courses) will be held on Sunday, March 25, the day preceding the workshop. Key-note presentations, invited talks, technical sessions and business-related panel discussions will be held on Monday through Wednesday, March 26-28. An IEEE Pavilion featuring technology exhibits and demonstrations will be open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, March 27-29.
Anticipated Attendance: 150-200 participants.
Chairs: General Co-Chairs: Ephraim Suhir (University of California, USA), Curtis Siller (IEEE ComSoc President, USA), Tom Gurley (IEEE BTS President, USA) Administrative Assistants: Nicole Tom (UCSC, USA), Heather Yu (Panasonic, USA) Technical Program Co-Chairs: Kanji Otsuka (Meisei Univ., Japan), Algirdas Pakstas (LONDONMET, UK), Claire Gu (UCSC, USA), Rolf Aschenbrenner (Fraunhofer Institute, Germany), Hideo Itoh (AIST, Japan), Ton-Yan Tee (STMicroelectronics, Singapore) Keynote/Panel Sessions Co-Chairs: Ephraim Suhir (UCSC, USA) and David Whalley (Loughborrough Univ., UK) Tutorial (Short Course) Co-Chairs: John Emerson (Sandia National Laboratories, USA), Ramesh Harjani (University of Minnesota, USA), Demin Wang (Communications Research Center, Canada), Yiyan Wu (Communications Research Center, Canada) Publicity Co-Chairs: Michael Kincaid (IEEE ComSoc, USA), Joseph Fjelstad (SiliconPipe, Inc, USA), David Whalley (Loughborrough Univ., UK), Mario El-Khoury (CSEM, Switzerland) Publications Co-Chairs: Ephraim Suhir (UCSC, USA), Heather Yu (Panasonic, USA) Exhibits/Demonstrations Chair: Brian Bigalke (IEEE ComSoc, USA) Webmaster: Brian Bigalke (IEEE ComSoc, USA), Paul Wesling (CPMT Soc., USA) Liason with other IEEE and non-IEEE Organizations and Societies: Ephraim Suhir (UCSC, USA) Local Hosts: David Flinchbaugh and Michael Miller (both IEEE Orlando Chapter)
Organizing Committee Members (Partial List): Joe Barrett (Intel, USA), Phil Chan (HKUST, Hong Kong), George McClure (IEEE, USA), Rich Cox (AT@T, USA), Steve Diamond (IEEE, USA), Mario El-Khoury (CSEM, Switzerland), Alex Gelman (Panasonic, USA), Reza Ghaffarian (NASA, USA), William Gruver (Intelligent Robotics Corporation, USA), Ronald Kelley (Motorola, USA), Jorma Kivilahti (HUT, Finland), Ricky Lee (HKUST, Hong Kong), Robert Lorenz (IEEE, USA), Petri Mahonen (MOBNETS, Germany), Louis Manzione (Lucent, Ireland), Wataru Nakayama (Japan), Shlomo Novotny (AAVID, USA), Kanji Otsuka (EI MEISEI-U, Japan), CP Wong (Georgia Tech, USA), Heather Yu (Panasonic, USA), Richard Ziolkowski (Univ. of Arizona, USA).
Abstract Submission: Extended abstracts written in English should consist of a minimum 1000 words and a maximum of 1500 words, with relevant figures and tables describing results. Abstracts should include the following sections: 1) background/incentive/motivation; 2) objective(s); 3) approach; 4) major results; 5) conclusions and recommendations; 6) future work; 7) references. The abstracts will be reviewed by the Technical Program Committee. The preliminary decision on including a talk into the Workshop program will be based on the submitted abstract. The final decision will be made based on the full-length (typically 6-page long) paper. IEEE Placeholder features the process for authors to submit abstracts and full-length papers
-- With friendly greetings,
Professor Algirdas Pak?tas, DrTech, PhD, MSc, SMIEEE, MACM, MNYAS Departmental Research Manager London Metropolitan University - North Campus Dept. Computing, Communications Technology and Mathematics Eden Grove Building, 2-16 Eden Grove, London N7 8EA, England Tel.: +44-(0)20-71337028 (direct line), +44-(0)20-7423000 (switchboard) FAX: +44-(0)20-71337053 E-mail: a.pakstas@londonmet.ac.uk URL: http://www.londonmet.ac.uk/depts/cctm/ IEEE ComSoc Director - Sister Societies (2002-2003) IEEE Sister Societies Board (2004-2005)
participants (1)
Lars Wolf