[Fwd: CHANTS 2007: Call for Posters]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: CHANTS 2007: Call for Posters Datum: Mon, 16 Jul 2007 19:51:12 +0300 Von: Jörg Ott jo@NETLAB.TKK.FI Antwort an: Jörg Ott jo@NETLAB.TKK.FI An: SIGMOBILE-MEMBERS@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG
Second Workshop on Challenged Networks (CHANTS) 2007 ====================================================
Co-located with Mobicom 2007, 14 September 2007, Montreal, QC, Canada
Challenged networks are characterized by a heterogeneous mix of nodes and widely varying network conditions. Nodes in today's challenged networks often include mobile nodes, space-based nodes, sensor/actuator nodes and other devices. Performance of the network paths interconnecting such nodes can be highly varying in terms of bandwidth, latency, disruption characteristics and security requirements. Conventional Internet access in performance-limited environments such as developing countries can also be regarded as challenged networks as can be ad-hoc communication between personal devices.
The Internet protocol architecture suffers some problems when used in a challenged network setting. For example, when disconnection and reconnection is common or link performance is highly variable or extreme, one or more of the traditional Internet protocols do not work well. In this workshop following CHANTS 2006 and WDTN 2005, we wish to explore ongoing efforts in dealing with physical networks that operate significantly differently from wired, connected networks and the protocol architectures and algorithms used to deal with such situations. Techniques for making applications tolerant to disruptions and/or high delays are also in scope.
In addition to the workshop program consisting presentations and demonstrations, we seek poster presentations discussing recent (possibly early) research results. Poster presentations with accompanying demonstrations are encouraged. Such demo proposals shall present recent practical results from the area of challenged networks. Demo proposals should include one additional page describing the precise setup and requirements.
Poster and poster abstracts will be published on the CHANTS 2007 web page.
Submission Format -----------------
Poster abstracts must be at most 2 pages in size with a font size not smaller than 10pt.
Please email the PDF version of your abstract to both co-chairs using the subject "CHANTS poster submission":
jo@netlab.tkk.fi krash@bbn.com
Important Dates ---------------
Poster abstract submission: 2 August 2007 (23:59 GMT) Notification of acceptance: 12 August 2007 Final abstract due: 1 September 2007
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf